
A few days ago, I submitted a bug because os2006 doesn’t backup/restore my /etc/apt/sources.list (the list of application repositories I typed in). Paul Klapperich suggested the custom backup trick to add your own files and dirs to what gets backed up and restored. According to Jakub Pavelek (of nokia), /etc/apt/sources.list is backed up on os2007 on the n800, but this info still might help somebody if there’s anything else they want backed up.

I created a file called my-custom-backup.conf based on this and I think others might appreciate having it, since it fixes 2 bugs or adds 2 features (depending on how you look at it) to os2006 – it backs up the application repository list and all archived email (among other things – see below).

It saves the following files/dirs for the following reasons:

/etc/apt/sources.list list of the application repositories /media/mmc1/.archive this is where the email program stores “archived” emails – I lost a bunch of these when I reformatted my rsmmc card to have 512 byte blocks for maemo mapper a while back because I didn’t check for hidden files on the card /etc/others-menu is already saved in the default backup configuration, but I thought I should save this, too /etc/hosts I manually enter the ip addresses of my other computers in here so I can scp from the 770 with a machine name instead of an ip address /home/user/.ssh this is so I don’t have to share my keys across my machines after every os update on my internet tablet, and also so I can have my usual login name on my other machines in .ssh/config – the default for ssh is to use the current username, which is “user” on the 770 /home/user/.bash_profile I got used to the alias ll=”ls -l” on redhat a few years back and can’t get by without it /home/user/.bash_history /home/user/.ash_history /home/user/bin for a couple scripts I wrote /home/user/keys the ssh keys for the other machines /media/mmc1/.albums this is for obscura, which is already looking really good /home/user/.thumbnails I think this is where file manager stores the image thumbnails – might as well back it up /etc/…/my-custom-backup.conf this config file, of course

download my-custom-backup.conf, edit it to suit your needs, get root & xterm on your 770, and as root, copy my-custom-backup.conf to /etc/osso-backup/applications/ and backup to your heart’s delight. I tested restoring with this custom backup file and it didnt’ brick my device, which I look at as a success.

Categories: Nokia770
Carlos Guerreiro

A first release of the OS 2007 / 770 hacker edition is now available for download.

Similarly to official IT OS releases, the download is offered to product owners only.
You will need to enter your Nokia 770 product identification number to download.

But this is not an official release. It’s not a end-user ready release. It’s a tool to allow developers to continue working on the 770, moving on to the OS 2007 / Bora software platform, bridging the gap between 770 and N800. It’s less than alpha. No Q.A. was done on it and who knows what it might do. It should not brick your device but then again, we can’t be totally sure of that either. I’m running it on my 770 and so far it’s doing fine :-)

Multimedia is still quite broken, but there’s still hope.

Have a look at Markku’s notes if you are interested in the gory details. You will also find there instructions for how to flash this release on your 770. Markku is updating these notes as he continues to work on this. Help is appreciated. The wiki page is open to contributions. Additions and corrections are welcome, including suggestions for addressing the remaining issues.

Problem reports specific to this release are welcome as well and should go to this Garage project. Not to the Maemo bugzilla and definitely not to any Nokia support. There is no official support for this.

Finally, patches are most welcome, preferably attached to the Garage project’s tracker.

Categories: Maemo / Nokia 770

IpHome 0.3

2007-02-04 11:05 UTC  by  collin
I just uploaded a new version of IpHome my network interface status home-applet. The update is really really small, I just added theming support. This means the applet now uses the theme color for it's border.

Yesterday I also added One Click Installation support for my bora/Mameo3.0 and my mistral/Maemo2.x repositories.
Andrea Grandi

Installing Maemo SDK for Nokia 770

2007-02-04 14:21 UTC  by  Andrea Grandi


Maemo is an opensource development platform for Linux based devices. Actually is the base of the operating system installed on Nokia 770 and 800, but it could be adopted, with few changes, even by other similar devices.

Click to read 2774 more words
Categories: gtk+

Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo

2007-02-05 13:56 UTC  by  sileggio
Domenica scorsa (04-02-2007) ero a visitare una esposizione di quadri di una coppia di artisti al Museo Didrichsen: l'italiano Raffaello San... err Gambogi e sua moglie Elin Danielson-Gambogi, artista finlandese venuta in Italia per studiare e ritrovatasi sposata col suo maestro alla fine...

