Planet maemo: category "feed:8fae9c178c2cf99ef69efe95c1466d06"


Categories in Blogger

2006-11-22 10:24 UTC  by  andrunko
Today i found a nice tutorial explaining how to add categories to blogger posts. This is especially useful if you are aggregated to some blog aggregator, and want to post just related topics.
To check the tutorial go to blogger-tricks.
It's really easy to do, and as a bonus you will have a account if you don't have one already ;-).

Hacking on gstreamer

2006-11-17 11:30 UTC  by  andrunko
For over a week now, we at INdT are having a GStreamer training course. Edward Hervey (bilboed, or bilbode for brazilians :P) from fluendo is the guy managing the course. He is hosted in my house and we had some fun this week, lots of beers, hacking, you know :). I will post some pictures here soon. So far, i've learned a lot of interesting stuff and also was able to do some hacking, such as the port of rfbsrc to gstreamer 0.10 and the seek support implementation on neonhttpsrc. In the past i had written some patches and plugins to gstreamer, besides some applications centric development, but nothing big, and now i hope i can help more :-).

If you haven't tried gstreamer yet, you should do it now.

Browsing shared content using DAAP/DPAP

2006-11-09 18:34 UTC  by  andrunko
Some time ago i started a new project called libdmapsharing. Its main purpose was to enable canola to browse shared contents (iTunes, iPhoto, rhythmbox, banshee, etc) using DAAP/DPAP.

But what is DAAP/DPAP?
DAAP (Digital Audio Access Protocol) is a protocol used by Apple's iTunes and other digital audio player to share music across a network or the Internet. As DAAP, DPAP (Digital Photo Access Protocol) is a protocol used to share content across a network, but photos instead of musics. The protocol is used by Apple's iPhoto and other photo applications.

Currently libdmapsharing supports only browsing, but in the future i intend to add sharing support also, so you will be able to easily share your musics/photos. The documentation is missing, but i will start writing it soon. As you can see, there is some things to do, so anyone interested in helping (even testing) it would be great.

Hope you enjoy

Yes, it's fast!!!

2006-11-09 18:27 UTC  by  andrunko
Marcelo just released a new canola video. This video shows how fast is browsing to a shared library (DAAP) with thousands of musics. As you can see, it's damn fast :-).
Go check it out.


2006-11-06 00:03 UTC  by  andrunko
Long time no posting, but now i have a good reason to do so. As some of you already know, i am being working on a "secret" project for a while now. The project i am talking about is Canola, a great media player for 770 users. There is also a preview video showing some of its features.

We should release a version this month, so be prepared.

Hope you enjoy

Tapioca-VoIP - Now with GTalk support

2006-03-21 18:06 UTC  by  andrunko
After a lot (and i mean a lot) of work, we finally release a new version of Tapioca-VoIP, that now includes full Google Talk support. This means that you can now talk and chat to your GTalk friends using linux. Besides that this version includes a lot of bugfixes and enhacements. Python bindings are now available and C# bindings are coming soon (already on SVN). So it's your time to test it and help us to develop a first class VoIP and IM framework for linux.

Installation instructions can be found at our homepage

I hope you enjoy

More Tapioca VoIP news

2005-11-29 14:50 UTC  by  andrunko
A lot of work has been done on Tapioca VoIP recently. We are now glad to announce the version 0.2.1. This version contains a lot of bug fixes since 0.2, but the major news is the proxy/registrar support. Screenshots updated at Tapioca VoIP homepage. Go get it.

More to come soon ;)

Tapioca VoIP new release

2005-11-23 11:02 UTC  by  andrunko
Finally we got Tapioca VoIP 0.2 released. This release has a lot of improvements compared to 0.1, such as multiple codecs support, a totally rewritten UI and a lot of other cool stuff. But a lot more needs to be done, and we intend to release new versions more frequently. Some features you can expect for the folowing releases are support for Proxy/Registrar, STUN support and Presence. The release notes and instructions on how to install it can be found here.

Screenshots at Tapioca VoIP homepage.

Hope you enjoy it.

My "Improving KDE" patches on Kubuntu

2005-09-20 16:41 UTC  by  andrunko
A few minutes ago, a friend of mine (aka Etrunko) came with me, after upgrading his kubuntu installation, with some great news. Some of my patches, also called "Improving KDE" where integrated within Kubuntu breezy. I made these patches a loooong time ago, and I was almost forgetting about them. Maybe now, i can find some time to improve and who knows port them to kde 3.5.

Kubuntu rocks ;)

Kart indoor

2005-09-19 14:58 UTC  by  andrunko
Ontem juntamos uma galera aqui do trabalho e fomos ao kart. Massa d+, os que não foram perderam. O pessoal aqui do INdT tá pensando em fazer um campeonato, com uma prova por mês, vamos ver no que dá. O mais engraçado é ver o pessoal reclamando depois, muito bom. O maior problema mesmo é aguentar a dor na coluna no outro dia. Não estou me aguentando de dor, rs. Pra você que está curioso vou colocar aqui os tempos pra vocês apreciarem (rsrs):

PilotoTempo totalNumero de voltasAndre Magalhaes (eu)30:39.76051Renato Araujo (tuxrecife)30:58.91050Abner Jose30:57.18043Osvaldo (acidbase)31:01.7504.570 (foi tao lento q deu até pau, heh)Flavio30:54.99042

Bem, como vcs puderam observar, fui obrigado a ganhar esta. Quem sabe da próxima vez eles não dão mais sorte ;).
Pra não dizer que fui injusto fica registrado que a melhor volta da corrida ficou com o Renato (27.630 contra 27.750 meu), quando o mesmo estava me perseguindo pra tentar tirar a volta que tinha acabado de tomar :P (não conseguiu é claro). Mas da próxima não vou dar chance não.

Tapioca VoIP

2005-09-16 11:22 UTC  by  andrunko

Hi all, I am glad to announce the very first version of Tapioca, our new framework for VoIP applications. Check it at Suggestions and critics are welcome.

Hope you enjoy

O Código Da Vinci

2005-08-03 17:30 UTC  by  andrunko
Semana passada finalmente acabei de ler o famoso livro "O Código Da Vinci". Gostei bastante. Posso dizer que esse livro marcou uma nova etapa na minha vida. Confesso que não lia um livro de literatura a muito, muito tempo. Havia esquecido como é bom ler sobre assuntos não relacionados a trabalho.
Não vou me dar ao trabalho de comentar o livro aqui, pois não sou bom nisso, só posso dizer que esse é um livro que recomendo e que traz grandes revelacões para o leitor. Agora vou comecar a ler um outro livro do mesmo autor que também promete, "Anjos e Demônios". Espero acabá-lo em breve.

Para os que perceberam a falta de cedilha, não me culpem, é que o meu teclado está desconfigurado e o cedilha não está funcionando :).