Raul Herbster

Latency/Bandwidth and Performance

2015-11-11 15:43 UTC  by  Raul Herbster
I've been always interested in scrapping a bit more my application... no matter its level: frontend, framework or native. That's why I guess I have decided to study a bit more Software Systems. Some weeks ago, I was implementing some tests to evaluate my current project in terms of "time spent for certain operations". In addition, I had to force some cache/memory fault, work on some *non* cache-friendly program and, at the end, I was thinking about other aspects of my system. Usually, for software systems, we pretty much focus on latency and bandwidth. For example, when you are developing an application to have an efficient access to memory (cache-friendly!), you are thinking about latency, as you want to avoid (expensive) access to a lower-level memory. Of course, depending on the operation (network, memory access, etc.), latency and bandwidth have a bit different meaning. For example, for network, latency is measured by sending a packet that is returned to the sender. For memory access, latency can be explained as "the delay time between the moment a memory controller tells the memory module to access a particular memory column on a RAM module, and the moment the data from the given array location is available on the module's output pins". [Wiki]

I took a look on some amazing links that gave me a very precise and detailed view about such discussion and here they are:

Categories: bandwidth
Jussi Ohenoja

2015-11-03 Meeting Minutes

2015-11-17 18:05 UTC  by  Jussi Ohenoja

Meeting held 2015-11-03 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: Bernardo Reino (reinob), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)

Partial: Rudiger Schiller (chem|st)

Absent: Halit Bal (HtheB), Gido Griese (Win7Mac)

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • TMO forum swearword filter
  • Maemo Coding Competition 2015

(Topic TMO forum swearword filter):

  • General feeling is that there should be no need for filters like that, unless for example mandated in some countries/locations.
  • There however seem to be some people who like to have it, so we should have an election to decide what to do about it.
  • This would also be a nice pretext to have a test election to train new Councillors to handle elections.

(Topic Maemo Coding Competition 2015):

  • Discussion on competition basic rules, whether to have categories based on device type or application type or something between..
  • The Council will continue to refine the idea further before presenting to the community.

Action Items:
  • old items:
    • The selected Code of Conduct (KDE) still needs to be published on TMO.
    • Looking into automatic calculation of election results ...
  • new items:
    • Arrange Council status on TMO for new Council members
Categories: council
Raul Herbster

IOCTL Android

2015-11-23 18:33 UTC  by  Raul Herbster
IOCTL is a very useful system call: it is simple and multiplexes the different commands to the appropriate kernel space function. In this post, I want to describe how you can implement a module with IOCTL support for Android. There are a lot of good articles about it (links below), and I just describe the differences regarding to the Android platform.
Click to read 1730 more words
Categories: android
