Planet maemo: category "feed:989eb7ea13af4430ccf297118f855bf0"

Kate Alhola

Porting MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Qt Quick Components

2011-07-08 15:05 UTC  by  Kate Alhola

In my previous blog I had introduction to MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Qt Quick components, in this blog I  wrote about porting components to other platforms than MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan and in next one about porting applications to different Qt Quick Components like MeeGo-Ux, Symbian or desktop.

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Nokia MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Qt Quick components

2011-06-23 17:40 UTC  by  Kate Alhola

Nokia has just released our new great MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan device, N9, it is a developer device N950 and Harmattan SDK beta release. New Qt Quick components library is now part of Harmattan SDK for N9 and N950 devices. When I had my previous blog about Qt Quick components in November 2010, components were just at very early development stage. Nokia moved development as closed in January 2011 because we started to develop them for new great UI concept that you can now see in our N9 and N950 devices.

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Categories: MeeGo
Kate Alhola

AR-Drone with MeeGo

2010-12-23 10:16 UTC  by  Kate Alhola

Main view with live feed from AR-Drone camera and telemetry
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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

AR-Drone with MeeGo

2010-12-23 10:16 UTC  by  Kate Alhola

Main view with live feed from AR-Drone camera and telemetry
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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Qt Creator with Components

What Ui toolkit I should use for mobile application development has been a top issue since Maemo5/Fremantle SDK alpha release. There were two choices available, GTK+/Hindon and Qt. The amount of choices has been increased since then and caused a lot of confusion among developers.

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Qt Creator with Components

What Ui toolkit I should use for mobile application development has been a top issue since Maemo5/Fremantle SDK alpha release. There were two choices available, GTK+/Hindon and Qt. The amount of choices has been increased since then and caused a lot of confusion among developers.

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Qt Creator and Scratchbox

2010-10-22 12:11 UTC  by  Kate Alhola
Qt Creator and Scratchbox

  Qt Creator and Scratchbox

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Qt Creator and Scratchbox

2010-10-22 12:11 UTC  by  Kate Alhola
Qt Creator and Scratchbox

  Qt Creator and Scratchbox

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Easy to use SMS and Messaging API to Maemo 5

2010-02-14 12:49 UTC  by  Kate Alhola

TpSession, simplified Maemo5  Messaging API

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Easy to use SMS and Messaging API to Maemo 5

2010-02-14 12:49 UTC  by  Kate Alhola

TpSession, simplified Maemo5  Messaging API

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Implementing User interface that looks and feels like Native Maemo 5 Hildon UI needs more than just basic features like Input method or Hildon styles.  In Maemo version before Maemo 5 this basic set was sufficient and most of User Interface was implemented with stantard widgets familiar from desktop.

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Categories: Maemo
Kate Alhola

Implementing User interface that looks and feels like Native Maemo 5 Hildon UI needs more than just basic features like Input method or Hildon styles.  In Maemo version before Maemo 5 this basic set was sufficient and most of User Interface was implemented with stantard widgets familiar from desktop.

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Categories: Maemo