Sorprendentemente per chi mi conosca almeno un pochino, la mostra mi e' piaciuta: lo stile dei due e' riposante, e anche il soggetto dei loro quadri, paesaggi toscani del periodo fine '800, inizio '900.
Qui sotto un paio di immagini tratte dal sito dell'esposizione:

Non so di quale dei due, marito o moglie

Villa Benvenuti
Elin Danielson-Gambogi

Villa Benvenuti e' stata l'ultima residenza dei coniugi, se ho capito bene. Il quadro mi piace molto, talmente tanto, che ne ho acquistato una riproduzione da fare incorniciare e appendere nel salotto di casa. Al pensiero rabbrividisco e mi viene in mente il poster che campeggia fiero nella sala d'attesa della Kilroy Travels a Helsinki (magari ne avessi una foto): un candelabro di una inutilita' esemplare e una scritta gigantesca che dice piu' o meno:

A 33 anni spenderai i tuoi soldi per merdate del genere

Seguito dall'immancabile "Go before it's too late". Bene, il fatto che non ho ancora 33 anni (o giu' di li, non che mi ricordi l'eta' esatta adesso, eh?) e gia' compro queste cazzate (di mia volonta' per giunta) mi fa molto preoccupare, per una questione di principio piu' che altro, dato che la spesa e' stata del tutto irrisoria.

Ma a proposito di incontri ravvicinati, indovinate chi c'era alla mostra? Mi sarei dovuto insospettire all'ingresso: c'era parcheggiata una Mercedes blu dimensioni transatlantico. Io ho pensato "Il custode viene pagato bene in questo museo"... Invece chi vado a trovare la' dentro? Udite udite Tarja Halonen!!!!! E chi e'? Diranno in molti...

Tarja Halonen e' il
presidente della Repubblica Finlandese!!!! E lei era la', che visitava la mostra come un visitatore qualsiasi durante l'orario di apertura del museo, accompagnato dall'ineffabile marito, il Tohtori Pertti Arajärvi. Magari ha persino pagato il biglietto...

E ha persino firmato il registro visitatori e quello dediche. Io ho lasciato la mia dedica dopo la sua. Sti cazzi, non capita mica tutti i giorni di lasciare la dedica subito dopo quella di un presidente della repubblica... Ho persino immortalato le firme in foto, ma mi e' stato impedito di pubblicarle per motivi di privacy (?).
Anzi, una differenza fra me e Tarja c'e' stata: io ho dovuto parcheggiare la mia Punto nel parcheggio visitatori, e farmi una insidiosa scarpinata sul ghiaccio scivoloso prima di arrivare al museo! Protesto per questa disparita' di trattamento che ha concesso a tale Tarja Halonen di arrivare e parcheggiare direttamente davanti alla porta. Chi si crede di essere???


Killer App: ScummVM

2007-02-09 15:55 UTC  by  zulla

Years ago, I bought “Monkey Island 1-3” from the bargain bin of a local computer game store, but never finished the game.


ScummVM is an emulator of the Lucasarts engine and it turns the Nokia into a great casual gaming device. I finished Monkey Island 1 on the 770 and now I’m playing part 2 on the N800.

Categories: en
piotras, website which ....

2007-02-10 12:10 UTC  by  piotras
0 a lot.

Consider this real scenario:

  1. You want to develope new application for OS2006
  2. You need to update OS2006
  3. You need to update maemo2.1 to maemo2.2

Maybe I am stupid , but clever guy do:

  1. Open
  2. Follow "Maemo 2.2 'gregale' is released" link from frontpage
  3. Follow one of these two links:
  • The latest OS 2006 Software Edition is available here.
  • For more info please see the releases page
  1. Download latest OS2006 ( you completely hae no idea what to do with this OS )
  2. Follow release page
  3. Follow Maemo 2.2 'gregale' Release
  4. Follow any link in 2.2 release section
  5. Try to figure out what to do.
  6. Count from 1 to 10 to calm down....
  7. Imagine "I feel lucky"
  8. Follow "wiki" link in main navigation
  9. Dada! There's howto for developers!

There's 'Developers' link in main navigation. Why thi showto is not linked directly from developers section?

