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Philip Van Hoof

The bypass paywalls on a phone

2023-07-27 08:37 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Bypassing paywalls is a sport for some. And it ain’t hard for Desktop Browsers. Just install a addon in your favorite Desktop Browser.

Unfortunately this didn’t work on a Android or iPhone phone. Nor on Sailfish OS with its Android emulation. Because over there browsers like Chrome and Chromium don’t allow extensions to be installed. Firefox does have some limited support for addons, but it can’t open local XPI files. Its addon menu doesn’t contain the addon and the addon website for it sees the running browser as incompatible.

Luckily you have Kiwi Browser, which is a Chrome based browser that did not disable extensions to be installed.

Once Kiwi is installed you can go to either chrome://extensions or kiwi://extensions, enable Developer mode and then open the zip file as explained in the

ps. For Sailfish I had to install an older version of Kiwi Browser, as the most recent version doesn’t seem to work.

Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof

Improving Qt

2021-12-19 17:49 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

We are a few years further. A few years in which we all tried to make a difference.

I’m incredibly proud of my achievement of QTBUG-61928. At the time I thought I could never convince the Qt development team of changing their APIs. They did and today in Qt6 it’s all very much part of the package.

I want to thank Thiago and others. But I also think it’s a team effort. It might not be because of just me. But I still feel a little bit proud of having pushed this team just enough to make the changes.

I am now at a new Qt bug report. This time it’s about int64_t. I think that QModelIndex should be completely supporting it. Again, I think a lot. And I have a lot of opinions. But I anyway filed QTBUG-99312 for this.

Categories: Art culture
Philip Van Hoof

Qt published its New_Features in Qt 6.0.

Some noteworthy items in their list:

  • QPromise allows setting values, progress and exceptions to QFuture
  • QFuture supports attaching continuations

I like to think I had my pirate-hook in it at least a little bit with QTBUG-61928.

I need to print this out and put it above my bed:

Thiago Macieira added a comment – 13 Jul ’17 03:51 You’re right Philip Van Hoof added a comment – 13 Jul ’17 07:32 Damn, and I was worried the entire morning that I had been ranting again. Thiago Macieira added a comment – 13 Jul ’17 16:06 oh, you were ranting. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong.

Thanks for prioritizing this Thiago.

Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

I finished my earlier work on build environment examples. Illustrating how to do versioning on shared object files right with autotools, qmake, cmake and meson. You can find it here.

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Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof

Enough with the political posts!

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Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

Metaclasses, generative C++

2018-04-25 07:20 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

This is awesome:




Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine

2018-01-14 23:34 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof
Categories: Art culture
Philip Van Hoof

Asynchronous commands

2017-10-23 19:31 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

With asynchronous commands we have typical commands from the Model View ViewModel world that return asynchronously.

Whenever that happens we want result reporting and progress reporting. We basically want something like this in QML:

Item {
  id: container
  property ViewModel viewModel: ViewModel {}

  Connections {
    target: viewModel.asyncHelloCommand
    onExecuteProgressed: {
        progressBar.value = value
        progressBar.maximumValue = maximum
  ProgressBar {
     id: progressBar
  Button {
    enabled: viewModel.asyncHelloCommand.canExecute
    onClicked: viewModel.asyncHelloCommand.execute()

How do we do this? First we start with defining a AbstractAsyncCommand (impl. of protected APIs here):

class AbstractAsyncCommand : public AbstractCommand {
    AbstractAsyncCommand(QObject *parent=0);

    Q_INVOKABLE virtual QFuture<void*> executeAsync() = 0;
    virtual void execute() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
    void executeFinished(void* result);
    void executeProgressed(int value, int maximum);
    QSharedPointer<QFutureInterface<void*>> start();
    void progress(QSharedPointer<QFutureInterface<void*>> fut, int value, int total);
    void finish(QSharedPointer<QFutureInterface<void*>> fut, void* result);
    QVector<QSharedPointer<QFutureInterface<void*>>> m_futures;

After that we provide an implementation:

#include <QThreadPool>
#include <QRunnable>

#include <MVVM/Commands/AbstractAsyncCommand.h>

class AsyncHelloCommand: public AbstractAsyncCommand
    AsyncHelloCommand(QObject *parent=0);
    bool canExecute() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return true; }
    QFuture<void*> executeAsync() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
    void* executeAsyncTaskFunc();
    QSharedPointer<QFutureInterface<void*>> current;
    QMutex mutex;

#include "asynchellocommand.h"

#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>

AsyncHelloCommand::AsyncHelloCommand(QObject* parent)
    : AbstractAsyncCommand(parent) { }

void* AsyncHelloCommand::executeAsyncTaskFunc()
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
        qDebug() << "Hello Async!";
        progress(current, i, 10);
    return nullptr;

QFuture<void*> AsyncHelloCommand::executeAsync()
    current = start();
    QFutureWatcher<void*>* watcher = new QFutureWatcher<void*>(this);
    connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher<void*>::progressValueChanged, this, [=]{
        progress(current, watcher->progressValue(), watcher->progressMaximum());
    connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher<void*>::finished, this, [=]{
        void* result=watcher->result();
        finish(current, result);
    watcher->setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(this, &AsyncHelloCommand::executeAsyncTaskFunc));
    QFuture<void*> future = current->future();

    return future;

You can find the complete working example here.

Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

The RelayCommand in Qt

2017-08-24 18:57 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

A few days ago I explained how we can do MVVM techniques like ICommand in Qt.

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Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

In the .NET XAML world, you have the ICommand, the CompositeCommand and the DelegateCommand. You use these commands to in a declarative way bind them as properties to XAML components like menu items and buttons. You can find an excellent book on this titled Prism 5.0 for WPF.

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Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

I’m at home now. I don’t do non-public unpaid work. So let’s blog the example I’m making for him.

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Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof

Imagine we want an editor that has undo and redo capability. But the operations on the editor are all asynchronous. This implies that also undo and redo are asynchronous operations.

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Categories: controversial