Planet maemo: category "feed:dda30e0a60b59811d56adead50efd2c6"


Finally got them working

2008-01-23 19:35 UTC  by  Unknown author

Today I got the complete stack working on my N800 device!

  • Erlang
  • ICU
  • CouchDB
  • Ajatus

They are far from perfect yet but I'm sure it'll get better little by little.
Currently I'm

  • preparing the packages for releasing them through maemo extras repository.
  • trying to compile the latest erlang R12.b.0 (now the package is R11.b.1)
  • adding dependencies to couchdb package
  • packaging Ajatus also

After first releases there are some possible tweaking to do... I still get some Segfaults at some points while using couchdb.

If someone would like to give this a try the hard way:
All the current packages can be found here

  1. Download and install erlang-base_11.b.1-1_armel.deb to the device (after download: dpkg -i  erlang-base_11.b.1-1_armel.deb)
  2. Download and install libicu36_3.6-2_armel.deb
  3. Download and install couchdb_0.7.2-1_armel.deb
  4. Get the latest release of Ajatus and follow it's installation instructions

There might be some dependencies which have to be manually installed. (Will be fixed later)
Currently the CouchDb installs itself to /usr and the databases are located at /usr/var/lib/couchdb.
I changed the DB path in /usr/etc/couchdb/couch.ini to point to my other memorycard (/media/mmc2/couchdb_db) which had some more space left.

Hopefully I get to release these as soon as possible for easier use.

Great thanks to the folks at #couchdb channel (nslater, jan,...)
And to Piotras

Categories: maemo
Jerry Jalava

First set of Erlang packages for Maemo

2008-01-23 06:48 UTC  by  Jerry Jalava

Last night I finally was able to do successful packages and installation on my N800.

First set (N800/N810) can be downloaded here:

I'll upload rest of the deps as I get to the office. Also I'm currently buildin ICU which is also needed by CouchDB. Hopefully today I have working native Ajatus on my N800. 


Just uploaded rest of the package files. Also there is packages for ICU.
I'm currently trying to get CouchDB to work, but still have some minor problems with it.

For basic usage of erlang one could only install the erlang-base and erlang-nox packages...

Categories: maemo
Jerry Jalava

Packaging Erlang for maemo

2008-01-20 23:16 UTC  by  Jerry Jalava

I was able to package Erlang for X86 target but collided with some segfaults on Armel. It seems the problem is the qemu and after a while trying to patch it I gave up for tonight. Have to continue tomorrow night.

Anyhow we aren't that far of getting CouchDB and Ajatus to work natively on Nokia n800/n810...


Categories: maemo
Jerry Jalava

Calendar Beta published

2007-08-14 14:36 UTC  by  Jerry Jalava

Today we published the calendars beta version to the maemo community for testing.
The testing period will last approx. 4 weeks in which time we hope for a lot of feedback, both bad and good.

There is also a bugzilla for the calendar so, feel free and post bug reports or feature requests in there.
I will be commenting and prioritizing them during the testing period. More info and the calendar can be found at

Also the beta documentation can be found in this blog. 

Categories: maemo
Jerry Jalava

Maemo Community Calendar

2007-08-09 14:51 UTC  by  Jerry Jalava


I've been developing a browser based community calendar for maemo users. It is done on top of midgard.
The original baseline was:
"The idea of the project is to build a web-based calendaring application for the Maemo community. GPL-licensed OpenPsa Calendar group calendaring application is used as the basis. The project focuses on adapting the calendar user interface to fit the Maemo devices (Nokia 770 and N800), taking into account the screen resolution and limitations like difficulty of drag-and-drop with the stylus. The worldwide nature of the Maemo community must also be taken into account by adding good timezone awareness."
Click to read 1486 more words
Categories: midgard
Jerry Jalava

Been sick since last monday...

2007-07-22 09:15 UTC  by  Jerry Jalava
This kind of a flue I haven't got before which just sticks in me and gets worst everyday...
Have tried all kind of meds and voodoo but nothing seems to work.

Also last night I finally got the timezone support in to the calendar application.
Everyone in the community see the events according to their own timezone.
Next step is to attach the positioning library so if one travels with the calendar it automatically changes the view to the local timezone.

Also the Shelf -concept in moving/mass editing events proofed to be pretty nice.
With few clicks one moves the events to shelf from the current view and then is able to locate a new position for the event on any of the views (year,month,week,day), select the event from the shelf and click to the view on a position he wants the event to move to.

What still must be done in the calendar is the overlapping events and resource conflict checking. This was working in some level on older events which were created with datamanager1, but now when using datamanager2 I have some problems catching the errors on different situations...

I'll get some screenshots of the application next week, when it goes to larger testing before publishing.

Now back to bed and try to get some sleep.
Categories: midgard
Jerry Jalava

Finally got my N800

2007-02-21 22:10 UTC  by  Jerry Jalava

Today it arrived...


Thought I share the view...


Giving it some lifejuice...

First charge


Now I can start building and testing the Maemo Roadwarrior in a real machine instead of the scratchbox. I'll get some dev screenshots and sneak preview of the RoadWarrior on weekend... Till then, code in peace

Categories: maemo