Planet maemo: category "feed:85141068e640087e3494790d59181094"


Setting up a new development environment – Android

2012-03-25 14:03 UTC  by  dwould

It’s been a long while since I was doing any personal coding projects and even longer since the last time I gave much thought to the development environment and tools that I would use. However, that time is upon me again, I’ve had an idea for an app I’d like to develop for android. Last time I developed anything it was for maemo, for the n900. Then it was a twitter client I called ‘witter’, and I developed it mainly as an educational thing, a modern day ‘hello world’. I figured it contained just the right mix of UI, and backend services integration to make for an interesting project. As it turned out, there really weren’t many twitter options on maemo at the time, and so I got quite a lot of interest from the community in what I was developing.

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Categories: Android

Maemo: n900 to Android: HTC Desire Z

2010-11-14 14:34 UTC  by  dwould

I had toyed with the idea for a while, and even written a post some time ago suggesting that my next phone would like be an Android one. A couple of weeks ago my n900 decided to stop booting at all, and I had to send it away for repair. While it was away I borrowed a G1 from a friend, and got to spend a week with it.

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Categories: Android

Maemo Application repository – A suggestion

2010-08-14 12:30 UTC  by  dwould

One of the things which I like about Maemo is the way they arrange an application repository structure go with a development cycle of an app.

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Categories: maemo

Autonomy, mastery, purpose

2010-06-26 12:00 UTC  by  dwould

I recently watched a really interesting you tube video about drive. Eg that which motivates us.
It’s really interesting in two ways. Firstly the content is interesting to me, as it pertains to things that motivate people and what generally makes people happy in work.
The second, is that the style of the video is fantastic, it’s basically a lecture which has been put to an animation of drawing on a whiteboard, drawing pictures and words that go with what is being said. I really love this idea and it makes for a great video. So if you got this far without clicking on the link, go spent the next 10 minutes watching. It’s ok. I’ll wait.

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Categories: maemo

N900 portrait keyboard for Witter

2010-06-05 12:07 UTC  by  dwould

Recently Nokia released the much awaited pr 1.2 firmware for the N900, and among the many bug fixes and tweaks, came the ability to easily rotate applications to portrait by hitting ctrl+shift+r, then closing the keyboard and rotating to portrait. This feature had the knock on effect that I started to look seriously at portrait support in Witter, where upon I quickly found a pre-canned python module that I could just include to get persistent portrait support available from the forums

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Categories: maemo

N900 IM style notifications from python

2010-05-22 11:11 UTC  by  dwould

In the last couple of days I’ve spent several hours trawling the internet in search of an example of something I hoped would be fairly easy. How to trigger an IM/Email type notification event from python. Many people have asked that Witter do these style of notifications when a mention or DM is received. But how to do them? I had been using:
note = osso.SystemNote(self.osso_c)
result = note.system_note_infoprint(str(receive_count) + ” Tweets Received”)

to display a banner, but I could find nothing that would point me towards the style which flashes the corner menu button and shows up in the task switcher until dismissed.

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Categories: maemo

It’s no secret I am a huge fan of Nokia phones. Every mobile I’ve ever owned has been a Nokia, for over a decade no other manufacturer has come close when I’ve looked for my next phone.

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Categories: Gadgets

N900 finding its way

2010-03-21 12:01 UTC  by  dwould

The last week has seen some interesting progress for the n900. Firstly it was great to see phototranslator finally being availiable in extras-devel. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about having lost patience waiting and played with OCR myself. However phototranslator has put it together in a slick package and combines with google translate api to provide a pretty cool application.
Obviously it is of most use if you are travelling to a foriegn country, translating signs and menus as you go, but it is still interesting to play with and just show off the capabilities of the device (without having to drop to a terminal).

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Categories: maemo

Optical character recognition on the N900

2010-03-07 12:12 UTC  by  dwould

This week I decided to spend some time playing with something a little different on my n900. Namely optical character recognition.

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Categories: maemo

A long overdue refactor

2010-02-27 11:25 UTC  by  dwould

For the last couple of weeks, my time on Witter has been spent refactoring the code to be more managable. And hopefully allow easier addition of things like multiple account support.

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Categories: maemo

N900 charging from ‘dumb’ charger

2010-01-31 20:44 UTC  by  dwould

Updated 27/5/2011 – updated to reflect comment that really using 200ohm resistor is at the upper limits of spec and more likely to cause a problem than no resistor at all.

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Categories: maemo

Displaying a busy indicator on maemo python app.

2010-01-16 13:20 UTC  by  dwould

This is the post I wish existed when I was looking for how to do this simple thing. I spent hours reading around trying to figure out how to show my app is busy, but to no avail.

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Categories: maemo