Today I got the complete stack working on my N800 device!
- Erlang
- CouchDB
- Ajatus
They are far from perfect yet but I'm sure it'll get better little by little.
Currently I'm
- preparing the packages for releasing them through maemo extras repository.
- trying to compile the latest erlang R12.b.0 (now the package is R11.b.1)
- adding dependencies to couchdb package
- packaging Ajatus also
After first releases there are some possible tweaking to do... I still get some Segfaults at some points while using couchdb.
If someone would like to give this a try the hard way:
All the current packages can be found here http://protoblogr.net/downloads/erlang/
- Download and install erlang-base_11.b.1-1_armel.deb to the device (after download: dpkg -i erlang-base_11.b.1-1_armel.deb)
- Download and install libicu36_3.6-2_armel.deb
- Download and install couchdb_0.7.2-1_armel.deb
- Get the latest release of Ajatus and follow it's installation instructions
There might be some dependencies which have to be manually installed. (Will be fixed later)
Currently the CouchDb installs itself to /usr and the databases are located at /usr/var/lib/couchdb.
I changed the DB path in /usr/etc/couchdb/couch.ini to point to my other memorycard (/media/mmc2/couchdb_db) which had some more space left.
Hopefully I get to release these as soon as possible for easier use.
Great thanks to the folks at #couchdb channel (nslater, jan,...)
And to Piotras