
Synaptic Package Manager for Maemo

2006-12-08 07:44 UTC  by  dkothari
I have been working on porting Synaptic for Maemo. Here are some screenshots

I have tried to make it as friendly without sacrificing any of the features. I would have to say that porting had been a lot quicker and easier (except the time wasted on designing hildon related workarounds) due to well structured code and UI seperation using glade files.

I have also incorporated some great feature IMHO from the osso-application-installer, the default (and a lot more user friendly) application manager on IT OS 2006.
- Added ability to show application icons
- Ability to see a brief description about the package in the main row view

This is still very much a work in progress so not yet ready for public release :(
Keep tuned.

I would like to welcome Quim Gil as my successor :) and wish him lots of good luck as the next Maemo Development Product Manager. People active in the GNOME community know Quim quite well already.

When I now look back, I think it has been a tremendous adventure where we did many things right, many things that didnt go as well as we planned and lots of learning. I thank all the community members (i am including here Nokia internal developers also) who made working on maemo so enjoyable. Good luck ! I will now continue my journey as a community member.

A New Nokia Device in my wwww log...

2006-12-09 14:03 UTC  by  collin
Some time ago I setup a script that greps for interesting strings in my www log, today I found this entry (I highlighted the interesting parts):

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; X11; Linux armv6l; U) Opera 8.5 [en_GB] Maemo browser 0.7.4 RX-34_2007SE_2.2006.48-10

A new CPU, newer Opera version, and a firmware name that is dated for next year :-)

In comparison, the current 770 firmware looks like this:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; ; Linux armv5tejl; U) Opera 8.02 [en_GB] Maemo browser 0.4.31 N770 /SU-18

And since the new device log was produced by a German IP I guess some people are allready running around with new a device. I wonder if this was the 870.

13 Dec 2006

2006-12-13 14:27 UTC  by  Unknown author
What a weird December

I saw a ladybug today. I guess we'll have flowers and bees around Christmas...
Hmm no, I'm not in the southern hemisphere, I'm in central Europe.

Tuomas Kuosmanen

Ari Jaaksi’s Blog

2006-12-14 08:49 UTC  by  Tuomas Kuosmanen

Ari Jaaksi of and Nokia wrote an interesting blog entry yesterday, I thought I'd share with you who don't read planet maemo..

"I'd like a true operating system (Linux) and advanced middleware (GTK, Gnome, DBUS, ….) power new exciting connected mobile devices. I want to use the devices and their software as innovation platforms and want to create something new; not just re-implement something that has already been done. And yes, you are able to talk, see, hear and communicate through these devices but they are not your old cell phones. They are something else!

(answering the endless question about why the Nokia 770 is not a cellular phone) Check out the whole post.

Categories: blogging

A New Nokia Device in my www log... part 2

2006-12-17 12:45 UTC  by  collin
another software version (an older one) ...

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; X11; Linux armv6l; U) Opera 8.5 [en_GB] Maemo browser 0.7.4 RX-34_2007SE_0.2006.47-17

This time from an IP from Finland :-)

see part 1

Canola, with themes and multi-language support

2006-12-18 19:18 UTC  by  mikel

I thought it useful to post some further images to illustrate current Canola Beta Version r1726:1727M, now installed on my Nokia 770. (Previous blog posts were of an earlier demo version)

In this post I provide Nokia 770 screen captures which illustrate presentation improvements to Canola Config (Web interface) and the Canola players support for themes; I have therefore provided some images of the new wood_box theme [that can be quickly changed too, from the default theme, via the config interface see 1d)] these images 2..) quickly illustrate the difference to the default theme.

---- Edit
22/12/06 ----

I can heartily recommend downloading the latest high quality Video Tutorial
"Canola How to" from Marcelo as there are real hidden gems such as how to quickly navigate from now playing to top menu and back again. Be warned however that it's a hefty 82Mb; or alternatively you can watch the lower quality YouTube version Found Here I believe that my blog post images compliment Marcelo's Video explanation of Canola usage.

