Planet maemo: category "feed:54017ab66150cef9d3ace1f74e5c0fa3"

Tyler Longwell

iTablet Version 0.02

2007-12-02 11:16 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

Nice little update to my pointless app launcher, iTablet, here's a vid to boot ;)

EDIT: Screenshot

Categories: nokia
Tyler Longwell

Entering the Ring

2007-12-01 08:16 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

Believe it or not, RMUG readers, I didn't die over my month long absence ;)

Just wanted to say I'm officially attempting to learn to program, great, huh? This is my first little attempt (and I'm sure the god developers will scoff(I would!) and think me an ass, but, alas). Here's the pre-alpha-alpha iMaemo app launcher of pointlessness ^^'

Categories: iMaemo
Tyler Longwell

The Future: Web Applications

2007-10-10 17:57 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

In the world we live in today, there are so many different kinds of hardware, software, and whole devices. At the moment, applications are for whatever hardware a developer feels worthy or notable enough to produce a binary for, or sometimes even to take the time to port the entire program to a certain device. This doesn't have to be the problem any more in the Internet Age.

But, of course, "web application" mean you must be connected to the internet, right? Of course not. This is no longer a problem due to the small size and footprint developers have been able to shrink Web and PHP servers down to. (Under a megabyte in the case of Nginx for the N800 and N770, I believe).

If every device had one program, a web server, then every web application created could run on every device. No re-compiling, and the only porting might be changing one or two lines of HTML.

Now, the next problem would be: Who would bother to download all the files, unpack them, then place them in some hidden directory on their device? No one ;)

But, this is a simple one.

+ A developer could simply package his files into a tarred or zipped file.
+ Then, the end user could download that and open to see a nice little folder in it called ExampleApp.
+ In this folder would be a file named install.php.
+ The user clicks on it.

And presto! A graphical installer could place the correct files in the correct directories and install anything that need to be installed. (The kind of installer I'm talking about would be exactly like the Fusion News installer, which, by the way, is one of the cleanest and best apps ever.)

In order for this to be so convenient, though, the whole device would have to be encompassed by this local web server that has been installed. No problem at all, instead of simply having one directory controlled by the server (/usr/var/www or whatever else) simple have root (/) or C (C:\) or whatever it might be covered by the server.

This general idea needs to go forward in order for devices to be compatible. Because hardware makers will never settle on one standard, and neither will software developers choose one OS. But, the Web is for everyone and everything.


When you (a brilliant and genius developer) want to create a new application, don't limit it to one device, write it for the world ;)
Categories: compatibility
Tyler Longwell

The 2007HE, Release Two

2007-10-02 17:12 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

Recently, me being the idiot that I am, I busted my installation of the first release of the 2007 Hacker Edition OS. (The first one with a real fiasco image, anyways). I also managed to corrupt my memory card, so... I got to reflash everything, which gave me the opportunity to try out this new release of the N800 operating system hacked up for the N770.

Aside from having to reinstall all my favorite programs (VNC Viewer and Server, MaemoFTP, OpenSSH, UKMP, Xterm, Links, and various others) I really enjoyed this new rendition of the OS. There is so far one word that sums it up nicely: Clean.

This new release is more like a real operating system than a hack. It now tells me that a own an N770 running the 2007HE, instead of an N800 that has no FM radio and web cam ;)

Some menu icons have been updated to fit the N800's too (RSS reader and some others). Not to mention, for some odd reason, the browser loads faster, and is rendering pages as quickly or more so than before. Not to mention the built-in media player seems much more stable. Not one crash yet.

A big thank you to everyone at Nokia that still cares about us 770 owners!