What does 'Wiki' means in main navigation? A Page that uses wiki? A tool? What? I wonder if I should create 'PHP' link on my website because website uses PHP...

Almost full quote from Vabank:

Q: Do you always keep money in a bathroom with your dirt panties? A: Yeah , sure! And I keep my toothpaste in my socks!

A good lesson for me being also a developer and release manager. Always use links and titles which describes what is the content they provide. Never use links with names which describe what is the tool they use.

I remember I lost quite some time few weeks ago when I wanted to find applications' catalog on Wiki page was the last one I selected.

A similiar scenario can be repeated on website. This is impossible for end user to find anything. In the same time, my wife is trying to find some gnome application. Obviously, not being gnome developer, she has no idea that can be found at > community > software map.

Categories: maemo

La leggenda di Luciano

2007-02-11 20:05 UTC  by  sileggio
Millenni fa avevo promesso di farvi una storia in tre puntate della leggenda vivente dei teenager e non solo ragusani, Luciano il paninaro. Non si puo' visitare Ragusa senza andare a prendere un panino da Luciano, cosi' come non si puo' visitare Roma senza vedere il Colosseo, Londra senza vedere il Big Ben, New York senza vedere la Statua della liberta', Parigi senza vedere la Tour Eiffel, Helsinki senza vedere la sede della Nokia...
Click to read 1320 more words

Using the N800 Video Phone

2007-02-11 21:21 UTC  by  collin
Today I tried out the video call feature of my N800 together with Martin (of trifinite) and I must say it works quite nice. Especially the use of jabber (XMPP) makes it really easy to use (both Martin and I already had and setup a gtalk account). The funny thing we found is that video seems to work better then audio. This means the video stream was nice and stable while the audio sometimes was jerky and totally un-usable. But all in all I think with the video phone feature Nokia did it again and made a real awesome Internet device.

Start here

2007-02-12 08:33 UTC  by  piotras

Just two days ago I wrote about being confused when I tried to follow Maemo documentation. I looked at other websites addressed for end users and developers and noticed that Maemo is not the only one which provides unlogic navigation. Also Midgard ( the one I write docs for ) project website needs more love.

This would be cool IMO:

"Get started" section with:

  • What would you like to do.

    • I have device XXX and I want to install new applications
    • Where...
    • How ...

    • I have device XXX and I want to update OS I have installed

    • Where ...
    • How ...

    • I am a developer and I want to write new application

    • How to start ?
    • What should I install on my device?
    • When and why do I need SDK on my device ?
  • Features

    • What is ...
    • How ...
    • Why ...

The main point here ( and everywhere ) must be to treat everyone as a user. Even a developer. A developer is only a human and should have a good place where can start. It's not funny anyway when you prepare for hacking but first you must hack docs and notes.

A cool feature for any website with documentation would be possibility to bookmark resources the same way how you can add products to cart in any online shop. Once you like the website you can customize your start page and limit information only to this you are really interested in.

Probably I could contribute and write some simple howtos for maemo. But the real problem is the fact that the more I read docs the more I am confused. There are plenty of "how to ..." but at the same time there is almost nothing about why and when.

Example. There is quite long and "almost with details" how to create custom rootfs for device doc. But there's nothing about why do I need custom rootfs and why should I use it instead of downloadable and installable, ready to use SDK rootfs. What is more , I couldn't find any info why do I have to install rootfs SDK on my device :)

Categories: maemo

Mono devkit for Scratchbox

2007-02-12 12:39 UTC  by  everaldo

I worked last weekend on Mono devkit for Scratchbox, for who dont know what is scratchbox developer kits an small explanation from Scratchbox's documentation:

"Scratchbox devkits are used to build distribution specific packages inside Scratchbox. Devkits purpose is to provide a set of tools that can be executed on host instead of target device and thus it reduces time that is used to build packages. Usually devkit also provides a set of libraries that is compiled for target device so that configure scripts can find correct libraries and link programs correctly. This way package building is much more faster than doing building process on slow target device or emulated on emulator".

