Planet maemo: category "feed:43af5b2374081abdd0dbc4ba26a0b54c"

Philip Van Hoof

FWD: [Tracker] tracker-miner-rss 0.3

2010-01-27 01:39 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

This is the kind of stuff that needs a forward on the planets:

From: Roberto -MadBob- Guido

This is just an update about tracker-miner-rss effort, already mentioned in this list some time ago.

Website, SVN, Last release (0.3)

Since 0.2 we (Michele and me) have just dropped dependency from rss-glib due some limitation found, and created our own Glib-oriented feeds handling library, libgrss, starting from the code of Liferea and adding nice stuffs such as a PubSub subscriber implementation. At the moment it is shipped with tracker-miner-rss itself, in the future may be splitted so to easy usage by other developers.

Next will come integration with libchamplain to describe geographic points found in geo-rss enabled feeds, integration with libedataserver to better handle “person” rappresentation (suggestions for a better PIM-like shared library with useful objects?), and perhaps a first full-featured feed reader using Tracker as backend.

Enjoy :-)

Roberto is doing a demo on FSter at FOSDEM during our presentation. My role in the presentation will be light this year. I decided to give most of the talk away to Rob Taylor and Roberto. I will probably demo Debarshi Ray’s Solang and if time permits his work on the Nautilus integration. Regretfully Debarshi can’t come and so he asked me to do the demo.

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

Solang, a photo manager

2010-01-18 21:59 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

For the last few weeks has Debarshi Ray contributed to Tracker’s Nautilus plugin and worked on Solang, a photo manager that will start using Tracker’s SPARQL capability to get a language to query for metadata about the photos and the photos themselves.

Debarshi explains it all very well himself on his own blog.

We’ll probably do a lightening demo during our Tracker presentation at FOSDEM about how Solang did this integration. We’re also planning to demo the code of a few other applications that are working on integrating with Tracker’s store.

Somebody should port Solang to the next version of Maemo!

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

SPARQL subqueries

2009-12-09 16:54 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

This style of subqueries will also work (you can do this one without a subquery too, but it’s just an example of course):

SELECT ?name COUNT(?msg)
	?from a nco:Contact  ;
	          nco:hasEmailAddress ?name . {
		SELECT ?from
			?msg a nmo:Email ;
			         nmo:from ?from .
} GROUP BY ?from  

The same query in QtTracker will look like this (I have not tested this, let me know if it’s wrong Iridian):

#include <QObject>
#include <QtTracker/Tracker>
#include <QtTracker/ontologies/nco.h>
#include <QtTracker/ontologies/nmo.h>

void someFunction () {
	RDFSelect outer;
	RDFVariable from;
	RDFVariable name = outer.newColumn<nco::Contact>("name");
	RDFSelect inner = outer.subQuery();
	RDFVariable in_from = inner.newColumn("from");
	RDFVariable msg;<nmo::from>(in_from);
	outer.addCountColumn("total messages", msg);
	LiveNodes from_and_count = ::tracker()->modelQuery(outer);

What you find in this branch already supports it. You can find early support for subqueries in QtTracker in this branch.

To quickly put some stuff about Emails into your RDF store, read this page (copypaste the turtle examples in a file and use the tracker-import tool). You can also enable our Evolution Tracker plugin, of course.

ps. Yes, somebody should while building a GLib/GObject based client library for Tracker copy ideas from QtTracker.

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

Bla bla bla, subqueries in SPARQL, bla bla

2009-12-08 15:33 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Coming to you in a few days is what Jürg has been working on for last week.

Yeah, you guess it right by looking at the query below: subqueries!

This example shows you the amount of E-mails each contact has ever sent to you:

SELECT ?address
    (SELECT COUNT(?msg) AS ?msgcnt WHERE { ?msg nmo:from ?from })
    ?from a nco:Contact ;
          nco:hasEmailAddress ?address .

The usual warnings apply here: I’m way early with this announcement. It’s somewhat implemented but insanely experimental. The SPARQL spec has something for this in a draft wiki page. Due to lack of error reporting and detection it’s easy to make stuff crash or to get it to generate wrong native SQL queries.

But then again, you guys are developers. You like that!

Why are we doing this? Ah, some team at an undisclosed company was worried about performance and D-Bus overhead: They had to do a lot of small queries after doing a parent query. You know, a bunch of aggregate functions for counts, showing the last message of somebody, stuff like that.

