Planet maemo: category "feed:83c45a7c9a27a197cbcc653605c1fa5c"


Imagine que você desenvolveu uma aplicação que precisa de permissão de root. Agora você quer que o Mandriva chame sua aplicação como usuário administrador(root).

0 – Minha aplicação simples é um Hello world

echo -e '#include \nint main(){printf("hello mandriva world\\n");}' > hello.c
gcc hello.c -o hello

1 – Chamar o console-helper ao invés de chamar sua aplicação:

su - root
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /usb/bin/console-helper hello

2 – Criar arquivo PAM /etc/pam.d/hello

auth            include         config-util
account         include         config-util
session         include         config-util

3 – Criar arquivo com PATH em /etc/security/console.apps/hello

Categories: Uncategorized

N810 + HD 1.5 TB + SAMBA = media server

2010-10-05 22:37 UTC  by  alecrim

Aproveitando estes dias em que estou em casa de folga. Resolvi mexer um pouco com os equipamentos por aqui. O N810 andava meio solitário, depois que passei a utilizar mais o Nokia5800 para acessar a internet.

Outro problema é o fato de não gostar de ficar ligando os cabos do meu HD externo no netbook para acessar músicas e filmes.

Decidi compartilhar os arquivos meu HD externo via SMB usando meu N810. As principais passos seguem abaixo:

1 – N810 + HD

Gostaria de lembrar que o N810 possui um limite de energia que pode suprir para o equipamento plugado. Estou usando um HD externo com alimentação de energia. Instalei o aplicativo “usbmode” ou ative o modo “host” executando o comando abaixo:
echo host > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode

2 – Instalar Samba

sudo gainroot
apt-get install samba

3 – Configurar samba

cat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd > /etc/samba/smbpasswd
chmod 600 /etc/samba/smbpasswd
smbpasswd user
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf # download smb.conf HERE
sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Depois disto, use Windows Explorer para acessar seus arquivos. Você pode executar videos e músicas diretamente. ;)

Categories: Uncategorized

Partindo para novos desafios – Obrigado BRISA

2010-10-05 18:49 UTC  by  alecrim

Depois das constantes quedas da LGE, tivemos baixas significas na BRISA Tecnologia. Agora, estou mudando novamente de empresa. Obrigado BRISA pela oportunidade e desafios que tivemos neste período de 4 meses.

Dentro de alguns dias, inicio uma nova busca por desafios no Instituto Eldorado, que possui excelentes parceiros como Motorola, DELL, HP e Positivo. Estou bem ansioso para ver os projetos que terei por lá.

Espero poder trazer excelentes novidades nas próximas semanas! \o/

Categories: Uncategorized

Eve : new browser running on N810 with Mamona

2009-06-08 20:54 UTC  by  alecrim

First, INdT came with Webkit-EFL port. Later on, Barbieri came with EVE browser based on the Webkit and EFL.

Thank you all!

You can see it running on N810 with Mamona(video and pictures below).

Patches available on my development branch.

Categories: n810

Webkit-EFL running on N810

2009-06-06 03:40 UTC  by  alecrim

The video below shows a simple browser(EWebLauncher) based on Webkit-EFL engine.

Some pictures available HERE.

Patches to mamona.git available HERE or you can clone my devel branch.

Categories: mamona

Qt Kinetic on N810 with Mamona : under development

2009-06-04 21:44 UTC  by  alecrim

We’re working with Qt Kinetic at INdT. Mamona, as our platform, should support it.  😉

Question: Do you want to test on your device?

Answer: You can follow this tutorial HERE.

Categories: maemo

Carman 0.7 beta 2 out

2009-03-20 15:03 UTC  by  alecrim
The video below demonstrates Infoshare feature in Carman 0.7 beta 2:

Main difference to beta 2:

  * Infoshare feature does not need Pidgin anymore
  * Carman supports up to 4 connected buddies
  * Jabber/MSN/Yahoo are the supported protocols
  * Infoshare daemon: infosharingd handles all communication between Carman
    and libpurple, using DBus.
  * A lot of improvements in carman-evas code

Thanks Carman team !

Categories: maemo

Bossa 09 : photos and presentations

2009-03-20 14:25 UTC  by  alecrim

Nice days at Porto de Galinhas with good presentations and a great opportunity to share open source experiences. That was Bossa Conference 2009!

You can see some presentations posted by Bossa guys and great pictures posted at Marcelo’s flickr.

I’m still waiting for new posts at with presentations from Koen, Kate and Barbieri.

Categories: maemo

Xephyr: Running Mamona with X in your desktop

2008-07-31 01:26 UTC  by  alecrim

We (Mamona Team) updated the Mamona SDK tutorial including Xephyr. Now you’re able to execute Enlightenment from your Mamona rootfs using qemu-arm and Xephyr like Maemo.

Developers interested in Mamona, please report what do you want from Mamona !

Your opinion is important to improve our environment!

Categories: mamona

Firefox 3 running with Mamona

2008-07-28 23:34 UTC  by  alecrim

We’re proud to announce that Firefox 3 is working with Mamona. :) Thanks to all Mamona team, especially Eduardo Valentin.


Follow Mamona development tutorial replacing  ” bitbake <meta-package>” for “bitbake task-mamona-sdk && bitbake task-mamona-wm && bitbake firefox”.

And you will have Firefox 3 available in your Mamona repository.

More pictures …

Categories: mamona

Midori: Webkit based browser running with Mamona

2008-07-28 22:58 UTC  by  alecrim

Since Friday(July 25th) we’re able to build Midori Browser based on Webkit with Mamona tools. We tested this browser with Nokia N810 and BeagleBoard.

Main steps to Build Midori:

Follow the Mamona development  till Building Mamona.

Replace  ” bitbake <meta-package>” for “bitbake task-mamona-sdk && bitbake task-mamona-wm && bitbake midori” at setion Building Mamona.

And Midori will be available in your Mamona repository.

That’s all!!

More pictures … 

Categories: mamona

N810: 3 OS and 1 DEVICE (Mamona/Maemo/Debian)

2008-06-23 17:10 UTC  by  alecrim

I have a N810 and 3 OS in the same device.

Now you will ask me : How?

The answer is below:

1 – Move your Maemo to the MMC internal

* Advantage : you will have more space.


Now you have the Maemo in the internal MMC.

2 –  Flash Mamona in your flash memory

* Advantage: Nowadays Mamona distro is good for developers. 😉


3 – Debian XFCE in external MMC

* Advantage:  Debian rocks !! 😛

You should partition your MicroSD in 2 parts:

– partition 1 – 100MB – fat32

– partition 2 – ALL THE REST – ext2

Download the Debian rootfs


Untar the Debian rootfs in the second partition:

tar -xvjf  debian-armel-n800-xfce-beta3.tar.bz2

Boot using your external MMC.

That’s all!!

Categories: debian