(PS. Just to let everyone know... RMUG has survived it's first month, and everyone who has read and contributed has my undying appreciation :) )
Categories: edition
Tyler Longwell

Printing Support on the N800/N770 is Here

2007-09-27 17:19 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

More amazing work from penguinbait, here is the announcement and instruction for install :)

"I have compiled cups and supporting software to be able to print from the IT, here is what you get!!

cups 1.2.12
espgs 8.15.4
openldap 2.3.38
openssl 0.98e
openslp 1.2.1
jpeg 6b
libpng 1.2.20
tiff 3.8.2
zlib 1.2.3
samba 3.0.25c
(kerberos support was not installed, cups 1.2 does not support it)

100MB uncompressed, with the majority of the data in /usr/local

Cups itself is installed in /usr


docpurge is located in /usr/sbin (/usr/sbin/docpurge) I am not really familiar with docpurge, but I do know it will delete any files located it /usr/share/doc/ and this is where cups resides. Fix by running the following:

mv /usr/sbin/docpurge /usr/sbin/docpurge-disabled

If anyone else knows how to exclude the /usr/share/doc dir from docpurge, please let me know.

2) Download Tarball 30MB

Special Thanks to debernardis

3) Open xterm or ssh session
sudo gainroot, or ssh as root
cd /
tar jxvf /path/to/CUPS12.tar.bz2

4) Update libraries

If /etc/ contains /usr/local/lib the run (cat /etc/


If /etc/ does not contain /usr/local/lib then run

echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/

5) Start Cups
/etc/init.d/cups start
cups will start on boot, as long as /usr/local is available during boot.

6) Open Web Browser

When you make changes in cups, it wll prompt you for a USER and PASSWORD. This is the root account on the n800, (or 770 untested) (default password is rootme)

I have been able to print the cups test pages, and if you set the default printer, you can print from command line also by piping to lpr.

For example:
cat /etc/hosts | lpr

PS this has no headers, so if you want to compile apps with cups support and you need the headers, PM me, and I will send you the full tarball."

- Penguinbait

s it turns out, printing from applications within XFCE and KDE works! Amazing stuff!

*It's the magic of PB* ;)
Categories: 770
Tyler Longwell

iPod Touch Review, Part I

2007-09-24 20:09 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

I. Form and General Overjoyment at Arrival

I finally got my iPod Touch in the mail... Apple actually went beyond my expectations ;)

The iPod Touch has just been misunderstand by all some Iternet Tablet user's as attempting to compete with Nokia in their market. It is not a IT. Let me repeat that, it is not, and was not meant to be, anything like the N800. This is a music (media) player, and the best one I've ever used.

Ok, well, here are a few photos I took of when I just opened it up.

(Love at first sight of this iPod ;) )

(Everything that came in the package.)

(Just so you know how small this device really is, I put it next to my beloved N770. The Form factor of the iPod is amazing. I absolutely love the balance it has when you pick it up. Apple mobile hardware is really coming to a peak with this design, I think.)

(Another side-by-side. The Touch is really, really, thin.)

Ok, we've got a look at the form factor. I love it. It's eye-candy and it's, well... touchable. It doesn't feel flimsy and it doesn't encourage you to drop it, either. I give the design a thumbs up.

II. Software and Interface

Next big part, the software. I might put together a little video for everyone.

But for right now... I want to get acquainted with my new gadget ;)
Categories: touch
Tyler Longwell

gFTP Debs

2007-09-20 19:00 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

How's everybody doing? ;)

Ok, well, for the past few days I have been trying to rig everything up to compile packages for the N770 and the N800, then be able to create debs out of those programs. And, well, I finally got it.

One of my favorite apps that had been ported to the IT, but only in Penguinbait's KDE and XFCE, is gFTP. I have decided to compile and debianize it myself.

MaemoFTP is a lot prettier (gFTP is not currently Hildonized), but this has support for file transfer over SSH and all the other protocols MaemoFTP does not support. Well... here are the files. (I hope so atleast, if you can not download them, it means my server has died again ;) Heh..)

1. Download these files onto your Internet Tablet's MMC card. (Make sure it is number 1 if you have an N800!) ( /media/mmc1 )

[   ]gftp-common_2.0.18-1_armel.deb20-Sep-2007 21:05 714K [   ]gftp-gtk_2.0.18-1_armel.deb20-Sep-2007 21:05 170K [   ]gftp-text_2.0.18-1_armel.deb20-Sep-2007 21:05 125K
2. Install Xterm (Try ) if you are not sure how to do so on your own.

