Planet maemo: category "feed:0ffd60645267b49419c542bd55f461df"

Jussi Ohenoja

Maemo Community e.V. - Invitation to the General Assembly 2023

Dear Member,

The meeting will be held on Friday, December 29th 2023 at 12:00 CET on channel #maemo-meeting.

Unless any further issues are raised, the agenda includes the following topics:
1. Welcome by the Chairman of the Board
2. Determination of the proper convocation and the quorum of the General Assembly
3. Acceptance of the annual report for the fiscal year and actions of the Executive
6. Any other business

Requests for additions to the agenda must be submitted to the Board in writing one week prior to the meeting (§ 9.2 of the Statutes).

On Behalf of the Maemo Council, Jussi Ohenoja

Jussi Ohenoja

Maemo Community e.V. - Invitation to the General Assembly 2022

Dear Member,

The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17th 2022 at 20:00 CET on channel #maemo-meeting.

Unless any further issues are raised, the agenda includes the following topics:
1. Welcome by the Chairman of the Board
2. Determination of the proper convocation and the quorum of the General Assembly
3. Election of the Board Directors
6. Any other business

Requests for additions to the agenda must be submitted to the Board in writing one week prior to the meeting (§ 9.2 of the Statutes).

On Behalf of the Maemo Council, Jussi Ohenoja

Categories: council

Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

2017-11-07 21:04 UTC  by  mosen
Dear Maemoans and fellow humans. The time has come again to elect a new Community Council for Q1/2018. The schedule for the voting process is as follows, according to the election rules: The nomination period of at least 2 weeks starts tomorrow, on the 8th of November 2017 and will continue until the 3rd of December 2017. The one week election starts on Friday, the 8th of December 2017 and will continue until the 14th of December 2017. In order for us to keep the community strong, it would be great to have new people with fresh ideas to carry on the torch. Please consider volunteering for the position of Maemo Council. On behalf of the outgoing Community Council, mosen
Jussi Ohenoja

Meet the new Q2 2017 Maemo Community Council

2017-07-11 20:17 UTC  by  Jussi Ohenoja

Dear Maemo community, I have the great honor of introducing the new Community Council for the upcoming Q2/2017 period.

**The members of the new council are (in alphabetical order):**

  • Juiceme (Jussi Ohenoja)
  • Mosen (Timo Könnecke)
  • Sicelo (Sicelo Mhlongo)

The voting results can be seen on the [voting page]

I want to thank warmly all the members of the community who participated in this most important action of choosing a new council for us!

The new council shall meet on the #maemo-meeting IRC channel next tuesday 18.06 at 20:00 UTC for the formal handover with the passing council.

Jussi Ohenoja, On behalf of the outgoing Maemo Community Council

Categories: council

Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

2017-04-30 10:16 UTC  by  eekkelund

Dear friends and Maemoans. It is again the time for us to elect the new Community Council.

The schedule for the voting process is as follows:

  • The nomination period starts next Monday, on the 1st of May 2017 and will continue until the 23rd of May 2017.
  • The election starts on Thursday, on the 1st of June 2017 and will continue until the 7th of June 2017. In order for us to keep the community strong, we need to have new people with fresh ideas to carry on the torch. So, please consider volunteering for the position of Maemo Council.

    On behalf of the outgoing Community Council,


Categories: council

The Maemo Community e.V. proudly presents

The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The starting line

sponsored by Jolla

The wait is over!

The first Maemo Coding Competition for all Maemo derived systems, including but not limited to Maemo and SailfishOS.

This year's competition has the following three categories: Something new, Fixing/Updating and Beginner. Whether you are an experienced developer, porter, hacker or just a beginner on your very first hacks/codes, we have a category that suits you and your coding skills! If you are new to programming or want to learn, here's the excuse to finally make something. Anything. Entries for Maemo & Mer-based devices are eligible.

The timetable for the competition is the following: The competitions begins on Tuesday, 1st of November, and will be running for 3 months until Tuesday 31st of January 2016. You can enroll into the competition at any time, however, all the entries for the competition must be submitted no later than by 23:59 on Tuesday, 31st of January(UTC time). Testing/reviewing will take two weeks, from 01.02.2017 to 15.02.2017 and voting will run from 16th of February until 28th of February 2017, 23:59 UTC.

Follow the links to the wiki below for more information.

