Planet maemo: category "feed:a5799af9ac17abc99d28d8047c32e427"


BitPurse 2.1.0

2013-06-22 00:00 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

A new minor release of BitPurse is available (2.1.0)

Bug fixes :

  • Fix a bug preventing to keep old history of transactions

New minor changes:

  • Add a event feed notification on reception of a new transaction.
    Event Notification


This new version should be available soon in Nokia Store, and
is already available here : BitPurse 2.1.0


Install TeamViewer on Crunchbang Waldorf

2013-06-10 21:21 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

Date: 21/08/2012
Tags: Crunchbang, Waldorf, TeamViewer
Title: TeamViewer on Waldorf Crunchbang 64bits

TeamViewer is a remote control tool that can be found on the TeamViewer web site.

Only package for ubuntu are provided, but the package can be installed directly on Crunchbang.

Except for the 64 bits version where some dependancies aren't installed correctly (the 32bits libs). Waldorf is based on debian testing and so use multi arch. We need it to install teamviewer else at the first launch we will got an missing error.

We need to activate first the arch i386 :

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update

Then we need to install missing dependancies :

sudo apt-get install libxext:i386 ia32-libs

2013-06-10 21:21 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

Title: BitPurse, KhtNotes and KhtSimpleText development version
Tags: bitpurse, khtnotes, khtsimpletext, git, github,
Date: 19/04/2013

Each time code modifications in the github repository of KhtNotes, KhtSimpleText or BitPurse are pushed, build a new debian package of the apps for Harmattan.

So if you want to try development version of KhtNotes, BitPurse or KhtSimpleText,
now you can without building them yourself

Build Status
Build Status
Build Status



2013-06-10 21:21 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

Date: 11/08/2010
Title: News feed and a new design

I've just fix the news atom feed and also set a more simple design for the
website as i found the previous one was too dark.



2013-06-10 21:20 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

Title: BitPurse 2.0.1 available in Nokia Store
Date: 19/04/2013
Tags: Bitcoin, Harmattan, MeeGo, BitPurse

BitPurse 2.0.1 is now available in Nokia Store : BitPurse 2.0.1 in Nokia Store

A donation will be appreciate : 18tFSEMgeHbCK28hAC81RT6cNCjCDZ91sx

Alternate Downloads:

This new version should be available soon in Nokia Store, and MeeGo COBS and
is already available here : BitPurse 2.0.1

Khweeteur 0.5.17-1 Available For Testing

I' ve just push the version 0.5.17 of Khweeteur to Maemo Extras Testing repository. For those using previous version (<0.5.0). It s a major change, as i've rewrite it from scratch. For those who don't know what is Khweeteur, it s a small twitter client for Maemo and MeeGo with the following features :

  • Multi Account Support (Twitter and
  • Notification for DMs or Mentions (can works in background)
  • Twitter Lists
  • Searchs
  • GPS Position in tweet (Optionnal)
  • Reply, Retweet, Favorite, Follow/Unfollow user, Delete your tweet
  • Twitpic picture upload
  • Automatic shorten url with (Optionnal)
  • Automated Crash Reporter
  • Tweet post delayed if no network coverage until network available
  • Low network bandwith use
  • Theme support

 Khtweeteur Theme CoolGrey  Khtweeteur Theme CoolWhite
 Khtweeteur Theme Default

This version will only reach Maemo Extras repository with your help. So please test it, vote, and report bug or feature request.

Git Repository :: Maemo Packages :: Khweeteur Bug Tracker

Categories: articles:maemo
Khweeteur Next Release 0.5.0 : Progress Report

As many users ask me how the development of the next Khweeteur is going on i'm creating this post.

I've play with QML for the UI, but to be honest, QML isn' t ready yet to be use for something else than short demo. Indeed no components was release yet. This mean that a developer should do everything himself. For example, on a button you must design it yourself, and also design the feedback give to the user. Also, if you are using listView, without fixed height, there is a huge cpu use to calc everytimes the height of rows. So the result is that the scrolling isn't smooth compared to a custom delegate where you can cache the size. Even if it s a bit faster in fullscreen, this mean that you should also write yourself a custom status bar for closing or switching app.

All this reasons plus the fact i didn't really like the syntax push me to come back to a QWidget UI.

The next release of Khweeteur use a daemon for retrieving and sending post. This daemon can run all time to provide notifications on new tweets, dm, or mentions while the ui isn't running. Of course this is optionnal. The communication between the daemon use dbus and so didn't require to create thread on the ui, which use less memory and cpu. This result on a faster ui, while the daemon do the hard work in background.

