
Happy New Year Maemo Community!

As we move into the new year, we’re also faced with a very new phase of life — that is, complete control of the maemo.org infrastructure, meaning community governance of the Maemo Community and everything that it implies (community servers and software repositories, various maemo-related software and technology, the talk.maemo.org forum and wiki, etc.). It’s a lot to fathom, but we are certain that if any community can handle it, this one can.

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Categories: News

Open Letter from the Hildon Foundation to Jolla

2013-01-04 01:54 UTC  by  hildonfound

Dear Jolla,

Click to read 1126 more words
Categories: News

More gvfs MTP backend news

2013-01-05 05:01 UTC  by  philipl

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year! And the new year brings new updates on the gvfs MTP front. I received a bunch of useful feedback from the gvfs maintainers last month, which I was finally able to get time to sit down and address over the last few days. Accordingly, I’ve made a series of updates that fix a variety of things, from small memory leaks all the way to, finally, implementing the right way to tell Nautilus to do directory downloads/uploads in the right way (You’ve got to return a specific error code) – which fixes the one remaining functional gap in the code. Uploading a directory is still not fully working as I need to handle the way Nautilus ends up referring to uploaded directories by name when trying to upload their contents. Right now there’s no logic to remap the name to the MTP entity ID so the file uploads fail, but I know what has to be done.

I think we’re nearing the finish line, with respect to getting this merged upstream. *phew*

As always, the easiest way to try the code out is to install the packages from my PPA. I have also put a build of libmtp 1.1.5 in there so that unlock events and thumbnails work out of the box too.


Categories: The wonderful world of GNOME...

Updated nethack build for OS2008

2013-01-07 20:30 UTC  by  Unknown author
My blog is mostly abandoned but today I've decided to share what happened since last post.

We had another daughter. I'm mostly busy with family projects and personal software projects are mostly related to GStreamer nowadays.

I'm sorry but links to nethack and tuner tool were lost when I've I changed the ISP provider and forgot about it for too long.

Now I've moved nethack port source code to FDO and uploaded a new build OS2008 to my dropbox account . I've added the "twoweapons" menu entry in the Apparel menu which was a missing feature and also changed the map background to just solid black.

The tuner tool was already in the maemo garage and I've just updated the links to there.
Categories: Nethack

Jolla, Part 2…

2013-01-10 19:45 UTC  by  hildonfound

Dear Jolla,

Thank you for your response to our Open Letter. As you can see from the community conversation regarding your response — here, as well as various social media circles — most of our members want more. The Hildon Foundation appreciate the invitation to become “true pioneers,” but in all honesty, the Maemo community has been a true pioneer for many years now as a unique open source initiative combining developers and users with a community repository of applications and platform components.

This being said, we understand that Jolla is a future that we would like to help make successful if possible. Currently, neither Jolla nor any Jolla affiliates affiliates (Mer, Nemo, Sailfish OS, etc.) have any sort of “community,” user base, or public space for communication to speak of. These assets can be extended if, for example, you are interested in a community repository, cross-platform development, or helping developers migrate to Sailfish. We had already intended to provide a public space for Jolla/Nemo/Sailfish and will continue to do so regardless. Would Jolla like to help with any of these efforts that will benefit Jolla?

We thank you for indicating on our website that Jolla agrees to support a Sailfish on N900 project. Of course, our community contains the world’s most knowledgeable developers on the N900 device. We would promote and host the project in a variety of ways to leverage our existing expertise and bring in new participants.

What type of support and/or cooperation does Jolla envision providing?

Thank you,
The Hildon Foundation

Categories: News

gvfs MTP backend is merged!

2013-01-12 23:21 UTC  by  philipl

At last! I’m happy to report that I merged the MTP backend to gvfs master yesterday. It’ll show up in the upcoming 1.15.2 release, and for Ubuntu users, I’ve updated my PPA to include builds for Precise, Quantal and Raring.


Categories: The wonderful world of GNOME...
Raul Herbster


2013-01-25 00:25 UTC  by  Raul Herbster
My life has changed upside down recently: I have been accepted to Saarland University Graduate School and I will move to Germany soon. I will try to keep this updated as possible.
Simón Pena Placer

A time of changes

2013-01-25 11:00 UTC  by  Simón Pena Placer

I left my job at Igalia at the beginning of this month, after a bit more than two years working there.

These past two years have been incredible: I was living in Finland for almost the whole 2011, participating in the MeeGo project, and then spent 2012 working from A Coruña's offices, working on WebKit and other technologies. I enjoyed it a lot, got really attached to the people there -- some of them I call friends now --, and grew a lot professionally.

Igalia is organized in a flat structure, where we take more responsibilities than just coding, and where the ultimate step is to become a partner. However, I currently have the feeling that I want to focus more on the technical side of things, to gain more expertise, and that would be too complicated without neglecting these other responsibilities -- the kind of responsibilities that take time and energy. Then, being honest with my colleagues, the responsible thing was leaving.

I have only started looking for new opportunities since I announced my decision, so things are still a bit unclear. We will be quite probably leaving Spain and heading North: we would like to go to The Netherlands, but we don't discard anything in advance.

If your company needs a Software Engineer, chances are I could be of help, so take a look at my profile in LinkedIn, and don't hesitate to ask me for my CV or other details. And, if you're so kind, please pass the word and help me find a new cool place!

Categories: Tech
Thomas Perl

Tetrepetete, SMS Backup and apkenv updates

2013-01-29 22:39 UTC  by  Thomas Perl
Whew, January is pretty much over already, and there haven't been any updates here. So this means here's a short cumulative update of what's happened over the last few weeks:

If you are not afraid of falling blocks, and don't mind the lack of colors, give Tetrepetete a try. Not to be confused with a game of a totally different name, this game brings falling blocks of 4 to your N900 and N950/N9. While the full color version is still not available as such, the free greyscale version is up for grabs as .deb on the website. Including a cameo appearance by That Rabbit from That Rabbit Game for no good reason. Play or discuss. Or be productive. Or something.

SMS Backup GUI
Instead of rolling my own solution from scratch, I found the wonderful MeegoSMSBackupRestore project by Tony Wang, which is a command-line tool for Harmattan devices to backup and restore SMS messages (as if that wasn't clear from the application name..). It was missing a GUI, so I've added one. The announcement and download, as well as the Debian source package (.dsc, .tar.gz) are available from an Internet near you. Feel like Git? We have you covered as well.

apkenv updates
If you haven't been watching the apkenv Git repo closely (I know you haven't), you might have missed the Pandora port by crowriot, which - while not being directly useful to Maemo/MeeGo users as such - also brought improvements to the Cut the Rope module, which somehow works now. To be discussed at talk.maemo.org, and patches (as always) welcome.

In other (totally unrelated) news, the thesis is done (yay!).
Categories: apkenv
