Planet maemo: category "feed:822f6a0a9a0c829a3c6ddedc76f92a7c"

Vaibhav Sharma

Post the PR 1.2 firmware for the Nokia N900, the kinetic scrolling inside the menu became painfully slow and coupled with the fact all apps are now displayed on one page, scrolling to the bottom has started taking multiple swipes. If you have a lot of apps installed, then situation is even worse.

But fortunately, as is with most N900 problems, the community in the form of MohammadAG has found a fix and if you are keen on getting the speed back, follow the instructions below.

  • Install ‘wget’ and ‘rootsh’ via the Application Manager.
  • Then open the ‘Terminal’ and run the following commands with the N900 connected to the internet:
dpkg -i hildon-desktop_kinetic_2.2.138-1+0m5_armel.deb
killall hildon-desktop
  • That’s it.

If for some reason this method doesn’t work for you or there is a problem with the automatic download, grab this file and copy it to the N900′s root directory (/home/user/MyDocs).

  • Then open the ‘Terminal’ and run the following commands:
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/hildon-desktop_kinetic_2.2.138-1+0m5_armel.deb
killall hildon-desktop

This method replaces the default ‘hildon-desktop package’ with a modified variant that also has fixes for PR 1.2 bugs like call UI glitches. After installing this, if you were to use an apt-get command to update, the N900 will reinstall the default version. To override this, enter the following commands in the terminal.

echo "Package: hildon-desktop
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001" >> /etc/apt/preferences

A huge hat tip to MohammadAG for this very welcome fix, if you want to know more, this is the thread to follow.

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Vaibhav Sharma

The FM transmitter on the Nokia N900 is one of my favourite features. The N900 was not the first Nokia to have it but the first to actually have a usable one. This was because you could boost the FM transmitter output and thus get clear sound even in slightly congested airwaves.

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Categories: Applications
Vaibhav Sharma

The the MeeGo preview for the N900 first came out, in order to install it you need to make your own image and then flash it onto the N900. Things have moved along since then and a ready to flash MeeGo image is now available from Nokia’s own servers. So if you have been wanting to install MeeGo on the N900 but have been waiting for it to become just a little easier, the necessary guides are here.

Ready To Flash MeeGo Image Now Available For The N900

But before you embark on the MeeGo journey with your N900, please keep in mind that this is still very much a developmental release and that it holds no value for an everyday users and if you think you fall under that category, its better to hold off. There also some issues with backlighting, which are being discussed here.

[via: @mwkn]

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Categories: Featured
Vaibhav Sharma

Think & The N900 Will Make That Call For You

2010-08-05 10:45 UTC  by  Vaibhav Sharma

In a seriously awesome piece of technological prowess, the N900 can make the call you were thing about without you have to touch a thing. Manipulating the N900 from the mind has been made possible by a Qt based application called ThinkContacts, paired with the NeuroSky MindSet.

Think & The N900 Will Make That Call For You

The interaction between the user and software is done via brainwaves and for this to happen the user needs the NeuroSky Mindset which reads the user’s brainwaves, uses an analog-to-digital converter and sends the digitalized information via Bluetooth to the phone. The byte sequence, called packet, sent by the headset is then translated into the user’s level of meditation and attention by using an algorithm provided by the headset’s company. Once all of this is done, the signal is passed on to the ThinkContacts app via bluetooth and it places the call.

To get an idea of how it works, I recommend that you check out the following video.

[via: MaemoArena & MobileLivingRoom]

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