I should probably not mention this feature yet. It’s too experimental. But so exciting!

Anyway, here’s the messy branch and here’s the reviewed stuff for bringing this feature into master.

ps. I wish I could show you guys the query that we support for that team. It’s awesome. I’ll ask around.

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

Tracker’s write back support now in master

2009-11-26 16:07 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof


We just committed the support for write back in master.

What is it?

Tracker has a limited capability to write metadata back into the data resource. In case of a file that means writing it back into the file. For example writing some of the metadata the user sets using a SPARQL Update back into an MP3 file as ID3 tags.

Which ones do we support already?

Right now the write back capability is under development and only supports a bunch of fields for a few XMP formats (JPEG, PNG and TIFF) and the Title of MP3 files. In near future we will start supporting increasingly more fields.


For people who want to write support for their properties and file formats, read the documentation.

Party like it’s 2009!

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

At GCDS Jamie told us that he wants to make a plugin for tracker-store that writes all the triplets to a CouchDB instance.

Letting a CouchDB be a sort of offline backup isn’t very interesting. You want triples to go into the CouchDB at the moment of guaranteed storage: at commit time.

For the purpose of developing this we provide the following internal API.

typedef void (*TrackerStatementCallback) (const gchar *graph,
                                          const gchar *subject,
                                          const gchar *predicate,
                                          const gchar *object,
                                          GPtrArray   *rdf_types,
                                          gpointer     user_data);
typedef void (*TrackerCommitCallback)    (gpointer     user_data);

tracker_data_add_insert_statement_callback (TrackerStatementCallback callback,
                                            gpointer                 user_data);
tracker_data_add_delete_statement_callback (TrackerStatementCallback callback,
                                            gpointer                 user_data);
tracker_data_add_commit_statement_callback (TrackerCommitCallback callback,
                                            gpointer              user_data);

You’ll need to make a plugin for tracker-store and make the hook at the initialization of your plugin.

Current behaviour is when graph is NULL, it means that the default graph is being used. If it’s not NULL, it means that you probably don’t want the data in CouchDB: it’s data that’s coming from a miner. You probably only want to store data that is coming from the user. His applications won’t use FROM and INTO for their SPARQL Update queries, meaning that graph is NULL.

Very important is that your callback handler works with bottom halves: put your expensive task on a queue and handle the queued item somewhere else. You can for example use a GThreadPool or a GQueue plus a g_idle_add_full with G_PRIORITY_LOW callback picking items one by one on the mainloop. You should never have a TrackerStatementCallback or a TrackerCommitCallback that blocks. Not even a tiny tiny bit of blocking: it’ll bring everything in tracker-store on its knees. It’s why we aren’t giving you a public plugin API with a way to install your own plugins outside of the Tracker project.

By the way: we want to see code instead of talk before we further optimize things for this purpose.

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

Today, I feel like exposing you to some bleeding edge development going on as we speak at the Tracker team. I know you’re scared of that and that’s precisely why I want to expose you! Hah.

We are prototyping writeback support for Tracker.

With writeback we mean writing metadata that the user passes to us via SPARQL UPDATE into the file that he’s describing.

This means that it must be about a thing that is stored, that it must update a property that we want to writeback and it means that we need to support the format.

OK, that’s three requirements before we write anything back. Let’s explain how this stuff works in the prototype!

In our prototype you mark properties that are eligible for being written into the files using tracker:writeback.

It goes like this:

nie:title a rdf:Property ;
   rdfs:label "Title" ;
   rdfs:comment "The title of the document" ;
   rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:title ;
   nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
   rdfs:domain nie:InformationElement ;
   rdfs:range xsd:string ;
   tracker:fulltextIndexed true ;
   tracker:weight 10 ;
   tracker:writeback true .

Next you need a writeback module for tracker-writeback. We implemented a prototype one that can only write the title of MP3 files. It uses ID3lib’s C API.

When the user is describing a file, the resource must have nie:isStoredAs. The property being changed ’s tracker:writeback must be true. We want the value of the property too. That’s simple in SPARQL, right? Sure it is!

SELECT ?url ?predicate ?object {
    <$subject> ?predicate ?object ;
               nie:isStoredAs ?url .
    ?predicate tracker:writeback true

You’ll find this query in the code, go look!

