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William Maddler

OS 2008 version 2.2007.51-3 out!

2008-02-19 21:15 UTC  by  William Maddler
Doh! Just found OS2008 has been silently updated! :) I’ve just finished flashing my N810 and hunting for changes! As always, updated ITOS can be found at * Update 2008.02.20 This release fixes the power on (boot) problem only. If you are not having this issue you may as well keep using the 50-2 [...]
Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler

Of Truecrypt and how to screw things up…

2008-02-18 11:19 UTC  by  William Maddler
I’ve been using TrueCrypt from quite a long time now. I’ve always been impressed by its ease of use and, most important, the chance to use it both on Window$ and GNU/Linux systems, bot desktop and server/remote systems. So, when version 5.0 was released a couple weeks ago I was excited about the new release. [...]
Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler’s new home!

2008-02-16 21:58 UTC  by  William Maddler
I’ve just finished configuring new servers (Fennel, Cabbage and Chicory), that’s partially why I wasn’t updating blog as oftern as I used. By the way, this will basically means more bandwidth to be wasted ;)  It took a while to find the right ISP, and after some tests with both italian providers I ended moving [...]
Categories: eth0
William Maddler

OS2008 web browser slowdown (fixed)

2008-01-11 15:16 UTC  by  William Maddler
Right after a few hours of use, web browser on N810 became pretty slow while loading, hanging for about 10 seconds while launching (Bug 2753). I had the same problem on N800, but I thought it was because of my experiments ;). But now I am on a fresh install. I’m still trying to trace [...]
Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler

Back on track!

2008-01-11 10:52 UTC  by  William Maddler
Ok, quite a long time since my last post! But new year brought me some good news. I finally got my coupon working and received the N810 (woah!) and moved from the N800+E90 duo to N810+N95-8GB. I’ve been playing around with N810 in the past two days and, yes, I’ve to confess that I’m pretty [...]
Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler

KDE 3.5.8 soon on N800/N810!

2007-12-12 20:46 UTC  by  William Maddler
This was supposed to be a comment to my post about alternatives to Matchbox on ITs but, folks, such a great news can’t be relegated in comment! Drums rolling, please… Penguinbait is going to relase KDE 3.5.8! :D Development of KDE for Nokia has begun again!!! I currently have a working copy of FULL KDE [...]
Categories: linux
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William Maddler

How long must we sing this song…?

2007-12-11 11:32 UTC  by  William Maddler
I’m trying, trust me, I’m hardly trying to understand Nokia marketing guys. But I really can’t understand how the take decisions. I just found (thanx to Giskard) that N810 is available and in stock on UK’s Nokia Shop. I know, Nokia is a big company, and things like that. But, as I already asked some [...]
Categories: maemo
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William Maddler

New FM Radio landed on OS2008

2007-12-07 23:03 UTC  by  William Maddler
One word review: “great!” Ok, was it too short? :D I just installed updated FM Radio software and, folks, we’ve got another great piece of software here. FM Radio was a great deal on N800 already, but here we have a couple brand new features which really make this application a must-to-install-as-soon-as-possibile! :) 1: now [...]
Categories: maemo
William Maddler and price floating

2007-12-05 23:01 UTC  by  William Maddler
This morning I gave a look at, you know, just in case. ;)   By the way, the price shown for N800 was 309€. “Damn! They raised the price!” was my first thought. This evening I decided to give another look and… guess? The price went back to 289€! Again, which game are Nokia [...]
Categories: maemo
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William Maddler

GPE applications on OS2008

2007-12-04 22:16 UTC  by  William Maddler
One of the most common complaints (beside not being a phone :-D ) about Internet Tablets is not being good a PIM. Perhaps Garnet will (soon) bring P3 (Palm PIM Power) to Maemo platform. In the meantime, have we got any solution at hand? Yes? No? Perhaps? Well, from my (as usual) point of view [...]
Categories: maemo
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William Maddler


2007-12-04 11:04 UTC  by  William Maddler

Is there any special topic you would like to read of on this blog? Something you’d like to discuss? This is the time to cast your vote!(You can place two preferences) C’e` qualche argomento in particolare di cui vorresti leggere su questo blog? Qualcoa di cui vorresti parlare? E` il momento di votare!(Puoi esprimere due preferenze)

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
William Maddler

Canola 2 aproaching!

2007-12-03 23:25 UTC  by  William Maddler

Canola 2I’ve just finished watching 2 teaser (Flash or Html) and, folks, looks like we’ve got a killer application here! The new interface seems very promising.

The video (here) shows 2 running on a equipped with and the results are amazingly fluid, things should be even better on N8×0. Beside

Canola could really be a killing application for Internet Tablets N810, even if the single MicroSD on could somehow be a threshold, 8GB MSD aren’t easy to find yet). Also being able to handle multimedia contents in such an easy and comfortable way could really help making more people aware of what IT can be “useful” for, beside simply accessing the internet.

Portable media players are another kinda interesting market. What about an Internet Tablet which can be made in a portable media player with a single touch of your finger? Scree real estate isn’t really a problem on IT family, as well as definition and brightness, after all.

We only have to wait 9 more days!

Comments welcome… ;)

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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