Planet maemo: category "feed:7136379a29f5707c87780892e0eda16f"


Mailing list for mafw-gst-eq-renderer

2010-03-12 12:35 UTC  by  jasuarez

Due to lot of questions that people are asking through comments in the mafw-gst-eq-renderer related posts, I have set up a new mailing list:

Feel free to join it.

Categories: Igalia
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Mailing list for mafw-gst-eq-renderer

2010-03-11 23:00 UTC  by  jasuarez

Due to lot of questions that people are asking through comments in the mafw-gst-eq-renderer related posts, I have set up a new mailing list:

Feel free to join it.

Categories: mafw

SeriesFinale for Diablo, v0.3

2010-03-09 19:14 UTC  by  jasuarez

Promises are debts, so I’ve been working on SeriesFinale for Diablo in order to finalize all features that I left unported in previous version.

So I’m happy to announce that SeriesFinale for Diablo reaches version 0.3.

Besides finalizing the port, this version also integrates all features that Joaquim provided to SeriesFinale for Fremantle v0.3.

I’ve uploaded the new version to Maemo Extras Devel, so if you have it in your repository catalogue, you’ll find SeriesFinale in the Application Manager.

Now, only a step remains to reach the head of SeriesFinale for Fremantle o/

Categories: Igalia

SeriesFinale for Diablo, v0.3

2010-03-08 23:00 UTC  by  jasuarez

Promises are debts, so I’ve been working on SeriesFinale for Diablo in order to finalize all features that I left unported in previous version.

So I’m happy to announce that SeriesFinale for Diablo reaches version 0.3.

SeriesFinale for Diablo

Besides finalizing the port, this version also integrates all features that Joaquim provided to SeriesFinale for Fremantle v0.3.

I’ve uploaded the new version to Maemo Extras Devel, so if you have it in your repository catalogue, you’ll find SeriesFinale in the Application Manager.

Now, only a step remains to reach the head of SeriesFinale for Fremantle \o/

Categories: seriesfinale

SeriesFinale for Diablo is in extras-devel

2010-03-03 12:26 UTC  by  jasuarez

Thanks to Joaquim, he has uploaded SeriesFinale for Diablo to extras-devel.

Categories: Igalia

SeriesFinale for Diablo is in extras-devel

2010-03-02 23:00 UTC  by  jasuarez

Thanks to Joaquim, he has uploaded SeriesFinale for Diablo to extras-devel.

Categories: seriesfinale

Bringing SeriesFinale to Hell

2010-02-26 15:46 UTC  by  jasuarez

So finally we have brought SeriesFinale to Hell Diablo.

Some months ago I began a port of SeriesFinale to Diablo (Maemo 4), the software that rules Nokia N8x0 series. Working on it every now and then, finally I have achieved a first version which has everything I was using from Fremantle version.

After talking with Joaquim, the original author (and also my workmate), we decided to put this port as a branch in official repository.

What will you find in this port version?

  • It is based on SeriesFinale v0.2.1
  • Some features have not been ported yet. For instance, adding series manually or edit information about episodes is not ported yet, and thus are disabled.
  • It is a multi-window application. Yes, in order to keep as much the same code as original version as possible, I ended up in a multi-window application: browsing through shows, seasons, and so on is opening different windows. Going back is as simply as closing the opened window. I know it is ugly, but my main goal was to have a functional version running in Diablo. And it does, indeed! 😉

I expect to integrate new changes in Fremantle version, and also to implement all features that remain unported.

Regarding the multiple windows issue, I need to evaluate if it is worth to change it and use just one window with some browsing widget. The main point here is that whatever I do, it should make easy to integrate new features from Fremantle version. After all, Fremantle version is the “official” one :)

Categories: Igalia

Bringing SeriesFinale to Hell

2010-02-25 23:00 UTC  by  jasuarez

So finally we have brought SeriesFinale to Hell Diablo.

Some months ago I began a port of SeriesFinale to Diablo (Maemo 4), the software that rules Nokia N8x0 series. Working on it every now and then, finally I have achieved a first version which has everything I was using from Fremantle version.

SeriesFinale for Diablo

After talking with Joaquim, the original author (and also my workmate), we decided to put this port as a branch in official repository.

What will you find in this port version?

  • It is based on SeriesFinale v0.2.1.

  • Some features have not been ported yet. For instance, adding series manually or edit information about episodes is not ported yet, and thus are disabled.

  • It is a multi-window application. Yes, in order to keep as much the same code as original version as possible, I ended up in a multi-window application: browsing through shows, seasons, and so on is opening different windows. Going back is as simply as closing the opened window. I know it is ugly, but my main goal was to have a functional version running in Diablo. And it does, indeed! :wink:

I expect to integrate new changes in Fremantle version, and also to implement all features that remain unported.

