Planet maemo: category "feed:a5799af9ac17abc99d28d8047c32e427"


Khweeteur 0.0.36

2010-09-24 11:56 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
Khweeteur 0.0.36

A new version of Khweeteur is now available in extras-testing. Since the last Khweeteur version 0.0.29 (The previous one available in extras-testing) there are some changes :

  • 0.0.36-1 : Fix retweet of me, fix notifications, add ctrl-r (update), ctrl-a (reply), ctrl-up (scroll to top) and crtl-bottom (scroll to bottom) shortcuts, Add auto focus on text field when key pressed
  • 0.0.35-1 : Optimize timeline refresh.
  • 0.0.34-1 Fix error when you double click on a tweet.
  • 0.0.33-1 : Fix for notifications (But callback still broken), Add replyto display option, fix a few minor bugs, refactor the refresh of status, improve the ReTweet support.
  • 0.0.32-2 : Fix for notifications (But callback still broken), Add replyto display option, fix a few minor bugs, refactor the refresh of status, improve the ReTweet support. Benoît HERVIER 2010-09-16 18:31 UTC
  • 0.0.31-2 : Fix for notifications (But callback still broken), fix for ReTweet support, Add an option for auto rotate.
  • 0.0.30-1 : Fix segfault
  • 0.0.29-1 : Fix segfault, add timeout exception, closing main window close also search, implement coolgray and coolwhite theme, some cleaning

I hope you will enjoy this new version, do no hesitate to report bugs or suggestion to the Khweeteur Bugs Tracker.

This new version is now waiting your vote to reach the Extras repository on Khweeteur on Maemo Packages Interface

Categories: articles:maemo

Khweeteur 0.0.28

2010-09-14 07:58 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
Khweeteur 0.0.28

Khweeteur is a small Python Qt4 twitter and client for #Maemo and #Meego. The main goal of Khweeteur is to stay simple and easy to use.

The version available in extras-testing provide the following features :

  • Support oauth
  • Unify replies, retweet, timeline and mentions in the same view
  • Reply, Retweet, Search (with save), Follow/Unfollow and destroy a status
  • Theme : 4 themes are currently available
  • Automatic crash report to the bu tracker
  • for short url
  • Tweet serializatiom
  • unicode (support all charseta)
  • Auto refresh
  • Hildon Notification (Notification like the email client)
  • Portrait and landscape @ode (Auto rotation)
  • Open url contai in tweet with browser

Of course suggestions are welcome, on the bug tracker : Khweeteur Bug Tracker
And do not forget to vote for it on : Khweeteur 0.0.28 on Packages Interface

Categories: articles:maemo

PyPackager HowTo

2010-08-21 12:53 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
PyPackager HowTo
Click to read 2232 more words
Categories: articles:maemo

MOptinagi - found unoptified packages

2010-08-20 16:54 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
MOptinagi - found unoptified packages

Installing packages and applications on n900 from extras-devel or extras-testing result most of the time on a nice error : ‘Not enougth space on device’. This happen most of the time because you have installed package which aren’t yet optified.

Found this packages isn’t easy. This is why i ve made this little script which is not optimal. It takes a long time to process all packages and files.
import commands
import os
import hildon
import gtk
details = ''
less = ''
r = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections")
packages = r.rsplit('\n')
for index,package in enumerate(packages):
  print 'Processing packages ',index,' on ',len(packages)
  #print package.split('\t')
  s = package.split('\t')
  if s[(len(s)-1)] == 'install':
    pkg_files = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/dpkg -L "+s[0]).split('\n')
    pkg_size = 0
    for pkg_file in pkg_files:  
      #pkg_size = 0
      if ('/opt' not in pkg_file) or ('/home' not in pkg_file):
          st = os.stat(pkg_file)
          if st.st_blocks > 0:
            details = details + '\n'+  s[0]+':'+pkg_file+':'+str(st.st_size/1024)+'Kb'
            pkg_size = pkg_size + st.st_size
    less = less + '\n' + s[0] + ' : '+str(pkg_size/1024)+'Kb'
print less
w = hildon.Window()
p = hildon.PannableArea()
t = hildon.TextView()
total = less+'\n\n\n'+details

Just to be clear, i didn’t blame any developpers to not optify their packages. I understand why Nokia keep root fs on a fast nand. But a so small one is a real pain for everyone, users and developpers. I just hope that apps and libs will be optify in a short delay.

