Planet maemo: category "feed:43af5b2374081abdd0dbc4ba26a0b54c"

Philip Van Hoof

Asynchronous undoable and redoable APIs

2017-04-13 21:32 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Combining QFuture with QUndoCommand made a lot of sense for us. The undo and the redo methods of the QUndoCommand can also be asynchronous, of course. We wanted to use QFuture without involving threads, because our asynchronosity is done through a process and IPC, and not a thread. It’s the design mistake of QtConcurrent‘s run method, in my opinion. That meant using QFutureInterface instead (which is undocumented, but luckily public – so it’ll remain with us until at least Qt’s 6.y.z releases).

So how do we make a QUndoCommand that has a undo, and that has a redo method that returns a asynchronous QFuture<ResultType>?

We just did that, today. I’m very satisfied with the resulting API and design. It might have helped if QUndoStack would be a QUndoStack<T> and QUndoCommand would have been a QUndoCommand<T> with undo and redo’s return type being T. Just an idea for the Qt 6.y.z developers.

Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof

Among the problems we’ll face is that we want asynchronous APIs that are undoable and that we want to switch to read only, undoable editing, non-undoable editing and that QML doesn’t really work well with QFuture. At least not yet. We want an interface that is easy to talk with from QML. Yet we want to switch between complicated behaviors.

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Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof


2017-03-23 00:17 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Perfection has been reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Categories: Art culture
Philip Van Hoof

Duck typing

2017-03-17 10:34 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Imagine you have a duck. Imagine you have a wall. Now imagine you throw the duck with a lot of force against a wall. Duck typing means that the duck hitting the wall quacks like a duck would.

ps. Replace wall with API and duck with ugly stupid script written by an idiot. You can leave quacks.

Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof


#include <ViewModels/MyListClass.h>
#include <ViewModels/DisplayViewModel.h>

qmlRegisterUncreatableType<MyListClass>( a_uri, 1, 0, "MyListClass",
         "Use access via DisplayViewModel instead");
qmlRegisterType<DisplayViewModel>( a_uri, 1, 0, "DisplayViewModel");


#define MY_DECLARE_QML_LIST(type, name, owner, prop) \
QQmlListProperty<type> name(){ \
   return QQmlListProperty<type>( \
               this, 0,&owner::count ## type ## For ## name ## List, \
               &owner::at ## type ## For ## name ## List); \
} \
static int count ## type ## For ## name ## List(QQmlListProperty<type>*property){ \
   owner *m = qobject_cast<owner *>(property->object); \
   return m->prop.size(); \
} \
static type *at ## type ## For ## name ## List( \
        QQmlListProperty<type>*property, int index){ \
   owner *m = qobject_cast<owner *>(property->object); \
   return m->prop[index]; \



#include <QObject>
#include <QtQml>
#include <ViewModels/MyListClass.h>
#include <Utils/MyQMLListUtils.h>

class DisplayViewModel : public QObject

    Q_PROPERTY(constQString title READ title WRITE setTitle NOTIFY titleChanged )
    Q_PROPERTY(constQList<MyListClass*> objects READ objects
                                          NOTIFY objectsChanged )
    Q_PROPERTY( QQmlListProperty<MyListClass> objectList READ objectList
                                              NOTIFY objectsChanged )
    explicit DisplayViewModel( QObject *a_parent = nullptr );
    explicit DisplayViewModel( const QString &a_title,
                               QList<MyListClass*> a_objects,
                               QObject *a_parent = nullptr );
    const QString title()
        { return m_title; }
    void setTitle( const QString &a_title );
    const QList<MyListClass*> objects ()
        { return m_objects; }
    Q_INVOKABLE void appendObject( MyListClass *a_object);
    Q_INVOKABLE void deleteObject( MyListClass *a_object);
    Q_INVOKABLE void reset( );

    MY_DECLARE_QML_LIST(MyListClass, objectList, DisplayViewModel, m_objects)

    void titleChanged();
    void objectsChanged();

    QString m_title;
    QList<MyListObject*> m_objects;



#include "DisplayViewModel.h"

DisplayViewModel::DisplayViewModel( const QString &a_title,
                                    QList<MyListClass*> a_objects,
                                    QObject *a_parent )
    : QObject ( a_parent )
    , m_title ( a_title )
    , m_objects ( a_objects )
    foreach (MyListClass* mobject, m_objects) {
        mobject->setParent (this);

void DisplayViewModel::setTitle (const QString &a_title )
    if ( m_title != a_title ) {
        m_title = a_title;
        emit titleChanged();

void DisplayViewModel::reset( )
    foreach ( MyListClass *mobject, m_objects ) {
    emit objectsChanged();

void DisplayViewModel::appendObject( MyListClass *a_object )
    a_object->setParent( this );
    m_objects.append( a_object );
    emit objectsChanged();

void DisplayViewModel::deleteObject( MyListClass *a_object )
    if (m_objects.contains( a_object )) {
        m_objects.removeOne( a_object );
        emit objectsChanged();


