
CIFS Module for Nokia 770

2006-05-01 14:58 UTC  by  Unknown author

I have released a package containing the linux kernel's CIFS module. The CIFS module allows accessing Windows & Samba file shares.

Performance is good while copying files. However it isn't fast enough to stream .mp3 files without skipping so my in-house icecast won't be retired anytime soon!!

The module has been built with a patch from git:

commit id 0753ca7bc2b876dd136e9db11a20f85cbe4e08b1

[CIFS] Change pragma pack(1) to attribute(packed) to allow cifs on arm to access unaligned structures coming in off the wire

The package is available here. It is best used with mount-cifs available here.

Example Usage (requires root):

mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/Windows
insmod /var/lib/install/lib/modules/
mount.cifs \\\\WINDOWS_PC_IPADDRESS\\SHARE_NAME /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/Windows -o guest

Build instructions:

  • Follow wiki- HowTo KernelCompilation, upto Compliation Step 5.
  • Download patch available here.
  • Patch kernel-build folder (e.g. patch -i su-18-kernel-cifs.patch -p1)
  • Proceed to build kernel as described in wiki.

N.B. You don't have to flash your Nokia 770 with a new kernel for this module.

Categories: /maemo/

Re: What´s with God and open source ?

2006-05-05 20:48 UTC  by  Unknown author
This is my response to Ari Jaaksi's Blog: What´s with God and open source ?

To me, open source is about the SOURCE. It is about sharing your source code with others under fair terms. You give and take. You benefit from the work of others and they benefit from the work of yours. And the rules are the same for individuals, corporate, and academia. And that´s all.

That's exactly the difference between Free Software / Open Source. While often used interchangable, both labels refer to different philosophies. Yes, Open Source is all about sharing source code, but Free Software goes beyond that. While Open Source generally leads to better code through free exchange of ideas, availability of source code and better software are only a means to an end for Free Software. And that's not all, open source is just a requirement for software freedom, and better software is one of the many gains.

You see, what's really important to the Free Software Community is freedom! That's more important and valuable than the availability and modifyability of source code or better software. So even if you only care about Open Source, remember what started the movement and keeps it going: Free Software!

To me, and many others, free software is about the FREEDOM.
Categories: Nokia 770

Updated - thttpd webserver for maemo

2006-05-12 15:50 UTC  by  Unknown author

I have repackaged the debian arm thttpd webserver for the 770. At this point it is completely functional, but the package lacks some of the niceties that I expect of finished packages. Such as a script to clean up orphan logs and pid files, or a script to create a link in the /etc/init.d directory or start automatically at reboot. I will get to that later.

At this point i am trying to figure out how to use this server standalone (ie when i am not internet connected). Opera keeps complaining about a lack of connection and doesn’t really seem comfortable displaying a webpage without an active connection.

To install the package do the following:


  1. Install the thttpd package
  2. Open xterm, enter ’sudo gainroot’
  3. enter ’su -’
  4. enter ‘ln -s /var/lib/install/etc/init.d/thttpd /etc/init.d/thttpd’
  5. enter ‘/etc/init.d/thttpd start’ to start the server.
  6. the webserver is now serving on

The configuration files are located at /var/lib/install/etc/thttpd. The server is running as user ‘user’ and is serving to all requests and hosts - which means your 770 is externally browsable. If you want to restrict access to local only, add a ‘host=′ line to /var/lib/install/etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf.

Content is located at /var/lib/install/var/www and should be set to world readable.

For more information on the server go to

NOTE - This is not a maemo port. Just a repackage of the debian arm thttpd package located at

Update - I have found a way to create a fake connection that doesnt turn on the wifi at It appears to work and once validated it will become part of my installation script. thanks to Andrew Barr for the quick response on the lists.
PS - Like everything else on this blog, use at your own risk. Just because it worked for me, does not mean I assume responsibility for anything you do.

Categories: nokia770

770 Software Upgrade

2006-05-14 08:13 UTC  by  collin
several sites (Slashdot, Engadget) are running stories about a new Nokia 770, I think this will just be a major software upgrade instead of a new device. The reasons for this are following: the current software doesn't support all hardware like the microphone which is obviously needed for any kind of VoIP application. VoIP or GoogleTalk is exactly the new feature that is mentioned by these sites. Also, the 770 is still pretty new and it wouldn't make sense to replace it already (making the 770 obsolete). The current 770 could do way better with just a software upgrade so this is most likely to happen. Anyway they defently work on a new device but this will not be released any time soon.

Recently I just boug...

2006-05-23 23:07 UTC  by  Unknown author
Recently I just bought my first condo and had the wonder experience of moving. I had to build our new furniture and the last thing on the list was my desk. It took me a week to finish up all the building. So I hooked up my wifi router to the dsl and just used the Nokia 770 for a week.

What did I miss? Not much, I spent most of my free time building so I couldn't even check my Nokia some days. One major problem I had is I needed to write a paper for my night class. I had no computer and the Nokia couldn't do that task since I didn't have a keyboard. I hooked up my fianc�'s computer and used that.

I updated my Netfilx titles, checked my bank account, and checked my email. That is mostly what I do on my computer at home out side of gaming. I do play a lot of computer games and that is another area where the Nokia 770 lacks. But I felt like I didn't miss much not having my desktop computer hooked up. Maybe there is a future for the Nokia 770.

Socat and Aircrack-ng for the Nokia 770

2006-05-28 02:39 UTC  by  collin
I did some Nokia 770 hacking today and I needed socat for part of it so I packaged it for others to use. I also packaged aircrack-ng because kismet is still not really working on the 770. So far I only tested airodump and it seems to work, it nicely displays all networks and happily dumps packets. What do you want more?

As usual the packages are listed on the Maemo Application Catalog and on my Nokia770 page.

I have been playing with the maemo mapper application (without a GPS) and have found it to be useful. Google maps has done a really impressive job of providing a 2^16 level of detail for at least a few parts of the globe. I am really looking forward to the time when it is truly global, and includes roads and cities on all the continents, not just parts of north america (currently there is no real detail below USA) and most of europe, japan. Missing are any detail in South america, africa, australia, asia, the former USSR countries, and the middle east.

My quandary is that on one hand the content is owned, licensed, distributed, and all rights reserved, etc on the map content (and the corresponding map tiles) by Google. Simply stated, i don’t believe that it is legal for me to download and host these files, no matter how much I acknowledge and proclaim that Google owns them. However, on the other hand, i know that bandwidth and hosting costs. Everytime we download the same set of map tiles, Google pays for the cost of hosting and delivering the respective files. Out of respect for Google, I also feel we should do what we can to minimize this resource burden on Google.

Perhaps this is a bit of peeking into Pandora’s box, but I have written a script to download and correctly structure the Google map tile files for Maemo Mapper. I currently have several of the high levels in nice tar.gz files suitable for loading on the 770 as a basemap for Maemo Mapper. I even went so far as to write another script to prune out the completely monochrome files (representative of a featureless part of some ocean - 301 bytes), and then package up the remainder.
The question that I throw out is this - Should I provide these base map files to the community? I do not believe that i should provide the scripts, since then we would be abusing the ownership rights and the resource rights (by providing the means for thousands of people to download wholesale from the map tile server).
I look forward to some comments / opinions.

thank you


Categories: nokia770