Devices & Platforms
How to Submit an Entry
Developer Resources

If you would like to have an App, a Port, a Fix, a Hack or etc. but you can't code it yourself, don't worry, just write your ideas in here! Many developers would be happy to get a new idea input.

We are relying on your donations towards the Community Prize Fund.

The entry is free of charge.

Thanks for your interest in taking part, we can't wait to see what you will develop! :)

You still have questions? Contact us!

  • council<*at*>maemo<*dot*>org
  • This thread


Maemo Community e.V.

Categories: council

Maemo Community e.V. - Einladung zur Mitgliederversammlung 2016

Click to read 2290 more words
Categories: news

2016-08-09 Meeting Minutes

2016-08-30 08:41 UTC  by  eekkelund

Meeting held 2016-08-09 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: Win7Mac, eekkelund, juiceme, chem|st


Absent: pichlo, reinob

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Topic Coding Competition

(Topic Coding Competition):

Action Items:
  • old items:
    • Coding competition planning (eekkelund)
    • Set up ftp/sftp site for CC (reinob)
    • Create twitter account for maemo community(eekkelund)
  • new items:

Solved Action Items:
  • The next GA meeting should be announced soon.
Categories: council

2016-08-02 Meeting Minutes

2016-08-30 08:39 UTC  by  eekkelund

Meeting held 2016-08-02 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: pichlo, Win7Mac, eekkelund, reinob, juiceme



Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Topic warfare replaced all SSL certificates
  • Topic MC e.V.

(Topic warfare replaced all SSL certificates):

  • All certs should be replaced now as the others were to expire today (except wiki)

(Topic MC e.V.):

  • GA meeting invitation posted
  • juiceme has papers for tax-excemption status. He will print those out

Action Items:
  • old items:
    • Coding competition planning (eekkelund)
    • Set up ftp/sftp site for CC (reinob)
    • Create twitter account for maemo community(eekkelund)
  • new items:

Solved Action Items:
  • The next GA meeting should be announced soon.
Categories: council

2016-07-26 Meeting Minutes

2016-08-18 06:39 UTC  by  eekkelund

Meeting held 2016-07-26 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: pichlo, Win7Mac, eekkelund, reinob, juiceme

Partial: chem|st


Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Topic Approve pending request on
  • Topic Coding Competition
  • Topic Twitter account
  • Topic MC e.V.

(Topic Approve pending project request on

  • juiceme added Council to garage admin group
  • juiceme approved project request

(Topic Coding Competition):

  • Postponed CC by one month
  • Submitting an entry: "we could also set up an ftp site where we place whatever comes via mailing list, in case people prefer to download it like that" reinob could handle this

(Topic Twitter account):

  • Maemo community does not have twitter account
  • eekkelund will make one (Maemo Community, @maemo_org)

(Topic MC e.V.):

  • Choocing GA meeting dates
  • Court fillings
  • Win7Mac&reinob will candidate for board

Action Items:
  • old items:
    • Coding competition planning (eekkelund)
    • The next GA meeting should be announced soon.
  • new items:
    • Set up ftp/sftp site for CC (reinob)
    • Create twitter account for maemo community(eekkelund)

Solved Action Items: Find out if https is doable
Categories: council

2016-07-19 Meeting Minutes

2016-08-18 06:38 UTC  by  eekkelund

Meeting held 2016-07-19 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: Win7Mac, eekkelund, reinob


Absent: pichlo, juiceme

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Topic Coding Competition

(Topic Coding Competition):

  • How to submit an entry? Thread to TMO/email
  • Categories discussion, dropped wishlist.
  • Updated the Wiki page

Action Items:
  • old items:
    • Coding competition planning (eekkelund)
    • The next GA meeting should be announced soon.
  • new items:

Solved Action Items: Find out if https is doable
Categories: council

2016-07-12 Meeting Minutes

2016-08-18 06:36 UTC  by  eekkelund

Meeting held 2016-07-12 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: eekkelund, pichlo, reinob


Absent: Win7Mac, juiceme

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Topic Coding Competition

(Topic Coding Competition):

  • Donations, board has PayPal and bank account
  • Timeframe discussion
  • Categories discussion, 3 main categories: Something new, Fixing/Updating and Beginner.
  • Rules discussion
  • eekkelund has edited wiki page

Action Items:
  • old items:
    • Coding competition planning (eekkelund)
    • The next GA meeting should be announced soon.
  • new items:

Solved Action Items: Find out if https is doable
Categories: council