At moment mono devkit binaries is not available for download (let it be more mature) it means that you must download source and generate your own binaries, to do it please do this instructions:

1. Because users do not have permissions to write to /scracthbox/devkit directory by default you need to execute this command outside of scratchbox as root (username must be replace by your user name):

  # mkdir /scratchbox/devkits/mono
  # chown [username]:[username] /scratchbox/devkits/mono

2. Now you must login into Scratchbox and get the sources:

  # wget

3. Unpack sources, enter directory:

  # tar -xzf sb-devkit-mono.tar.gz
  # cd sb-devkit-mono

4. Now you must get Mono and Glib packages to generate devkit, compile it and install in /scracthbox/devkit/mono, fortunately Make files provides a way to do everything you need in only one step:

  # make

Now you have your Mono Devkit installed and right to be used, if you want generate a binary deb/rpm/tarball to provide to another user or to use in another environments you can type this:

  # make tarball deb rpm

This is only first step to get a good Mono environment for Maemo development, and it makes more easy generation of Mono/Gtk-Sharp/Maemo-Sharp packages for device, I will try found some time to generate this packages on next weekend, maybe based on exiting Debian packages.

Comments are welcome!

Categories: MaemoMono

Layout Upgraded

2007-02-12 18:10 UTC  by  lizhao
My blog finally moved to new blogger now, with brandnew layout. It is good, considering it hasn't been changed for several years. Another reason to immigrate is I have no time to maintain some features I implemented based on old blogger system, while new blogger provides some attractive ones. I must say sorry to buddies who are using blogcat services, as it is out of work now.

Mono devkit for Scratchbox

2007-02-12 19:33 UTC  by  everaldo
I worked last weekend on Mono devkit for Scratchbox, for who dont know what is scratchbox developer kits an small explanation from Scratchbox's documentation:

"Scratchbox devkits are used to build distribution specific packages inside Scratchbox. Devkits purpose is to provide a set of tools that can be executed on host instead of target device and thus it reduces time that is used to build packages. Usually devkit also provides a set of libraries that is compiled for target device so that configure scripts can find correct libraries and link programs correctly. This way package building is much more faster than doing building process on slow target device or emulated on emulator."

At moment mono devkit binaries is not available for download (let it be more mature) it means that you must download source and generate your own binaries, to do it please do this instructions:

1. Because users do not have permissions to write to /scracthbox/devkit directory by default you need to execute this command outside of scratchbox as root (username must be replace by your user name):

  # mkdir /scratchbox/devkits/mono
# chown [username]:[username] /scratchbox/devkits/mono

2. Now you must login into Scratchbox and get the sources:

  # wget

3. Unpack sources, enter directory:

  # tar -xzf sb-devkit-mono.tar.gz
# cd sb-devkit-mono

4. Now you must get Mono and Glib packages to generate devkit, compile it and install in /scracthbox/devkit/mono, fortunately Make files provides a way to do everything you need in only one step:

  # make

Now you have your Mono Devkit installed and right to be used, if you want generate a binary deb/rpm/tarball to provide to another user or to use in another environments you can type this:

  # make tarball deb rpm

This is only first step to get a good Mono environment for Maemo development, and it makes more easy generation of Mono/Gtk-Sharp/Maemo-Sharp packages for device, I will try found some time to generate this packages on next weekend, maybe based on exiting Debian packages.

Comments are welcome!
Categories: maemo

Nokia N77 announced

2007-02-12 21:29 UTC  by  Unknown author

Nokia today introduced the Nokia N77 multimedia computer offering an optimized mobile TV experience in a compelling and compact form factor with complete Nokia Nseries functionalities.

With the Nokia N77, the latest integrated DVB-H device in the Nokia Nseries range, operators now have greater choice of devices as they further develop their broadcast mobile TV platform to launch and attract more subscribers.

The Nokia N77 enables living room TV as viewers have come to know and understand, but is now available in a small and beautifully designed package to take on the go.

Nokia N77Nokia N77

Categories: Nokia N77

Maemo theming

2007-02-13 14:23 UTC  by  mdk

A bit old news, but Tuomas recently released a new version of his awesome plankton theme. Judging by the comments on his blog and the screenshots posted on planet maemo, It looks like the theme is liked and appreciated.

I also find tigert’s theme aesthetically pleasing and nicely-balanced. It reminds me of a well-formed piece of metal that just feels good in the hands. This is, quite unfortunately, in contrast to default n800 stock themes that remind me of disco mirror balls and DDR.

