Henri Bergius

J. Paul Morrison invented Flow-Based Programming while at IBM in 1969.

I ran into the concept in 2011 while trying to figure out a better way to create software. I read his canonical book on the subject, and decided to try and implement it in JavaScript. Thus, NoFlo got started.

It has been an honor to have Paul as a mentor in the process. In late June 2013 we flew to Toronto to meet him. What resulted was quite a thorough code review of NoFlo’s FBP implementation, and a video interview. The interview with Paul is finally online. Enjoy!

If you want to meet Paul in person, the next opportunity will be in the Toronto Flow-Based Programming meetup on September 11th. On the same week we also have my NoFlo talk in Zurich on the 10th, and Forrest’s talk in Berlin on the 14th.

In other news, the NoFlo Kickstarter campaign just hit 96%. Please help us get it funded so we can bring better flow-based tools to designers and programmers everywhere!

Andrew Flegg

MWKN Weekly News for Monday, 9 Sep 2013

2013-09-09 04:00 UTC  by  Andrew Flegg
Front Page

Microsoft buys Nokia "Devices and Services" division for $7.2 billion

In what, perhaps, should not be an unsurprising outcome of the appointment of Stephen Elop to head Nokia, Microsoft will be acquiring Nokia's devices and services division as part of a nearly $7.2 billion deal to be finalized early next year, pending regulatory approval:

Click to read 1620 more words
Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula


Jump to the next session if you don’t want to read lullabies

Click to read 1282 more words
Categories: GObject
Philip Van Hoof

Dear Mark,

Your team and you yourself are working on the Jolla Phone. I’m sure that you guys are doing a great job and although I think you’ve been generating hype and vaporware until we can actually buy the damn thing, I entrust you with leading them.

As their leader you should, I would like to, allow them to provide us with all of the device’s source code and build environments of their projects so that we can have the exact same binaries. With exactly the same I mean that it should be possible to use MD5 checksums. I’m sure you know what that means and you and I know that your team knows how to provide geeks like me with this. I worked with some of them together during Nokia’s Harmattan and Fremantle and we both know that you can easily identify who can make this happen.

The reason why is simple: I want Europe to develop a secure phone similar to how, among other open source projects, the Linux kernel can be trusted. By peer review of the source code.

Kind regards,

A former Harmattan developer who worked on a component of the Nokia N9 that stores the vast majority of user’s privacy.

ps. I also think that you should reunite Europe’s finest software developers and secure the funds to make this workable. But that’s another discussion which I’m eager to help you with.

Categories: controversial
There are quite a few members of my lab who will be presenting talks next week at the LinuxCon North America So it is time to advertise them.
First, we have a couple of a technical tracks scheduled. Tasneem Brutch will be talking about enabling OpenCL acceleration for web applications  (http://sched.co/14Dpx1N). Tasneem is the chair of the Khronos WebCl group and she is a member of my research team working on platform acceleration. Mauro Chehab will give talk on RAS on Linux ( http://sched.co/1aVyGuP ). Mauro is part of our open source group  working in Brazil ( and yes we also have an office in Brazil where we have both an RD and open source team - so if anybody from Brazil wants to contact us, do not hesitate) Finally, Shuah Khan will be presenting a tutorial on cross-compiling Linux Kernel on X86_64 ( http://sched.co/15Nfo6a ).We also have one legal talk by Ibrahim Haddad about open sourcing proprietary technology (http://sched.co/1atg1CW) and as part of the Tizen Mini-summit, Guy Martin  will be presented the Tizen 3.0 Open Governance model together with Thiago Marciera from Intel (http://sched.co/19JGyiw)Hope to see you all there.
Andrew Flegg

MWKN Weekly News for Monday, 16 Sep 2013

2013-09-16 20:16 UTC  by  Andrew Flegg
Front Page

Help determine the feasibility of establishing a German e.V. for the Hildon Foundation

The Hildon Foundation was established as a legal body who could inherit the maemo.org resources from Nokia in order to ensure their continued existence. Unfortunately, it got off to a rocky start with personal agendas, arguments and disagreements.

Fortunately, the recent election (which installed your editor as Chair) resulted in more harmonious, and consensus-driven group - who now have to tidy up the loose ends remaining. Hildon Foundation has decided to move the association from a US-based foundation under the law of Pennsylvania towards a German "eingetragener Verein" (e.V.); but more assistance is needed:

"So if we want to continue this road towards EU, where our server-HW is based and the money actually needs to be accessible, what we'd need for board is at least 3 EU residents who are willing to take the burden of showing responsible and doing all the paperwork for quite some time. Still, the General Assembly (council) is the highest decision making organ of the Association and is generally in charge of all duties, unless these Articles of Association have assigned specific duties to another organ of the Association."

"For the requirements, we would then need 4 more people (7 is minimum) to actually fund and inaugurate the eV with its board; preferrably, but not limited to EU residents (each of them has to sign the inaugurational docs, board as representatives by notarization). These 4 additional funders could be extraordinary members as well as council."

Thoughts welcome on the TMO thread.

Read more (talk.maemo.org)

In this edition (Download)...

  1. Front Page
    • Help determine the feasibility of establishing a German e.V. for the Hildon Foundation
  2. Applications
    • Recover N900 lock code with recoverlock script
    • Backport of Rocket Twitter client now available in beta for Fremantle
  3. Devices
    • Neo900 website updated with additional specifications
    • Sailfish OS 'achieves compatibility' with Android

ownNotes 1.0.2

2013-09-19 00:00 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

a new release of ownNotes is now available here in the downloads section for Harmattan and SailfishOS. This release improve the highlighter, and fix some cursor position happening when rehighlighter was triggered while using Swype keyboard.

More informations on ownNotes

Firefox for Mobile Firefox for Mobile Firefox for Android: Team Meetup, Brainstorming and Hacking - http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog... September 25, 2013 from Mark Finkle's Weblog » Mozilla - Comment - Like


2013-09-26 17:50 UTC  by  Unknown author
Firefox for Mobile Firefox for Mobile We - http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog... September 26, 2013 from Mark Finkle's Weblog » Mozilla - Comment - Like