#include <ViewModels/DisplayViewModel.h>
#include <ViewModels/MyListClass.h>

QList<MyListClass*> objectList;
for( int i = 0; i < 100 ; ++i ) {
    objectList.append ( new MyListClass (i) );
DisplayViewModel *viewModel = new DisplayViewModel (objectList);
viewModel->appendObject ( new MyListClass (101) );


import QtQuick 2.5
import MyPlugin 1.0

Repeater {
    property DisplayViewModel viewModel: DisplayViewModel { }
    model: viewModel.objectList
    delegate: Item {
        property MyListClass object: modelData
        Text {
Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

As we all know does mmap, or even worse on Windows CreateFileMapping, need contiguous virtual address space for a given mapping size. That can become a problem when you want to load a file of a gigabyte with mmap.

The solution is of course to mmap the big file using multiple mappings. For example like adapting yesterday’s demo this way:

void FileModel::setFileName(const QString &fileName)
    if (m_file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        if (m_file->size() > MAX_MAP_SIZE) {
            m_mapSize = MAX_MAP_SIZE;
            m_file_maps.resize(1 + m_file->size() / MAX_MAP_SIZE, nullptr);
        } else {
            m_mapSize = static_cast(m_file->size());
            m_file_maps.resize(1, nullptr);
    } else {
        m_rowCount = m_index->size() / 4;
    m_file_maps[0] = m_file->map(0, m_mapSize, QFileDevice::NoOptions);
    qDebug() map(mapIndex * m_mapSize, m_mapSize, QFileDevice::NoOptions);
    position = m_file_maps[mapIndex] + map_pos_i;
    if (position) {
            const int length = static_cast(end_i - pos_i);
            char *buffer = (char*) alloca(length+1);
            if (map_end_i >= map_pos_i)
                strncpy (buffer, (char*) position, length);
            else {
                const uchar *position2 = m_file_maps[mapIndex+1];
                if (position2 == nullptr) {
                    position2 = m_file_maps[mapIndex+1] = m_file->map((mapIndex+1) *
                         m_mapSize, m_mapSize, QFileDevice::NoOptions);
                strncpy (buffer, (char*) position, MAX_MAP_SIZE - map_pos_i);
                strncpy (buffer + (MAX_MAP_SIZE - map_pos_i), (char*) position2, map_end_i);
            buffer[length] = 0;
            ret = QVariant(QString(buffer));
    return ret;

You could also not use mmap for the very big source text file and use and, length). The most important mapping is of course the index one, as the reading of the individual lines can also be done fast enough with normal read() calls (as long as you don’t have to do it for each and every line of the very big file and as long as you know in a O(1) way where the QAbstractListModel’s index.row()’s data is).

But you already knew that. Right?

Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

Sometimes people want to do crazy stuff like loading a gigabyte sized plain text file into a Qt view that can handle QAbstractListModel. Like for example a QML ListView. You know, the kind of files you generate with this commando:

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Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof

Composition and aggregation with QObject

2016-07-01 11:38 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Consider these rather simple relationships between classes

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Categories: controversial
Philip Van Hoof

I added support for changing the nrl:maxCardinality property of an rdfs:Property from one to many. Earlier Martyn Russel reverted such an ontology change as this was a blocker for the Debian packaging by Michael Biebl.

We only support going from one to many. That’s because going from many to one would obviously imply data-loss (a string-list could work with CSV, but an int-list can’t be stored as CSV in a single-value int type – instead of trying to support nonsense I decided to just not do it at all).

More supported ontology changes can be found here.

Not sure if people care but this stuff was made while listening to Infected Mushroom.

Categories: english
Philip Van Hoof

PADI Rescue diver

2014-09-01 16:25 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

For this one I worked really hard. Buddy breading, relaxing people in panic at 20 meters deep, keeping yourself cool. And that in Belgian waters (no visibility and freezing cold). We simulated it all. It was harder than most other things I did in my life.

Categories: Art culture
Philip Van Hoof

Let’s make things better

2014-05-23 16:58 UTC  by  Philip Van Hoof

Matthew gets that developers need good equipment.

Glade, Scaffolding (DevStudio), Scintilla & GtkSourceView, Devhelp, gnome-build and Anjuta also got it earlier.

I think with GNOME’s focus on this and a bit less on woman outreach programs; this year we could make a difference.

Luckily our code is that good that it can be reused for what is relevant today.

It’s all about what we focus on.

Can we please now go back at making software?

ps. I’ve been diving in Croatia. Trogir. It was fantastic. I have some new reserves in my mental system.

ps. Although we’re very different I have a lot of respect for your point of view, Matthew.


Categories: condescending
Philip Van Hoof

While Nemo Mobile OS doesn’t ship with udisks2 nor with the GLib/GIO GVfs2 modules that interact with it, we still wanted removable volume management working with the file indexer.

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Categories: english