Planet maemo: category "feed:f280e37eda34262eb5767c82e5ab024b"


Some posts about Qt4 on Maemo from KDE planet

2008-08-24 20:37 UTC  by  gnuton

While we are talking in the Qt4maemo ML about how some things should be implemented and improved in Qt for maemo, some interesting posts have appeared in KDE planet.

There Lorn Potter, a Trolltech hacker, is happy to see one of his applications, GutenBrowser, running in maemo without any effort: “All it took was a recompile!”.

Ariya Hidaya, another Trolltech hacker, and Adam Treat (Manyoso) a KDE hacker and Member of the KDE e.V. tested and investigated the low graphic performance of Qt 4.4 on the N8x00 devices.

Looking forward to seeing new blogs of KDE people aggregated in Planet Maemo, I´ll continue working on Qt 4.4.1 packages.

Categories: Maemo-dev

Qt 4 Maemo: the new experience.

2008-07-26 06:13 UTC  by  gnuton

The Maemo platform is growing up day by day and its good software and hardware attract every day new people.
Unfortunately not all of these people are able to program in GTK, since they don’t use linux or because they are KDE people.
Qt4maemo was born as a natural answer to this leak. I compiled and uploaded the first Qt4 packages when I hadn’t got a Maemo device yet. Less than 2 months ago I was contacted by Nokia to work fulltime on this project. Obviously I accepted and now I spend most of my time behind a monitor hacking Qt!

Categories: KDE-Dev

Qt4 Diablo Repository.

2008-07-14 20:48 UTC  by  gnuton

The Qt4 repository for Diablo is now available.

The repository contains:

  • Qt4 dependencies: binary and source packages.
  • A snapshot of the hildonized Qt4 available in SVN.

For more information, visit the Qt4 diablo repository page.

Categories: KDE-Dev

Today, i’ve reported a bug of QGTKStyle on maemo.
Click here to follow the status and to watch the screenshot of the bug

Categories: Maemo-dev

QGTKStyle has been available for Maemo

2008-05-27 18:40 UTC  by  gnuton

QGTKStyle is a Qt style rendered using GTK to give a native appearence for Qt applications running on the GNOME desktop.
It’s available on our repositories at
This is an experimental package: it’s stable but it’s under heavy development, so this package is provided ONLY for testing and bug reporting.

If you want to keep up-to-date on QGTKStyle changes, please check QGTKStyle page at google code .
Note: QGtkStyle is installable only via xterm. In order to install it, you simply need to run apt-get install qgtkstyle as root; So run qtconfig as not privileged user and select GTK as style.
Our forum is always open for any discussion about it, and you can use the tracker to report a bug in the package.

Categories: Maemo-dev

QGTKStyle on maemo

2008-05-25 07:06 UTC  by  gnuton

As Qt4 lover and programmer, I want to have well integrated Qt applications on my Maemo device. Some time ago I read about QGTKStyle project on Qt Blog. Thanks to the last Qt4 (4.4.0) available for maemo, a few days ago I tried QGTKStyle on my SDK but it didn’t work! It didn’t support 16bit screen!
So I talked with Jens ( the troll! ) and in less than 24 hours he had extended his pet to every X11 colour depth!
Last evening I tried it again and… it worked: GREAT!

Categories: Maemo-dev

Reflashing my N810

2008-05-23 06:47 UTC  by  gnuton

Last night I was hacking Qt4 for maemo and I forced apt-get to install some packages in my full root partition of my N810.
This operation has probably corrupted its JFFS filesystem and BOOM!
When I tried to boot up my device it showed me the normal bootscreen and after 20-30 seconds it reboot itself!

Categories: Maemo-dev

Qt4.4.0 packages with WEBKIT (yeah!)are available at qt4 for maemo homepage.
These packages aren’t compatible with the old Qt4 applications in our repository. So we descourage anyone to force a dist-upgrade on your device.
I’m providing to rebuild ours Qt4 applications and these will be uploaded soon for a “sane” upgrading.
Have a fun with the cutting edge Qt and Webkit!

Ps: if you want to try Qt4.4.0 power, you can install qt4-demos. It’ll take ~80Mb of space of your sdk environment.

Categories: Maemo-dev

Chinook 4.0.1 SDK Environment: Funky installation.

2008-05-15 12:10 UTC  by  gnuton

Today i’ve installed Chinook Environment on KUbuntu Hardy using the scripts: scratchbox installer and sdk installer.
The script runs fine but there are some issue such as:
Setting up sudo (1.6.8p12-4osso7) ...
Updating sudoers
mmap: Permission denied
Solved running
echo 4096 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr and so apt-get install -f
Setting up gconf2 (2.16.0-1osso9) ...
/scratchbox/tools/bin/chown: `messagebus:messagebus': invalid user
Soved with:
cd /var/cache/apt/archives
fakeroot dpkg -i *dbus*
Usually this file is in the debconf package. But the Maemo debconf doesn’t have got it! O_o
The error message is:
/scratchbox/tools/bin/sh: line 1: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory
I’ve solved it copying this file from my host to scratchbox environment.
cp /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure /scratchbox/users/gnuton/targets/CHINOOK_ARMEL/usr/sbin
So i’ve runned again apt-get install -f and now i’ve my working (?) SDK Env.
That’s all! Happy installation to you!

Categories: Maemo-dev

Maemo style on Qt applications

2008-05-14 17:42 UTC  by  gnuton

I’ve just readed on trolltech blog that there is a new Qt plugin that permit a Qt application to use the current gtk theme engine.
It will be nice to use it in Qt maemo apps.
I’ve to try it.
Click here to read the original post.

Categories: Maemo-dev

SMplayer for maemo is available.

2008-04-28 08:51 UTC  by  gnuton

SMplayer, a powerfull GUI for MPlayer, is now available for Maemo.

More info are available at qt4 garage homepage.


Categories: Maemo-dev

My first numpty physics level

2008-04-24 17:02 UTC  by  gnuton

Some days ago i’ve sended my numpty physics level to its author.

Now it’s available at Numpty Physics Home Page.

Categories: Maemo-dev