3. Open Xterm.

4. Log into the root account either by this method or through SSH, which I use.

5. Type in the following commands.

cd /media/mmc1

dpkg -i gftp-c*

dpkg -i gftp-t*

dpkg -i gftp-g*

6. You're done :)

7. To run gFTP, you must run this command


In xterm. (I am working on a menu entry!)

Expect better in the future ;)
Categories: ftp
Tyler Longwell

Linux UMPC

2007-09-18 17:21 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

Just wanted to let you guys check this out, I like it ;)
Categories: mobile
Tyler Longwell

Networked Printing on the N800

2007-09-16 18:04 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

Penguin now has printing fully working and ready to download! Here!

Original Post:


Again, Penguinbait is a freakin' genius. This is the biggest development ever for the internet tablets. He has printed across a network, using CUPS, to a networked printer. Amazing!!!

He is currently finding a stable way to release this to the public. It will be available within days/weeks. (It's kinda uncertain right now ;) Eh...)

I shall post updates as they come, but as we always have been able too... Expect great things from PB!


Penguin now has printing fully working and ready to download! Here!
Categories: cups
Tyler Longwell


2007-09-16 12:02 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

Today I stumbled upon one of the coolest programs I've ever seen. It's a media player called Songbird. This has beaten iTunes and Banshee, hands down.

For one thing, the interface is beautiful. Secondly, most media player do exactly the same thing. Songbird does that, and more. It's built off of the Firefox base. It allows you to browse MP3 blogs and sites directly from itself. Awesome stuff :)

I spent a little time with Songbird and I have to say that I am never going to use anything else if they keep this up.

Songbird is cross platform and it runs beautifully on my Ubuntu box. No command line needed. For Mac, it looks so smooth and shiny and it runs just as well as on my Linux box. I haven't had the opportunity to run it on a Windows machine, but I'm assuming that'll be just a amazing as my experience with it on the others ;)

I really think you should check out their site, which is extremely helpful and well-designed with movies and such introducing you to Songbird. And don't be scared by the "Developer Release" label slapped on it. It's more stable than most software out there already. (And whoever draws those birds is extremely talented and has been very busy, I see)

Hope you love it as much as I do!

Categories: songbird
Tyler Longwell

KDE Versus XFCE for the IT

2007-09-14 19:16 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell

For the N770 and the N800, there was only one Desktop to use, and that was the nasty Hildon interface. But, then came along a guy named Penguinbait.

KDE and XFCE are now both available for the Internet Tablets, but... which is the better experience for the user? Well, here's my take.

The first time I had ever tried anything too grand on my IT was back in March, when PB first released his arm-compiled KDE. It was freakin sweet. I loved (love) using this desktop environment on my 770. It looked so damned awesome on that high-powered and high-pixel screen the IT is packing that I adopted the thing immediately and did all I could to stay away from the default "desktop" *cough* Desktop? Heh, if only.

And then another amazing step, a lightweight desktop environment designed to run on full PCs, but still very small. I installed this on my 770 and gave it a whirl... Well, compared to KDE, I was a bit disappointed. The bar was set extremely high and it just didn't match the elegance of the K Desktop Environment. But, this release of XFCE by Penguinbait did have some huge perks. It came with a VNC server, gFTP, and a full GAIM messenger. I found it hard to live with just maemoftp, and geez, was it amazing to see my favorite FTP and SSH client on the IT.

(If you guys love this as much as I do, please consider donating so PB can spend more time on awesome stuff like this. Send mail to for information on how you can donate!)

After using both of these amazing environments, I have decided to use only one permanetly...

I think maybe you guys should see each for yourselves, though.

Psssh.... But I use KDE ;)
Categories: KDE
Tyler Longwell

Announcing XFCE on the IT

2007-09-12 19:45 UTC  by  Tyler Longwell
Click to read 1208 more words
Categories: 770