Categories: articles:maemo

Display a Conboy note on your desktop

2010-08-20 16:43 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER
Display a Conboy note on your desktop
Click to read 1098 more words
Categories: articles:maemo

PyGTKEditor 3.0.9

2010-01-22 12:43 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

PyGTKEditor 3.0.9-2 is available in extras-testing. This new version include bugs fix and a new welcome screen instead of a new empty file.

The list of bug fixs since version 3.0.2 (the version available in extras) :

• Version 3.0.2 :
◦ Prefs : default language
◦ Prefs : default language
◦ Prefs : Auto rotate option
◦ Prefs : font and text size
◦ Prefs : enable or not word completion
◦ Fix Bug #6522
◦ Fix Bug #6547
◦ Fix Bug #7021

• Version 3.0.3 :
◦ Fix Help Bug

• Version 3.0.4 :
◦ Prefs : indent size
◦ Welcome screen
◦ Recent Chooser Change
◦ Prefs show lines numbers

• Version 3.0.5 :
◦ Fix 2 syntax errors

• Version 3.0.6 :
◦ Fix None default language : #8074
◦ Detect .txt as text file (no syntax hilight)

• Version 3.0.7 :
◦ Fix uncomplete preference file
◦ Fix icon in package
◦ Fix help windows title

• Version 3.0.8 :
◦ Fix syntax error

• Version 3.0.9 :
◦ Keep last opened folder when opening or saving file instead of going to MyDocs folder by default
◦ Remove saveas menu from welcome screen
◦ Fix Bug #8837
◦ Add errors message when not able to open or decode file
◦ Fix apply prefs for lines numbers
◦ Fix recent file change in main
◦ Fix back to begin search when there is 2 results only
◦ Fix order of recent files

Of course do not hesitate to report any bugs you get on or vote for it on

Categories: Dev

mNotes 2.0.0 Preview

2010-01-12 23:33 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

While i’m still working on PyPackager, PyGTKEditor and others projects. I’m finishing an other one for first Fremantle release.

mNotes is a Notes Application, specially designed for Maemo Devices. It s feature a synchronization with a web server.

It s feature :
– auto link between notes.
– auto indent
– search
– undo / redo
– fullscreen
– auto rotation
– font/size preferences
– and Synchronization !

It s still in developpment. And some feature aren’t yet implemented :
◦ search in note and hiligh when opening global search
◦ Windows Version (Currently in developpment)
◦ Linux Version
◦ Web Version (Currently in developpment)

Some optimizations is needed :
◦ Defering Optimize
◦ Refactoring ( +

Currently synchronization is working with the web server, but there is still need to save feature of the web online editor.

Categories: Maemo

For this we will use the new pypackager 3.0. There isn’t currently no graphical interface (but the UI will be available in version 3.1).

Click to read 1084 more words
Categories: Dev

PyGTKEditor is now availaible in fremantle extras-testing repository.

This is the first release for Fremantle. And this is also a complete rewrite from scratch. Right now the syntax hilight parser isn’t really optimized. But it ll be for a next release.

Do not forget to test and vote for it on Maemo Testing QA

Some screenshots :

Features in release 3.0.0 :
• Saveas
• Open
• Help
• Execute
• Close ask when not saved
• Duplicate line
• Add/Remove comment
• Indent/Unindent
• Auto indent
• Search
• About

Available shortcuts
• Ctrl-O : Open file
• Ctrl-S : Save file
• Ctrl-W : Close file
• Ctrl-I : Show file info
• Ctrl-Z : Undo
• Ctrl-Y : Redo
• Ctrl-D : Duplicate Line
• Ctrl-F : Find
• Ctrl-R : Replace
• Ctrl-A : Select All
• Ctrl-E : Execute
• Ctrl-H : Show help

