Planet maemo: category "feed:3d3e061583a0cbd2215be7a7982cdd67"


Time for change

2011-07-27 15:11 UTC  by  vivijim

During the last 2 years I worked for Collabora having Nokia as my client. There I was part of the Harmattan Product Performance Team working with Maemo/MeeGo for N9 and N950.


The N9 and N950 has been announced. They are just perfect. An amazing design with a great system. Now that I’m sending my proto back I’m already looking forward to receive my N950 dev kit to continue working with it.

I’m also praying for Nokia giving up on M$ and continue working with MeeGo! ;)


Collabora was one of the greatest things that ever happened in my life. It is the biggest open source consultancy company based in Cambridge-UK with developers spread all over the world. They are well prepared and organized to have developers doing their best from any part of the world, mainly from their home offices.

Thanks for everything collabora family. I’m going to miss you.

But now it is time for change.


Next Monday – Aug 1st I’m starting at Intel being part of graphics development team. I promise that I’ll continue posting on this blog some news about my work there.

No, it wont be necessary to leave São Paulo. I’ll continue living on this huge city going everyday to Intel’s office here located at Market Place.

Categories: Collabora

MeeGo Conference

2011-05-24 17:15 UTC  by  vivijim

I’m here in San Francisco attending the MeeGo Conference. As always it is good to meet and keep in touch with old friends and also meet new interesting people.

Unfortunately no mobile phone running meego was released as expected. But anyway I’m sure that MeeGo has a great future. By Now I’m installing the just released MeeGo Developer Edition in my N900.

If you are here come to Collabora Booth see our demos and drink some coke with us. Follow us in twitter @collaborameego and/or #collaborameego.

But if you aren’t here you can see some presentations at Enjoy it.

Categories: Collabora

Let’s meet at Linuxcon Brasil?

2010-08-04 21:38 UTC  by  vivijim

For the very first time the Linux Foundation is organizing the Linuxcon Brazil. It will happen on August 31th and Seeptember 01 in São Paulo city at WTC.

I’m already confirmed to do a presentation in Portuguese-br: A Maturidade do Linux no Mercado dos Celulares e de Serviços: Rumo ao Domínio!

I was also invited by Klaus Kiwi to participate of a mini-sumit to discuss about Linux development as a professional activity, which I’m not sure if it is already confirmed.

Helio Castro will  be there as well doing a presentation about Meego!

Ok ok, maybe you don’t want to hear what we have to tell there, but what about listen to Linus Torvalds at this keynote ;)

I’m pretty sure that there will be other good presentations and talks over there.

See you there?

Categories: Collabora

Navigator devices x Navigator apps

2010-08-04 21:05 UTC  by  vivijim

To whom didn’t know I’ living in São Paulo city now. When I was looking to apartment here I was using the Nokia maps at my N900 to guide me trough the streets that I didn’t know.

Click to read 1246 more words
Categories: Collabora

The N900 is the cellphone that I’m using since last December and I simply love it. No I’m not a Nokia fun boy, I let this kind of behavior for those who loves design despite of usability, connectivity, reliability, etc..

Well, but as the title suggests this post is just for the N900 users ;)

As you should know the weakness of this device is the battery when you use so much 3G, wifi, bluetooth and GPS. I have to recharge my device every single night to be sure that I’ll have enough power for the whole next day.

At least I had, before to find out the Autodisconnect tool. You configure it to disconnect everything that is not really being used and is saves battery.

Well it doesn’t do any miracle but at least nowadays I can forget to recharge one night without being worried during the next day.

OBS: I’m not a Autodisconnect tool developer and to be honest I’ve never seen its code. This is just a tip for the users.

Categories: Collabora

Moblin + Maemo = MeeGo

2010-02-15 11:20 UTC  by  vivijim

“MeeGo is an open source, Linux project which brings together the Moblin project, headed up by Intel, and Maemo, by Nokia, into a single open source activity.”

Ari Jaaksi has written a very informative announcement. Read it.

Some Highlights:

  • “The development and integration will be open, too. Everybody can invest in MeeGo and participate. It is a genuine open source project.” (Ari Jaaksi)

So, I hope to see the build system open also…

Categories: Collabora

sed s/INdT/Collabora/g

2009-10-22 20:11 UTC  by  vivijim

This is a quick post to announce that I left INdT and joined Collabora.

These 3 last years at INdT was simply fantastic. Thank you (INdT) guys for everything. I wish the best for all of you guys.

Now it is time to move on. I joined Collabora today. Thank you (Collabora) guys for the good reception. Let’s rock.

I intend to write more technical posts related to the work at Collabora. (latter/in the future)

Categories: Collabora

Bossa Conference ’09

2009-02-04 13:17 UTC  by  vivijim

It is coming…

I’ve already posted last year’s video:

I don’t think that you wanna miss it this year.

As always, it will be an amazing conference with great people presenting their projects in a paradisaical place. Besides you will have the oportunity to talk and share experience with great minds ;)

Btw the programme is out:

Enjoy it!

Categories: INdT

Mamona Release 0.2

2008-09-12 18:43 UTC  by  vivijim

It has passed a while since my last post here, but nothing better than great news to get back to write.

I’m so proud to announce the Mamona 0.2 release.

The entire team has been doing a great job spending efforts to make it usable and stable, providing new installer scripts and new packages; supporting new machines; writing a better documentation and many other features.

Please, read the complete feature list at Mamona 0.2 Release Notes.

Categories: INdT

Bossa Conference ’08 – Have you missed it?

2008-04-26 00:05 UTC  by  vivijim

Bossa Conference ’08 was a great open source conference for mobile embedded platforms.

Have you missed it?

Will you miss it again next year?

See you there next year!

Categories: Maemo