I don't know if it's just a case or if I'm the only one who had these problems, but I'll report them anyway, maybe somebody had my same problem and we could try to prepare a proper bug report to make the Maemo team fix them.
Infinite boot loop after upgrade
First of all I have to say that before upgrading to PR 1.1.1 I checked if I had enough space on the rootfs. I only had 27 Mb and so I decided to remove some unused applications, deleted some *.deb in /var/cache/apt/archives and disabled extras repositories. Of course I also did a backup of all my configuration. After the cleaning operation I had near 60 Mb free on rootfs, enough to install the upgrade.
I closed all running applications, started the application manager and began the upgrade. After the upgrade was completed, the device did a reboot... then another one, then again, again.... until I had to remove the battery to stop it.
Conclusion: I had to re-flash the device with the latest image to make it work again.
mafw-dbus-wrapper taking all the CPU
I was watching a video (using subtitles) and after some minutes the whole UI became unresponsive. Strange because I already did this before without having any problem. I tried to check the problem using "top" utility from terminal and I saw that there was a mafw process (mafw-dbus-wrapper) that was taking 80-90% of CPU. My fault is that normally there are at least 3-4 , mafw-dbus-wrapper processes and I didn't check which one was causing the problem. Anyway I made a screenshot, just in case it can help.
I hope this short report can be useful to help Maemo team to fix or at least investigate what happened. Just leave a comment or contact me if you need more informations.