I sometimes have a feeling that the psychological effect of good theming artwork (understood as well-drawn artwork) is underestimated. After all, this is what the user of the product is going to be living with on a daily basis. It’s the face of the device. It can cover-up for many shortcomings of the software or badly expose them — very much like a pretty-faced girl can often cover up for a plump figure (it doesn’t seem to work the other way round, does it?).

For developing the themes we created a system that decouples the layouts from the actual graphics. The layout contains the common gtkrc styles and other internal bits shared among all themes. The graphics consists of a single template file that can be easily handled by the artist. A set of tools can be used for various helper tasks.

Theming diagram

This dual system is very much similar to the libraries vs. applications in software development. Library (layout) contains some common bits shared among all applications (themes).

The only things missing in this system is some documentation — so that someone can actually use it. Coming soon.


ArsTechnica reviews N800

2007-02-13 22:28 UTC  by  Unknown author

Prominent technology news site ArsTechnica reviews Nokia N800:

In contrast to the frustration I often felt when using the 770, the N800 was a joy to use. The expanded memory, support for SD cards, and most importantly, the beefed-up CPU eliminated the endless delays I experienced switching between applications on the 770. The N800 handles multitasking like a pro. I was able to have two or three web pages open along with a couple of other applications and performance was very smooth—even with an Internet radio stream playing. The menu system is much more intuitive, and within 15 minutes I was comfortable enough with it to navigate the menus without having to think about them.

Categories: Nokia N800

Not-so Killer App: Watching video with 770 and N800

2007-02-16 00:25 UTC  by  zulla

One of my favourite things on the Nokia 770 was watching TV recordings on the subway to work, transcoded using 770-encode. The 770’s pre-installed video player is quite limited in playback, but the Maemo port of mplayer is able to play files at higher resolution and bitrate.

Wes Carroll's Mouth Drumming on N800

I’m using the N800 to learn Vocal Percussion with Wes Carroll’s DVD: Too bad it looks stupid to practice beatboxing while watching it on the subway.

For the N800, the pre-installed video player has improved a lot and can handle larger files, although some new nasty bugs have shown up. mplayer on the N800 is still quite unstable compared to the 770 version. Thus right now, watching video has become a bit less enjoyable on the new device, but these bugs will most likely be fixed within short time.

It’s a bit disappointing that the video still needs to be transcoded to be suitable for the device, though. The following is a rather unfair comparison, but it shows the quality tradeoff between a transcoded video and the original DVD:

Video Quality Comparison

Click the preview to compare the transcoded video’s quality.

While I know little about embedded devices and may be naive about the hardware of the N800, the specs suggest that it might be able to decode DVD content at fullscreen resolution, and with SDHC coming up, it also brings the storage space to carry a full movie or two with you.

A very similar video format is used for DVB broadcasts. (Germany is switching to digital-only broadcast TV right now.) It is surprisingly easy to watch DVB TV through a multicast on a local TCP/IP network (we did that during the games of the last soccer world cup) and the N800 would be a perfect little portable receiver for digital TV or DVD streams.

But the software can’t handle DVD or DVB, yet. I hope that Nokia or 3rd party developers can overcome this limitation some time in the future.

Update (08/2007): Since I wrote this article a few months ago, Nokia has improved the video codec and the device can now play much higher bitrates than shown in the DVD comparison above. However, you still have to transcode video to a lower resolution and bitrate and you still cannot play a raw DVD-rip in fullscreen.

Categories: en

Fluidi non newtoniani/Non newtonian fluids

2007-02-16 22:17 UTC  by  sileggio
Visto che per ora sembra essere cosi' di moda, mi sono cimentato anch'io nell'esperimento sui fluidi non newtoniani, con una telecronaca di dubbio humor...

Since this topic is so fashionable right now, here is a demo of the marvels of non newtonian fluids with comment in italian.


bluetooth gps receiver woes

2007-02-17 07:48 UTC  by  mzandrew

I think maemo mapper is the killer app for the internet tablet. I use my 770 for lots of other things, but having a quick, zoomable copy of a street map and satellite map of where I live and drive and bike and hike on a handheld with this nice a screen is great. I downloaded all the maps for the island I live on from google maps. Even got a temporary ban from them after about 300 MiB (lots of .jpg files that were really html files saying “service unavailable at this time” or somesuch; had to write a script to delete the ones that weren’t images and wait about a week to download more). Since the new version of mapper, I’ve downloaded all the maps from virtual earth, too (street, satellite and hybrid). Now you might say that all this is somewhat silly, since the island isn’t that big and I rarely travel to the other (unknown) side of it, but I still like seeing what it all looks like from above.

