Enrique Ocaña González

Cat’s Panic

2023-01-06 03:32 UTC  by  Enrique Ocaña González

It’s been 8 years since the last time I wrote a videogame just for personal fun. As it’s now become a tradition, I took advantage of the extra focused personal time I usually have on the Christmas season and gave a try to Processing to do my own “advent of code”. It’s a programming environment based on Java that offers a similar visual, canvas-based experience to the one I enjoyed as a child in 8 bit computers. I certainly found coding there to be a pleasant and fun experience.

So, what I coded is called Cat’s Panic, my own version of a known arcade game with a similar name. In this version, the player has to unveil the outline of a hidden cute cat on each stage.

The player uses the arrow keys to control a cursor that can freely move inside a border line. When pressing space, the cursor can start an excursion to try to cover a new area of the image to be unveiled. If any of the enemies touches the excursion path, the player loses a life. The excursion can be canceled at any time by releasing the space key. Enemies can be killed by trapping them in a released area. A stage is completed when 85% of the outline is unveiled.

Although this game is released under GPLv2, I don’t recommend anybody to look at its source code. It breaks all principles of good software design, it’s messy, ugly, and it’s only purpose was to make the developing process entertaining for me. You’ve been warned.

I’m open to contributions in the way of new cat pictures that add more stages to the already existing ones, though.

You can get the source code in the GitHub repository and a binary release for Linux here (with all the Java dependencies, which weight a lot).

Meow, enjoy!

Categories: Hacking (english)
Alberto Mardegan

Back to Maemo!

2023-01-08 19:48 UTC  by  Alberto Mardegan

New year, new job. After leaving Canonical I'm back to working on the same software platform on which I started working back in 2006: Maemo. Well, not exactly the vanilla Maemo, but rather its evolution known as Aurora OS, which is based on Sailfish OS. This means I'm actually back to fixing the very same bugs I introduced back then when I was working in Nokia, since a lot of the middleware has remained the same.

At the moment OMP (the company developing Aurora OS) is mostly (or even exclusively, AFAIK) targeting business customers, meaning corporations such as the Russian posts and the railway company, whereas the consumer market is seen as something in the far away future. Just in case you were curious whether there were any devices on sale with Aurora OS.

I should also explain why I've refused several very well paying job opportunities from Western companies: it's actually for a reason that has been bothering me since last March, and it's a very simple one. The fact is that because of the sanctions against Russia I already had to change bank once (as the one I was using fell under sanctions), and in these months I've always been working with the fear of not being able to receive my salary, since new sanctions are introduced every month and more and more banks are being added to the blacklist. That's why I've restricted my job search to companies having an official presence in Russia; and to my surprise (and from some point of view, I could even say disappointment) the selection and hiring processes were so quick that I received three concrete offers while I was still working my last weeks at Canonical, and I joined OMP on that very Monday after my last Friday at Canonical.

I mean, I could have rested a bit, at least until the Christmas holidays, but no. ☺ Anyway, I'm so far very happy with my new job, and speaking Russian at work is something totally new for me, both challenging and rewarding at the same time.

Categories: english
Valério Valério

Memilih permainan taruhan memang harus dipikirkan dengan baik dan benar dan tidak boleh dilakukan dengan sembarangan. Kalaupun ada banyak koleksi permainan yang tersedia tetap kita harus bisa selektif memutuskan dan memilih salah satu pilihan yang paling tepat. Dengan cara demikian inilah yang kemudian akan memungkinkan dan memudahkan kita untuk bisa memperoleh kemenangan. Kita bisa mendapatkan dan memperoleh kemenangan lebih mudah dari permainan yang kita lakukan jika kita bisa bermain dengan cara yang tepat.

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Categories: Uncategorized
