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William Maddler

Canola 2 aproaching!

2007-12-03 15:35 UTC  by  William Maddler

Canola 2I’ve just finished watch Canola 2 teaser (Flash or Html) and, folks, looks like we’ve got a killer application here! The new interface seems very promising.

The video (here) shows Canola 2 running on a 770 equipped with OS2007HE and the results are  amazingly fluid, things should be even better on N8×0. Beside

Canola could really be a killing application for Internet Tablets N810, even if the single MicroSD on N810 could somehow be a threshold, 8GB MSD aren’t easy to find yet). Also being able to handle multimedia contents in such an easy and comfortable way could really help making more people aware of what IT can be “useful” for, beside simply accessing the internet.

Portable media players are another kinda interesting market. What about an Internet Tablet which can be made in a portable media player with a single touch of your finger? Scree real estate isn’t really a problem on IT family, as well as definition and brightness, after all.

We only have to wait 9 more days!

Comments welcome… ;)

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Categories: Maemo (Eng)
William Maddler

OS2008 on N800 (three days with…)

2007-11-29 23:36 UTC  by  William Maddler


After having spent last three days with on Godot (my :-) ) it’s time to draw some conclusions.


For sure is hella fast! Using it on is a pleasure. CPU speed management’s improvements are there, and you can feel it. Opening menus and launching apps is a pleasure, well even more thant what it was before! :D


Talking about menus, first time I saw new larger menus I wasn’t sure I was going to like them but after getting used to the new look I have to confess that, after all, they are not as bad as I thought. Perhaps it would have been a little better being able to freely choice your size, you know: size matters! :D

Application Manager

In one word (and a half): it works! On OS2007 it was a pain using it. Everyone remembers having continuously to scroll application list after every install/remove action. I mean, that sort of things that make you ask if people really use the program they write.

Now, at last once an application has been installed/removed, AppMan will remember our position. Ins’t it great? :)

And again: speed! Browsing is very easy and comfortable. (more…)

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler

Skype running on N800 OS2008!

2007-11-26 22:40 UTC  by  William Maddler

 Updated Dec 01 2007: good news, seems like installation is now working straight from Application Installer. :)

skype logoJust got running on my , after flashing latest (it was supposed to work on only).

I tried installing it from Application Manager but it failed (”Download failed” message).

So I decided to give a try to apt-get ;)

First of all you need to become root on your . Apparently the ssh way is not working anymore (password used to be “rootme”, but I wasn’t able to login, I’ll try to investigate a little bit) so you will have to use the gainroot script. Use flasher-3.0 to enable R&D mode, open a xterm session and write: “sudo gainroot”. At this point I also suggest you to create a new password for root account (using passwd), so that in the future you will be able to use ssh to login onto your device. While root write:

apt-get install

Apparently worked fine, but when installing package I got an error, complaining about not using latest software (are you kidding me?! :D )

What now? Simple enough. I had the package, only need to have it expanded:

dpkg -x /var/cache/apt/archives/_1. /

beside not being canonical it worked and I was able to make and receive calls! :)

Please remember that beside everything seems to be working fine, this is a hack. Do it at your own risk ;) So, basically, don’t blame me if something goes wrong! ;)

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler

ITOS2008 officially released for N800

2007-11-26 16:37 UTC  by  William Maddler

At last! landed on !

Actual release is a beta specifically aimed to developers. Announcement here. This release basically answers all my questions in previous posts.

So, perhaps, I’m not going to get an in the next few weeks but, at least, now it will be possible to start working on a “stable” device, avoiding using any trick ;)

Some remarks:

1) upgrade for and releases were originally planned to be done simultaneously.

2) upgrade for was released last week.

3) Discount codes *should* be fully functional Dec 15th.

Then: release aproaching! ;)

Anyway, and that’s what really counts, now developers can use a “stable” device for development purposes filling the gap I was highlighting in my previous posts.

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler

N810 firmware update

2007-11-25 12:00 UTC  by  William Maddler

Quick post: a new firmware (OS 2008 version 1.2007.42-19) upgrade has been released today, it should address some stability problems.

Could it be a prelude to long awaited release? We will see.

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
William Maddler

About N810 release date and Nokia strategy

2007-11-24 12:48 UTC  by  William Maddler

Just got a comment from Quim Gil on my previous post about strategy. I think it’s worth giving more space to what he says.

Click to read 1088 more words
Categories: Maemo (Eng)
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William Maddler

Nokia != Marketing

2007-11-21 21:17 UTC  by  William Maddler
Zerojay’s just found that N810’s release date was pushed back to Dec 19th, at least on NokiaUSA. Not a good news for me, and the other 499 dev/users who received the discount code. To be honest, N810 doesn’t even show a release date on, and doesn’t even know about it. In the meantime [...]
Categories: Maemo (Eng)
William Maddler

Nokia Internet Tablet, Maemo and more

2007-11-20 21:29 UTC  by  William Maddler

As may times I said somewhere else, one of the advantages of Nokia’s Internet Tablets, on the old 770 as well on the young N810, is the extreme openess, being able to experiment and expand them, basicaly the opposite of what happens on the iPhone ;). And this is a good point for Nokia.

In the wait for my N810, and the release of N800’s firmware upgrade to IS2008 I decide do to some tests. One of the criticisms against to IT graphic interface is that it’s kinda too “constricted” and limited (you cannot move windows around, you cannot have more windows shown at once, etc.). I have to admit that’s (partly, at least) true, but the overall usability is overall more than acceptable (IMHO). (more…)

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
William Maddler

GarnetVM, not a good start (sadly)

2007-11-18 22:20 UTC  by  William Maddler

I’ve always been a PalmOS entusiast, I decided to leave it only when Nokia 770 was released. So, it’s easy to understand how happy I was when I read about GVM. Being able to use Palm’s apps on my Maemo IT could fill the gap for PIM applications.
Installing GVM was pretty smooth, and using Addressbook on my N800 gave me a shiver of pleasure along my back, bringing me back in time ;).

At that point I decided to install Iambic Agendus, perhaps the application I miss the most from the Palm times. Well, that wasn’t a good choice, GVM crashed and refusing to start anymore. :(

I’m goint to remove the whole stuff and try a fresh install. We’ll se.

Italian at:

Categories: Maemo (Eng)
William Maddler

Welcome to english readers!

2007-11-18 22:13 UTC  by  William Maddler

This “Maemo (Eng)” category will only host english posts and translations about Maemo and Nokia IT devices.

Categories: Maemo (Eng)