Click to read 1486 more words
Categories: bluetooth
Holger Macht

Couch potato goodies

2007-02-19 17:12 UTC  by  Holger Macht

Maemo Music Player Client

As briefly mentioned last time, I got a developer code for a Nokia n800. Thanks. I already had a n770, so without further ado, I decided to purchase one. And that really kept me on the go the last couple of weeks. At home, my computer is connected to my stereo system to play my mp3s with passable good sound. So having a n800 with wlan, I thought there has to be a possibility to use it as remote control. Looking for something at the web, I shortly found the Music Player Daemon (mpd) to be used as a service running on my home computer managing and playing my mp3 collection. And very easy to install. Well, first duty was to find a good client that works on the n800. Trying two web based clients and noticing that they are ugly was not really satisfying. It was not hard to build
the Gnome Music Player Client with some small modifications inside my scratchbox environment for the Maemo platform. Too bad for me, the GUI is optimised for higher screen resolutions and for multi windowed systems.

Click to read 914 more words
Categories: General

Il giorno di laskiainen

2007-02-19 22:43 UTC  by  sileggio
Domenica 18-2 abbiamo deciso di festeggiare laskiainen (in anticipo), il carnevale finlandese, in maniera tipica, cioe' scivolando giu' per le colline innevate (usanza questa del resto molto diffusa anche in Sicilia dove c'e' sempre neve a carnevale) e mangiando le pulla di carnevale.

Le scivolate sono state di un drammatico unico: noi italiani eravamo dilettanti totali e abbiamo subito i piu' o meno nascosti sfotto' dei finlandesi del luogo, bambini e non. Bello vedere i bambini finlandesi che si cimentavano in scivolate di pericolosita' sempre crescente davanti agli occhi dei loro genitori che li guardavano con affetto, comprensione e orgoglio. Quello che mi chiedo io, passi la regola finlandese del "non gli sto dietro cosi' impara sulla sua pelle come ci si comporta", ma lasciare scivolare un bambino fra gli alberi e le rocce, quando c'e' la collinetta libera due metri piu' in la' rasenta e sfonda l'incoscienza...

Comunque, alberi a parte, quei bambini sembravano nati nel ghiaccio, mentre noi ci capovolgevamo, andavamo a due all'ora, scivolavamo col lo scivolino (apposito attrezzo usato per scivolare n.d.S.) al contrario,

commettevamo tentati omicidi

ci cimentavamo in scivolate kamikaze...

Comunque, alla fine tutti tornarono a casa felici, contenti e senza ossa (troppo) rotte...

On Sunday 18-2 we (Anne, I and Italians) went to downhill sliding. Well, Anne also did cross-country sliding:

Anyway, it was funny to see finnish children and their parents as well smiling at us and at our sliding expertise... It was amazing to see the parents letting the children slide in the most dangerous ways obeying to the "let the children make their own mistakes" principle. Is a broken leg a mistake, then? Despite the dangerous slides, though, children did very well, sliding fast and with practiced moves, while we showed a full range of capsizing, slow motion slides, to finish with attempted murder and kamikaze slides, as documented in the videos above.
Carlos Guerreiro

An update to the OS 2007 / 770 hacker edition is now available for download.

The main news is that sound is now working including media and system sounds.
Video works to some extent, though not the sample clip that comes with the image which is intended for the N800.
VOIP calls work too.

This time it’s a fiasco image. You can flash it in the same way as official releases.
This is described in Markku’s notes which are up-to-date with the latest developments.

There are still many glitches here and there, instability and performance problems, but with media capabilities this image is much more attractive.

Help is appreciated. Markku’s notes are open to contributions. Additions and corrections are welcome, including suggestions for addressing the remaining issues.

Problem reports specific to this release are welcome as well and should go to this Garage project. Not to the Maemo bugzilla and definitely not to any Nokia support. There is no official support for this.

Finally, patches are most welcome, preferably attached to the Garage project’s tracker.