Currently only basic features are coded :

  • Posting tweets
  • Retweeting
  • Retrieving Timeline, mention and dms
  • Reply
  • Notifications
  • Toolbar badge notification
  • Opening tweet urls
  • Preferences with theme : Support now multi account with preferences to said if acocunt should be used for post or not, use webkit for oauth and doesn't require anymore to copy paste the oauth pin code

Planned features still need to be coded before release :

  • Lists
  • Search
  • Favorite
  • Follow
  • UnFollow
  • Delete of your own tweet

I've try to keep the ui simple with easy access to features. The toolbar displays action possible depending on context :

  • Home : Which give quick access to timeline, mention, dm, search and list with a badge to notify user of update

  • Edit : To post a new tweet, a twitpic, or a reply

  • Action : Which is show when selecting a tweet

To follow the development take a look on in the experimental branch. Your are also welcome to participate if you want.

It's true that development progress slowly, as i didn't have many free time to code, specially as i'm still looking for a full time job as python developers with partial telecommuting possibilities near Paris.

Categories: articles:maemo
QBadgeButton a QPushButton with a counter badge
Click to read 1368 more words
Categories: articles:maemo

Khweeteur 0.1.0

2010-12-14 18:39 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
Khweeteur 0.1.0

A new release of Khweeteur is available in Maemo Extras-Devel repository. Of course warning of using extras devel apply here :) There are major changes :

  • It use now the PySide binding instead of the PyQt one. Secondly
  • I've change signal and slot to use the more pythonic way called 'new signal style'
  • Some changes have been made in the cache format for a faster twitter api answer parsing

So this new version haven't real new features for end user, but bring more speed, less bandwith use, and more stability ( except for using the PySide 1.0.0 beta binding).

So if you don't fear having a breaked version of Khweeteur, do not hesistate to use it, and report bug on the bug tracker. Else wait a bit that bugs are found and fixed.

In the same time, if your company or you heard about a company, which are looking for a python developer. I'm looking for a new job opportunitie in Paris (France) or with teleworking possibilities. Do not hesitate to contact me by email.

Categories: articles:maemo

KhtEditor 0.0.11

2010-11-08 09:34 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
KhtEditor 0.0.11

A new version of KhtEditor has been release to maemo extras-devel repository. This new version use now a QPlainTextEditor, and so improve the memory footprint, this version also fix errors due to accent in filename, as now filename are managed as Unicode as it should. I've also made some change how brace matching is displayed, so it s now faster too.

For those who don't know what is KhtEditor, it s a code editor designed for coding directly on your Maemo device. So it s try to be fast, and ease life of on-board developers. While it s mainly optimized for python developpers, it supports syntax highlight for many languages (see for more informations).

I'll use this version during a week, and if no errors occurs i'll probably push it to the extras-testing repository. Please do not hesitate to test it and report me error if one occurs. Suggestions are also welcome.

Categories: articles:maemo

KhtEditor 0.0.11

2010-11-08 09:34 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
KhtEditor 0.0.11

A new version of KhtEditor has been release to maemo extras-devel repository. This new version use now a QPlainTextEditor, and so improve the memory footprint, this version also fix errors due to accent in filename, as now filename are managed as Unicode as it should. I've also made some change how brace matching is displayed, so it s now faster too.

For those who don't know what is KhtEditor, it s a code editor designed for coding directly on your Maemo device. So it s try to be fast, and ease life of on-board developers. While it s mainly optimized for python developpers, it supports syntax highlight for many languages (see for more informations).

I'll use this version during a week, and if no errors occurs i'll probably push it to the extras-testing repository. Please do not hesitate to test it and report me error if one occurs. Suggestions are also welcome.

Categories: articles:maemo

Khweeteur 0.0.36

2010-09-24 11:56 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
Khweeteur 0.0.36

A new version of Khweeteur is now available in extras-testing. Since the last Khweeteur version 0.0.29 (The previous one available in extras-testing) there are some changes :

  • 0.0.36-1 : Fix retweet of me, fix notifications, add ctrl-r (update), ctrl-a (reply), ctrl-up (scroll to top) and crtl-bottom (scroll to bottom) shortcuts, Add auto focus on text field when key pressed
  • 0.0.35-1 : Optimize timeline refresh.
  • 0.0.34-1 Fix error when you double click on a tweet.
  • 0.0.33-1 : Fix for notifications (But callback still broken), Add replyto display option, fix a few minor bugs, refactor the refresh of status, improve the ReTweet support.
  • 0.0.32-2 : Fix for notifications (But callback still broken), Add replyto display option, fix a few minor bugs, refactor the refresh of status, improve the ReTweet support. Benoît HERVIER 2010-09-16 18:31 UTC
  • 0.0.31-2 : Fix for notifications (But callback still broken), fix for ReTweet support, Add an option for auto rotate.
  • 0.0.30-1 : Fix segfault
  • 0.0.29-1 : Fix segfault, add timeout exception, closing main window close also search, implement coolgray and coolwhite theme, some cleaning

I hope you will enjoy this new version, do no hesitate to report bugs or suggestion to the Khweeteur Bugs Tracker.

This new version is now waiting your vote to reach the Extras repository on Khweeteur on Maemo Packages Interface

Categories: articles:maemo