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Tabs, sidebars and Outlook pinning

2003-09-15 04:35 UTC  by  timeless

What problems am I trying to solve?

  1. As the number of tabs increase their value should not change.
  2. If possible the tab selector shouldn't cost much real estate, because doing 1 is generally expensive.

What biases do I have?

  • My taskbar is currently not on top, not autohide, vertically oriented on the right side of my screen
  • My sidebar and mail folder pane are on the right side of my navigator/mail windows
  • When I use BeOS, the Deskbar is vertically oriented at the bottom left of my screen (so it grows up) - Traditionally the Deskbar is vertically oriented at the top right of the screen (so it grows down)
  • When I use Outlook, the first thing I do is pin the folderpane - Traditionally the folderpane is a pinnable dropdown and people are expected to use the Outlook Bar instead.
  • When I use Mac OS Classic, I drag the item formerly handled by multifinder to a floating window at the bottom right of the screen - Traditionally the multifinder widget is a dropdown that grows down from the right edge of the menubar which is of course at the top of a screen.
  • When I used Netscape Communicator, I hid the folderpane and used the toolbar to switch folders - Traditionally mail was threepane, but you could do this to get a two pane view.
  • When I use Mac OS X, I would usually look for something to replace the Dock. Oddly enough when pressed I will defend Apple's choice of the dock, but if given some alternative I might use it.

What does this say about me?

  • I'm atypical
  • I've modified each of these systems, although I claim to understand why they are the way they are.

Is there some guiding principle behind these decisions?

  • I want relatively quick access to a lot of information
  • I use the flexibility I'm given
  • I value the task I'm doing higher than the ability to switch tasks

Enough about background

Click to read 1622 more words

On doctors and poking.

2003-09-14 06:49 UTC  by  timeless
On doctors and poking. On doctors and poking.

So there's this traditional dialog, it goes something like this:

Patient: Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do that....
Doctor: ... then don't do that.
In a closed source world this is pretty much the only version of the problem.

What happens is that the Doctor, being paid (monetarily and dignitarily) dispenses some advice. At a minimum: Don't do that. But possibly: why not do <something else instead>?

Now, things get interesting in an open source environment. Actually it's happening with modern medicine too.

Instead of a patient saying to the doctor: It hurts when I do <this>. The patient asks: How can --

Hrm, this is tough. let's look at a better example of the doctor problem:

Patient: Doctor, doctor, i turn red when i'm out in the sun too long.
Doctor: then don't stay out in the sun without sun screen.

Our Patient (has alergies to face paint): Doctor, doctor, i need help applying this white face paint.
Doctor: puzzled. Why are you applying face paint?
Patient: Because whenever I'm out in the sun too long my face turns red.
Doctor: But you're alergic to face paint. And it doesn't block the UV radiation which causes skin cancer.
Patient: oh.
Doctor (to self): why didn't the patient ask about the sunburn?

How does this manifest in the software world?

I'll provide examples occasionally:
  • User hooks up multiple mozillas to a bookmarks file
  • User observes that when a mozilla quits, it clobbers the bookmarks file
  • User asks: how do i make mozilla write changes to the bookmarks file immediately
  • What the user didn't notice: mozilla doesn't check to see if the bookmarks file is changed, so just updating the file more frequently doesn't solve the actual problem (<describe problem>).

what moral would i like people to learn from this?

Instead of asking for help trying to do something which people think would fix the problem they're having, simply describe the problem and ask what can/should be done.

A better way to pin DNS entries without suffering from cache poisoning. A better way to pin DNS entries without suffering from cache poisoning. If the pinned entry is unavailable and the user wants to contact the site, provide a dialog:
| Host unavailable: ""               |
| -=/ =- The server you are trying to reach is unavailable.  |
|                                                            |
|        Host:                                  |
|        IP:   Protocol: HTTP    Port: 80      | 
|                                                            |
|        The following addresses are listed as alternatives. |
|        If you trust the addresses, you may choose to tie   |
|        them to [,].  Otherwise you  |
|        may connect to them and prevent them from accessing |
|        the old entries.                                    |
|                                                            |
|        [x] Do not tie the alternatives to      |
|        Alternatives: |[]|^|                   |
|                      |[]| |                   |
|                      |[]| |                   |
|                      |[]|v|                   |
|        [ Connect ] [ Replace ] [ Stop ]              ([?]) |

If the user chooses to tie the alternatives to then Mozilla will add the selected entries to the DNS cache for and allow under any of those IP addresses to read cache data from the others and connect to each-other at will.

If the user chooses to connect and not tie the alternatives to then all cache entries for will be unavailable to the new, and the DNS cache for will be changed from to the newly selected entries.

Note: there once was a proposal for doing this tossed by me in an email, I need to dig it up and transcribe any useful details into it.