Categories: Maemo / Nokia 770

Ancora freddo/Cold again

2007-02-21 09:37 UTC  by  sileggio
Oggi la macchina non mi e' partita per il freddo. Batteria morta... -19 al momento e chissa' quanto e' scesa stanotte.

Today my car did not start up for the cold. Battery dead...
-19 at the moment and I wonder how down it went last night.


Politici italiani/Italian politicians

2007-02-21 20:33 UTC  by  sileggio
Today it was an important day for the italian government. An important motion presented by the Foreign Affair Ministry Massimo D'Alema was rejected by the majority. This will most likely lead to the early dissolution of the government by the President Giorgio Napolitano. During the session,while votes were being counted, the opposition parties got excited by the possibility that the motion could have been rejected. This video features the Vice-President of the Senate Gavino Angius who tries to calm down (inviting Senators to stay "seduti", i.e., to sit down) the very same people who should be ruling Italy not so differently from what a teacher would do with undisciplined pupils. Notice also the football-stadium like yells at the end of the video. No comments...

Link to the video/Link al video

Il video della conta dei voti alla mozione presentata da Massimo D'Alema. Ogni commento e' superfluo. Questa gente dovrebbe governarci...
Jerry Jalava

Finally got my N800

2007-02-21 22:10 UTC  by  Jerry Jalava

Today it arrived...


Thought I share the view...


Giving it some lifejuice...

First charge


Now I can start building and testing the Maemo Roadwarrior in a real machine instead of the scratchbox. I'll get some dev screenshots and sneak preview of the RoadWarrior on weekend... Till then, code in peace

Categories: maemo

Fosdem 2007

2007-02-22 14:01 UTC  by  mdk

There is a few of us from nokia coming to fosdem, Brussels. Catch us to chat about gtk, hildon and maemo. Or we’ll catch you.

I also released nflick 0.4.0 — a flickr browser for the maemo platform. Binaries for scirocco and bora can be found at the usual place.

Main changes are:

  • Adding hw-keys navigation to fullscreen view
  • Pressing “escape” key while viewing a photo will return to the photo list
  • Worker dialogs have now proper transiency so they don’t block whole device
  • Other dialogs have now proper transiency too
  • Fixing the bad-paging bug for good
Carlos Guerreiro


FOSDEM is this weekend. This year’s schedule is even better than usual. And this year I’m not missing it. :-) . Tomorrow I’m flying to Brussels.

There’s a lot more going on than any single person could cover. I’m personally interested in X / UI / graphics, embedded, GNOME, metadata/search, and that’s far too much.

But it’s OK since there’s a bunch of other Nokia Maemo people going as well.

Sunday I’m participating in an open discussion about Company Involvement in Open Source Projects representing Nokia. I’m looking forward to that even though I will unfortunately miss a few cool presentations because of that.

Overall I expect to spend quite a bit of time in the GNOME and Embedded devrooms.

Hiring Maemo Core Developer

We are looking for a software engineer to join our Maemo / Internet Tablets development team.
This is a core developer position with a focus on Maemo platform development.

If you are interested and will be in FOSDEM drop me an email to or Jabber me on so we can arrange to meet.

Categories: Maemo / Nokia 770

Nethack, segfault on N800 fixed.

2007-02-23 14:00 UTC  by  Unknown author
Hello all,

I uploaded a new build of the nethack game for Internet Tablet.

Now the segfault on N800 related to inventory+context menu feature should be fixed.

Enjoy again :)


2007-02-23 19:45 UTC  by  sileggio
Lo so, non c'entra niente col tema del mio blog, ma questo e' incredibile, e dovevo metterlo. Mandate a letto i bambini!!! Qualcuno sa dirmi il trucco?

I know, this is unrelated to the other topics of my blog, but it's amazing and I had to put it. No children, this video is rated! ;)

Off late I have not been able to put much time to this project. Today I manage to uploaded first initial version of the port to mistral/Maemo 2.x (have not tested it for Maemo 3). Give it a spin.

Known problems
  • I have not been able to fix maemo/sapwood theme related problem, probably related to Gtk program running as sudo (caution, this is a bad idea ). This happens only when invoked as sudo :( but theme works ok, when for e.g synaptic is launch from xterm. So for now when invoked from the desktop, you will be welcomed by good old gtk look and feel :)
This version does not support single deb installation (install from file) and "1-click" .install file support as available in the official version.