Regarding the multiple windows issue, I need to evaluate if it is worth to change it and use just one window with some browsing widget. The main point here is that whatever I do, it should make easy to integrate new features from Fremantle version. After all, Fremantle version is the “official” one :relaxed:

Categories: seriesfinale

mafw-gst-eq-renderer 0.1.2009.47-1-1 released

2010-02-19 15:19 UTC  by  jasuarez

A new version of mafw-gst-eq-renderer has been released: 0.1.2009.47-1-1.

mafw-gst-eq-renderer is a renderer plugin for MAFW, the multimedia framework used in Maemo 5. It is a fork of original MAFW renderer plugin which adds an equalizer.

This release integrates all changes from original mafw-gst-renderer v0.1.2009.47-1 plugin. So it should have all features as original (and unfortunately all bugs too).

If you want to use it with the default mediaplayer, I suggest to install MGR flavour.

Installing mafw-gst-eq-renderer

Installing mafw-gst-eq-renderer (I’m assuming you want to install MGR flavour) is very easy: download it and from a terminal, install it, uninstall original mafw-gst-renderer and reboot the device.

For those that need a detailed step by step:

  1. sudo gainroot
  2. dpkg -i mafw-gst-eq-renderer_0.1.2009.47-1-1mgr_armel.deb
  3. apt-get remove mafw-gst-renderer
  4. reboot

Uninstalling mafw-gst-eq-renderer

If for any reason you want to uninstall it, it is easy too: you must restore original mafw-gst-renderer and then remove the fork.

Again, step by step:

  1. sudo gainroot
  2. apt-get install mafw-gst-renderer mp-fremantle-generic-pr
  3. apt-get remove mafw-gst-eq-renderer
  4. reboot

After this, everything should work fine.

Categories: Igalia

MAFW renderer plugin with equalizer

2009-10-21 11:09 UTC  by  jasuarez

Reading Maemo Brainstorm I happened upon a complaint: Mediaplayer and other players do not have an equalizer. Though I don’t use equalizers very often, sometimes I did it, and I find a bit upset not having one in such cool device.

Being a MAFW development, I think MAFW can provide this feature. So I made a fork from mafw-gst-renderer, and I’m pleased to announce mafw-gst-eq-renderer, which can be summarized as mafw-gst-renderer + equalizer. It’s totally open, and you can follow its development from gitorious. It must be clear that this plugin is not part of official MAFW, but a community plugin that I did in my free time.

The main goals for this fork were adding equalizing capabilities to mafw-gst-renderer, and providing a graphical equalizer. I think both were achieved.

Both in Gitorious and Projects Maemo you can find two branches/flavours.

MTR (master branch) is the upstream development: this provides Mafw-Gst-Eq-Renderer-Plugin, which creates a Mafw-Gst-Eq-Renderer source, which is accessed through gsteqrenderer UUID. If you install it in your N900, you’ll have two renderers: the original one (mafw-gst-renderer) and the new one (mafw-gst-eq-renderer).

Unfortunately, Mediaplayer only handles mafw-gst-renderer. If you want to use mafw-gst-eq-renderer instead, you must replace mafw-gst-renderer with the MGR flavour (mafw-gst-renderer branch). It provides the same capabilities as MTR flavour, but inherits the names from mafw-gst-renderer: the plugin provided is named Mafw-Gst-Renderer-Plugin, which creates a Mafw-Gst-Renderer source that can be accessed through gstrenderer UUID. Install this flavour and remove mafw-gst-renderer and Mediaplayer will be able to use the equalizer.

Setting equalizer values is as easy as changing values in GConf. If you’re writting your own mediaplayer, you can provide your own equalizer but reading/writting gconf values. For those that doesn’t have an equalizer (like Mediaplayer) a Control Panel applet is provided. With the applet a set of predefined presets are provided, though applet allow to save user configurations.

My aim is to synchronize this development with original mafw-gst-renderer, integrating all relevant changes whenever new versions are released.

I hope you find this plugin useful.

Categories: Igalia

M&M’s issue

2009-09-08 18:09 UTC  by  jasuarez

No, I’m not going to talk about those little and tasty pieces of chocolate, but about Maemo and Multimedia :-)

If you have a fresh installation of Maemo 5 Beta2 SDK, and you have tried to play a mp3 either with MAFW or just with gst-launch, you should have noticed it doesn’t work. That’s because, as pointed out in the Developer Guide, SDK is distributed with almost no codecs, being the mp3 one of those missing codecs.

As I work with a lot of mp3 when developing MAFW, I’ve decided to put here the required package to be able to play mp3 files in the scratchbox (x86 target). Basically, it’s the same package that comes in Debian Stable, but compiled for scratchbox. Install and you’ll be able to play your mp3 collection.

Enjoy your tasty and musical environment!

Categories: Igalia

Nokia N900 released

2009-08-27 15:43 UTC  by  jasuarez

The new Nokia N900 has been announced. How does it sound? Taking in account that comes with Maemo 5 and therefore MAFW, it should sound very fine :-)

Categories: Igalia