Hilighted “Languages”:
• R
• Ada
• C
• Changelog
• C++
• CSharp
• Desktop (.desktop)
• Css
• Diff (diff)
• Fortran
• Gtkrc
• Haskell
• Html
• Idl
• Ini (.ini)
• Java
• Javascript
• Latex
• Lua
• Makefile
• Markdown
• Msil
• Nemerle
• Octave
• Pascal
• Perl
• Php
• Po
• Python
• Ruby
• Scheme
• Sh
• Tcl
• Texinfo
• Vbnet
• Verilog
• Vhdl
• Xml

The roadmap
• Version 3.0.5 :
◦ Jump to line feature
◦ Welcome screen

• Version 3.1.0 :
◦ Prefs : indent size
◦ Prefs : font and text size
◦ Search and replace feature
◦ Optimization of the syntax hilight parser

• Version 3.3.0 :
◦ Plugins
◦ Snippet

Categories: Dev

PyGTKEditor 3.0 is still in development

2009-11-13 20:17 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

I’m still working on the version 3.0 of PYGTKEditor.

For those which don’t know what is this application, let me resume it in few words : PyGTKEditor is a small source editor specially designed for onboard developpers.

PyGTKEditor 3.0 is a complete rewrite from scratch. Indeed, gtksourceview isn’t useable with PannableArea without a rewrite. Why using a PannableArea ? Because scrolling with small scrollbar is a pain on small interface. And using large scrollbar eat too many space on the screen, specially when re#ing source code. The other things which push me to rewrite it, is the graphical change in the Fremantle’s interface, which make many things hard to use, like the menu for example.

Currently the development is a bit slow as i ve to rewrite a complete source code parser for hilight, which is done now in full python. But as now the parser is written, open/save is working it ll be a bit faster.

The roadmap is the following :
- Support all language supported by gtksourceview for the hilight (DoneJ
- Save/Open/Open Recent (Done)
- Shortcut
- Execute python script from the editor
- Undo/Redo manager (done)
- Help
- Auto rotation based on accelerometers (Done)
- Icon
- Package
- Set mime type for hildon manager

- Search/Replace

Some screenshots of the current developpment version :

And if you have some features request, do not hesitate.

Categories: Dev

Not enought space on device

2009-10-28 21:09 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

Installing packages and applications on n900 from extras-devel or extras-testing result most of the time on a nice error : ‘Not enougth space on device’. This happen most of the time because you have installed package which aren’t yet optified.

Found this packages isn’t easy. This is why i ve made this little script which is not optimal. It takes a long time to process all packages and files.

import commands
import os
import hildon
import gtk
details = ''
less = ''
r = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections")
packages = r.rsplit('\n')
for index,package in enumerate(packages):
  print 'Processing packages ',index,' on ',len(packages)
  #print package.split('\t')
  s = package.split('\t')
  if s[(len(s)-1)] == 'install':
    pkg_files = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/dpkg -L "+s[0]).split('\n')
    pkg_size = 0
    for pkg_file in pkg_files:  
      #pkg_size = 0
      if ('/opt' not in pkg_file) or ('/home' not in pkg_file):
          st = os.stat(pkg_file)
          if st.st_blocks > 0:
            details = details + '\n'+  s[0]+':'+pkg_file+':'+str(st.st_size/1024)+'Kb'
            pkg_size = pkg_size + st.st_size
    less = less + '\n' + s[0] + ' : '+str(pkg_size/1024)+'Kb'
print less
w = hildon.Window()
p = hildon.PannableArea()
t = hildon.TextView()
total = less+'\n\n\n'+details

A little screenshot :

Just to be clear, i didn’t blame any developpers to not optify their packages. I understand why Nokia keep root fs on a fast nand. But a so small one is a real pain for everyone, users and developpers. I just hope that apps and libs will be optify in a short delay.

Categories: Maemo

HomeIP for Fremantle

2009-10-16 06:22 UTC  by  Benoît HERVIER

I’ve take time to port homeip to fremantle. Currently i haven’t been able to make a transparent background.

It s available in extras-devel but it s could be unstable.
Warning do not use extras-devel repository on a device. You can brick it.

Categories: Dev