Planet maemo: category "feed:a7ebd5f9cfd7ca3830cb6317611d7f18"

Randall Arnold

Packing for Maemo

2009-10-03 20:26 UTC  by  Randall Arnold

No, that’s not a typo– I don’t mean packaging.  I’m getting ready for the Maemo Summit 2009 in Amsterdam and thought I’d share some experiences and ideas for fellow travelers.

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Categories: Mentioning Maemo
Randall Arnold

The gears of Maemo

2009-09-28 15:19 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
Since starting this blog after my last job loss I've taken Nokia to task over what I perceive to be shortcomings and errors, particularly in staffing and ambitious enterprise projects like Ovi. [...]
Categories: Delivering Quality
Randall Arnold

A little Ovi update

2009-09-25 18:21 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
I have beaten up on a bit so I wanted to commend the team for getting a detail right... something small but important: persistent login and state-sharing. [...]
Categories: Delivering Quality
Randall Arnold

ASUS brings its own eBook to the table

2009-09-24 03:15 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
Last week I stumbled across an article describing how ASUS was poised to enter the electronic book market and take on Amazon's successful Kindle. [...]
Categories: Inviting Change
Randall Arnold

MID use case: mobile auditing and inspection

2009-09-15 03:27 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
As promised, I'm starting the series on use cases for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs), beginning with one that may seem unusual to many: mobile auditing and inspection. [...]
Categories: Delivering Quality
Randall Arnold

TV out: the REAL game-changer

2009-09-11 22:13 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
The Maemo Guru demonstrates gaming over the N900 TV-out cable and asks if this will impact the iPhone. Forget other handhelds-- what might this do to larger gaming platforms? [...]
Categories: Gamespace
Randall Arnold

Use cases for Mobile Internet Devices

2009-09-11 02:52 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
As an extension of a previous article on how to make Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) compelling, I have decided to start a series devoting individual articles to particular use cases, one per article. [...]
Categories: Mentioning Maemo
Randall Arnold

Working things out

2009-09-09 23:11 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
At the risk of starting a trend over personal-type articles I wanted to take time out from all the Maemo and information management stuff to post a disclaimer. [...]
Categories: Mentioning Maemo
Randall Arnold

Social Physics

2009-09-09 00:00 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
A quote from a longtime member combined with a brief passage in the book I'm currently reading got me thinking lately about measuring social interactions and expectations. [...]
Categories: Mentioning Maemo
Randall Arnold

Bracing for Amsterdam

2009-09-04 18:45 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
In anticipation of possibly attending the Maemo 2009 Summit in Amsterdam, I recently began soliciting input first for a presentation topic and second for guidance on content. [...]
Categories: Inviting Change
Randall Arnold

Nokia World 2009

2009-09-02 18:09 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
Nokia World 2009 in brief There's been plenty of coverage already on this eye-popping event so I'll limit my analysis to just a few points. [...]
Categories: Inviting Change
Randall Arnold

Ovi: door, wall, or minefield?

2009-09-01 21:47 UTC  by  Randall Arnold
Sorry to be picking on again, but it has been a few months and recent developments (such as announcement of Nokia's N900 tablet phone) beg an update. [...]
Categories: Mentioning Maemo