---- End Edit 22/12/06 ----

Not highlighted in the images below is that Canola will be capable of multi-language interface support. The minor catch is the Canola team a requesting support from the Canola user community to take three small .pot files to translate Canola UI files to another lanaguge. The files that require translating can be found

1a) Canola Config, Feeds page (Photocast & Podcast) 1b) Canola Config, IRadio 1c) Canola Config, Media Collection 1d) Canola Config, Themes 1e) Canola Config, Passwords 2) Canola, Woodbox Theme. (Initial screen, NO Network connection) 2a) Browsing local audio content 2b) Playing local audio content. (time played, audio level and rating options)

2c) Playing network served audio content (No rating option currently available in network mode) 2d) Playing network served audio content (switched to volume slider option) 2e) Playing a slide show of local photo content. (Note: icons for pause and return) 2f) Error: When attempting to browse served media when no network connection made. 2g) Message ready waiting to close or return to Canola.
Last and not least (I almost forgot) Canola's Nokia 770 desktop applet (Finger size) for quickly refreshing shared media and/or starting Canola.

If anyone has any questions or comments, don't hesitate to provide feedback as I wish to improve my posts, in an attempt to ensure they are always useful.

N770 packaging needs to improve

2006-12-20 09:00 UTC  by  dkothari
I had been playing around with Synaptic for maemo, just ran into some use cases where i wanted to remove and reinstall some pre-installed packages. I picked up few theme and locale packages. To my surprise, uninstalling a theme package would uninstall quite a few important packages!! (check some xterm screenshots, showing the symptoms).

I think before packages are released by each team, it should be MANDATED to try simple use cases of install and uninstall there packages on device to atleast get rid of ridiculous package dependencies. Atleast it is quite a valid use case atleast for me to remove language localizations for languages I dont need like french or italian and themes,sounds, preinstalled videos and media, which just occupy my much needed and useful flash space.

Maybe maemo community can come to help here and file bugs against improper packaging.

Enabling thumb mode for your ARM binaries

2006-12-21 00:42 UTC  by  dkothari
While cross compiling binaries for maemo, I wanted to enable the thumb compile option, but didnt really knew how to, jumped to #maemo irc, and there I could quickly get the info I needed. (Thanks to tko), so I documented it (I hope it will act as a starter, for other to add info). It would also be nice if this kind of info is also available in official maemo documentation

ThoughtFix and Welcome to your Nokia 770

2006-12-24 19:25 UTC  by  mikel
I have just been reading ThoughtFix's "welcome to your new Nokia 770" Post in his Blog on the uses for a Nokia 770.

Great post ThoughtFix with lots of useful information for new users that you have gained via your personal use of a Nokia 770 with your desire to try out the very latest on what can be achieved.

We really do need more users of the Nokia 770 like yourself, to continue to reduce any mystery surrounding just what the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet can/could be used for via it's underlying Linux based OS.

The Nokia 770 is already a great little Wi-Fi Internet Tablet, which works well in it's primary role as a truly portable internet surfing device. With the further interest and hacking styled developments from the User/Linux/Maemo community in 2007, who knows where and how this fledgling Internet Tablet Market could develop?

TVersity Release (Dec 25, 2006)

2006-12-26 12:45 UTC  by  mikel

A new version of TVersity was released on 25th December 2006 where in most recent beta release itterations, it addresses AV streaming issues to ensure Xbox 360 users move over in their droves to a real Internet and Network capable UPnP Media Server.

The "TVersity Universal Media Player" has a clear roadmap and goal, where if my understanding is correct it's to :-

  • Enable all it's user community of numerous network AV playback devices to "just" play any NON DRM'd AV media from "Wherever they want to Wherever they are" without worrying about download, conversion and network media serving issues.
My advice is to keep a watchful eye on TVersity through 2007, where here are some useful links :-

28 Dec 2006

2006-12-28 22:17 UTC  by  Unknown author

... it's Christmas time, the blogs are getting longer...

Click to read 1982 more words
