Ever since the N9 was announced, the question on everyone’s mind is that for how long would Nokia continue to support something which in all probability is its last MeeGo (Harmattan) device. Here’s something that should cheer you up, Klas Ström, Head of Portfolio Management in Marketing for Nokia tweets that the N9 will be supported for ‘years’ and that they would release several updates. Although, take the ‘years’ with a pinch of salt.
Next, if you are looking at a pure MeeGo experience, then you will also be glad to know that there are plans to bring the MeeGo Community Edition to the N9 as well, its already alive and kicking on the N900, and with the community support, the N9 can also hope to live longer than ever.
Finally, there is even more good news. Nokia India’s My Next Nokia page includes a mention of the N9 in its source code, pointing to a possible India release. Now before you get your hopes up, the information can only be seen in the source code and there is no mention of the N9 on any other visible portion of the website.
If you recall, there were only 23 countries which were slated to the get N9 when it was announced, but may be all the positive reaction is making Nokia reconsider other key markets as well. We’ll know more closer to its launch, meanwhile sit tight and hope.
[Update] It appears as if Nokia is indeed reconsidering its position on where to market the N9, it just popped up Nokia Brazil’s website as well, this time making it beyond the source code. Brazil was also missing from the original list of 23 countries. (via Verythrax in the comments below).
May be Nokia is only taking the N9 to markets which will get Nokia’s Windows Phone offerings next year? May be that 23 country is not definitive after all!