Now it’s simple: using ID3lib we map Nepomuk to ID3 and write it.

No don’t be afraid, we’re not going to writeback metadata that we found ourselves. We’ll only writeback data that the user provided in the form of a SPARQL Update on the default graph. No panic. Besides, using tracker-writeback is going to be completely optional (just don’t run it).

This is a prototype, I repeat, this is a prototype. No expectations yet please. Just feel exposed to scary stuff, get overly excited and then join us by contributing. It’s all public what we’re doing in the branch ‘writeback’.

ps. Whether this will be Maemo’s future metadata-write stuff? Hmm, I don’t know. Do you know? ;-)

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof


2009-10-28 15:58 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Last few weeks I have been working on the new thumbnail infrastructure for future Maemo products.

Last year I made a specification for requesting thumbnails over D-Bus. Afterward I made a quick prototype and replaced the hildon-thumbnailer library of Maemo with it. This prototype will be deployed on the standard N900 image. It’s too late to replace Fremantle’s thumbnailer with the new stuff. It takes time to properly test it.

While I was developing both the specification and the prototype XFCE developer Jannis Pohlmann contacted me about rewriting my prototype for use in the XFCE project. Tumbler was born.

The nice people at Nokia are more interested in working with upstream projects instead of maintaining own products separately, so I shifted my focus from hildon-thumbnail to contributing to Jannis’ Tumbler project.

We realized that we needed different kinds of schedulers so while Jannis was developing Tumbler I kindly asked to consider abstracting scheduling a bit. Tumbler now has two schedulers. The background one sets I/O and scheduler priorities to IDLE and processes its thumbnail tasks in FIFO order. The foreground uses LIFO and will instead of grouping Ready signals together, emit them immediately after each single thumbnail is finished. Default is of course foreground.

We also realized that thumbnail flavors are going to be platform specific. So we added some support for this in the DBus APIs that we further fine tuned and versioned.

Congratulations and appreciation to Jannis who made Tumbler’s code and design really nice. Also thanks a lot for constructively considering our requirements and helping adapting Tumbler’s code to cope with them.

I know you for example worked one long night on this stuff, so I officially owe you a few beers and/or cocktails next conference.

How about FOSDEM?

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

Keeping the autotools guys happy with qmake

2009-10-20 08:14 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

I’m still figuring out how to do the same thing with cmake, but various bloggers and comments appear to be promising that it’ll be even more easy.

But this is a message for probably all Nokia teams who are making Qt-based libraries:

First open your src/ file and add this stuff:

CONFIG += create_pc create_prl
INSTALLS += target headers

Now open your debian/$package-dev.install file and add this line:


You’ll be doing all the autotools people a tremendous favor.

Next, open the README file and document that you need to use qmake-qt4 on Debian or make either qmake-qt3 or qmake-qt4 work flawlessly with your build environment. Perhaps also mention how to set the install prefix, how to make qmake find and install .pc files in another location, stuff like that. I find that this is lacking for almost every Qt-based library.

You’ll be doing everybody who wants to use your software a tremendous favor.

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof

The act of making …

2009-10-04 19:47 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

To be a Rubens, is to make paintings

Categories: Art &#38; culture
Philip Van Hoof

Martyn is right, we did release Tracker 0.7!

Now remember kids. It’s only a alpha or at least unstable release. The 0.8 will be what we will call the stable series for RDF, SPARQL, the new miner infrastructure, etc.

Categories: Informatics and programming
Philip Van Hoof


2009-09-25 10:24 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof


Let’s all stop doing this:

static void
my_calling_function_wrong (void)
[tab]MyItem1 *item1;
[tab]MyItem2 *item2;
[tab]MyItem3 *item3;

[tab]my_long_funcion (item1,

And start doing this:

static void
my_calling_function_right (void)
[tab]MyItem1 *item1;
[tab]MyItem2 *item2;
[tab]MyItem3 *item3;

[tab]my_long_funcion (item1,

The former doesn’t make sense unless each and every code viewing text display understands Mode lines’ tab-width property. The latter just always works, with every normal text editor.

ps. The super cool guys at Anjuta have already fixed this for me. I’m sure the even more cool EMacsers and the uber cool vimers can also fix their text editors?

Unnecessary note: [tab] is a tab and . is a space in the examples.

Categories: Informatics and programming