Note: https shouldn't use pinning at all since the certificate should protect the cache.
Click to read 7653 words

Composing isn't easy

2003-08-19 02:06 UTC  by  timeless

What should a user be able to do with an editor?

Use composer to Edit this link: first list

What would a user migrating from netscape 4 composer expect to be able to do?

Use composer to Edit this link: this list


Cross Listing bugs.

2003-08-13 01:41 UTC  by  timeless
db implementation details
sample ui for the product/component fields

What's wrong with mozilla today?

2003-08-05 06:57 UTC  by  timeless
What's wrong with mozilla today? What's wrong with mozilla today?
  • It's way too complicated.
  • It has way too many preferences.
  • It has way too much text which requires localization.
    • The localization tags are a royal pain.
  • It reinvents too many things.
  • It doesn't integrate with the os.

Doesn't firebird solve that?

No :)

So what could be done?

Well, imagine a browser which had virtually no text in its ui. There's text for error messages and text for preferences, but ideally while browsing you see neither of these.

Note that this pair is a lark. I'm not actively suggesting such a product. It's just an interesting conceptual demonstration of what someone could do.


So what can be done?

2003-07-30 10:00 UTC  by  timeless
Click to read 1175 words

Binary patching

2003-07-30 09:59 UTC  by  timeless
Click to read 1463 words
What should you do when someone asks for a way to watch all bugs in a product? What should you do when someone asks for a way to watch all bugs in a product?

tell them to watch all QA's for the product.

If they don't want to spend the time to do this, then they probably don't have the time to read the mail they think they want. By making them think about the number of components and the amount involved you can encourage them to consider what they're getting into. If they later decide that they've gotten too much mail they will have a way to reduce it by only watching some of the QA's.

If a project lead watching a bunch of QA's is overwhelmed and notices that there's no way to reduce the mail because most of it comes from a single QA, then the lead will hopefully reach the conclusion that the QA's coverage area is too large and some of the work should be given to someone else.

the latest feature request: Being able to watch by product the latest feature request: Being able to watch by product

Executive Summary: not worth implementing

Any particular reason?


It shouldn't be easy for people to kill themselves or annoy the world.
Watching a product is at least one if not both.

Why people think they want it:

They have project teamleads who want to see all bugmail related to a product, but not all the mail of the people involved with said product.

What those people should do instead:

Manually watch all of the qa's.

Why can I make this suggestion?

Speaking as the person who probably gets the most bugmail of anyone at bmo (5.7%, 5773 in one week, reported by justdave on 9/8/2003).

You'll find two problems:

  1. The person will be overwhelmed
  2. People will get annoyed at seeing this person getting bugmail no matter what they do
    1. If there's a second product in the installation then someone might decide to use it to do their work
      Based on the fact that the request is for per product watching this implies there's more than one product (if there isn't then you can just modify the template to cc this team lead to all mail...)

    2. If there isn't, someone might decide not to do any updates in bugzilla until the bug is finished

It's true that in corporate environments you can theoretically discourage both practices, but you'll find that you can't; someone can easily end up doing all work outside of bugzilla and only posting when they're done.

Is it a cultural thing?

In some ways yes. But really it's a human thing.

Suppose you're a pretty small team (~15 people)

How many qa contacts do you have?
and how many of your qa contacts watch touch multiple products?


four - one for each main product , + one lead

So why doesn't the lead watch the qa contacts?

It is simple, possible today, and it should fit your needs.

But you hadn't thought of that option?

The problem is that i have :)

How to make an upgrade path bad.

2003-07-28 02:13 UTC  by  timeless
How to make an upgrade path bad. How to make an upgrade path bad.

step one:

Make the migrator look really ugly, including the wrong widgets and no content.
Then make it disappear and have nothing appear on the screen for a while.

[Confession: this is a p133 laptop running w98, it was using a smoketest build]

step two:

Have the first common dialog the user sees (which will appear if the user tries to open, save or attach a file) start at a directory with lots of critical but meaningless support files in the middle of nowhere.
Open File
 Look in: [ (x=] 1.5b_20030704                         |v]  [^_]  [x/]  [=*]  [:=][.-]
[x=] ipc                  [\) gkgfx.dll            [\) nspr4.dll             [\) ssl3.dll
[x=] components           [\) js3250.dll           [\) nss3.dll              [\) xpcom.dll
[x=] uninstall            [\) jsj3250.dll          [\) nssckbi.dll           [\) xpcom_co|
[x=] Setup GRE            [\) mozctl.dll           [\) plc4.dll             [__] xpicleanu|
 [/) install_status.log   [\) mozctlx.dll          [\) plds4.dll             [\) xpistub.dll
 [~) .autoreg            [__] mozipcd.exe          [\) smime3.dll
 [~) softokn3.chk         [\) mozz.dll             [\) softokn3.
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