Planet maemo: category "feed:7136379a29f5707c87780892e0eda16f"


MAFW on Desktop

2009-08-19 16:05 UTC  by  jasuarez

If you assisted the talk Iago did at GCDS’09 about MAFW, maybe you remember he showed a demo to explain some of the concepts managed in MAFW. And if you paid attention too ;-) you noticed the demo was running on a standard desktop, not in scratchbox. Yes, cool!

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Categories: Igalia

MAFW, what’s up?

2009-08-04 18:33 UTC  by  jasuarez

Some weeks ago, Maemo 5 Beta 2 SDK was announced. Eleven weeks passed since the first version. During this time, we have been working hard in MAFW, the multimedia framework that comes in Maemo 5. Most of the work we did consisted of bugfixing and improving the framework, while keeping as much as possible the current API.

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Categories: Igalia

GCDS began!

2009-07-06 09:49 UTC  by  jasuarez

GCDS started some days ago. It is not my aim to post about the talks, as many other workmates are posting about them.

But I would like to mention one of the talks, made by Ivan Frade, who talked about present and future of tracker. This is a quite important component of MAFW (btw, don’t miss the MAFW presentation!).

Ivan explained tracker upstream is using ontologies a lot. In fact, they chosen Nepomuk, as it’s the ontology used in KDE and also Gnome community agree with using it too. These kind of ontologies help to understand concepts and properties applications are using, avoiding misunderstandings.

Right now MAFW is using properties like ‘Artist’, ‘Album’ or ‘Title’, but as many other applications it is not using neither Nepomuk nor other ontology at all. So I wonder if it would be helpful (or unnecessary at all) moving to Nepomuk, so at the end instead of using ‘Artist’ string, it would use the corresponding Nepomuk property.

Categories: Igalia