Introduction to Eina_Log:
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Today I’m releasing the first release of “econnman”, the EFL user interface for ConnMan.

Some time ago raster added a ConnMan module to e17, but then the API broken during 0.5 transition and I rewrote that module. With ConnMan-1.0 the API was changed yet again and our module stopped working.
Lucas De Marchi took the task to revive the module and he is still finishing this task… let’s say Enlightenment’s internal widget set (e_widget) is something that can get everyone bored to death! Also the new ConnMan API requires an Agent interface to reply with passwords, usernames and other input that the manager may need. This code was not written before, so these new API and GUI must be written.
Until Lucas can finish his work I took a weekend to play with my favorite language: Python. I was away from Python-EFL for a while, so I was wanting to write some code using it. Python-DBus is super-simple (compare it to C!), so the EConnMan in Python-EFL was a nice thing to play.
We’ll cooperate efforts: E17 module will only provide the services list and allow to connect and disconnect. It will also provide an Agent, so we can provide passwords. Everything else that is related to configuration will be left to stand-alone “econnman” application. This standalone will do the tweaks and show details such as IP and MAC addresses, proxy, tethering and others.
In less than two days I had the base of the code I’m releasing now. It supports everything I need (IOW: it does not support VPN, Bluetooth-PAN or 3G/Cellular), but it’s easy to extend to support new features…. so patches are welcome!
My delay to have it released was that I wanted to improve theme (both default and detourious) so it look better, as you can see in the screenshots. It’s still not perfect, particularly the “Segment Control” used to show mutually exclusive options (DHCP, Static, Off) is damn ugly!
It also ships with an optional agent (–agent/-a command line option) that can be used until E17 gets a proper module with agent support.
- Tarball:
- Repository:
Some people want IPv6, Proxy and VPN support. Those are nice ideas, but I personally don’t need them. So I’d like some people that use them to step up and do the code… or at least push me to do them!
Some people want to rewrite it in C and while I can sponsor the idea, it will be much more work for no real gain. With a Python version working one can do the conversion easily, even the helper structures and callbacks can be known beforehand…
introduction and motivation
At ProFUSION a common topic is how to optimze the system. Not just the speed, but also what and how it is done. Not just for our embedded systems, but also our desktops and laptops.
introduction and motivation
At ProFUSION a common topic is how to optimze the system. Not just the speed, but also what and how it is done. Not just for our embedded systems, but also our desktops and laptops.Last week from 29-Sep to 01-Oct we had the amazing 7th PythonBrasil conference, for the first time in São Paulo.
Since I’ve start to use Python in 2002 I loved the language, but after getting introduced to the PythonBrasil community in 2004 I’ve boosted my development skills, got some friends and even my first job (INdT-Recife) was a kind recommendation from Osvaldo Santana in 2005.
By 2005 we had the 1st PythonBrasil Conference, then called PyConBrasil, here in Campinas with the help of UNICAMP and our amazing non-stop contributor Rodrigo Senra. It was very cool, I even presented a talk there… and it motivated me to go to following conferences in 2006 and 2007 as well.
However if starting to work at INdT reduced my spare time since late 2006, after ProFUSION was born in 2008 I had no time to participate in the lists or even go to conferences. What a shame!
I couldn’t see how shameful it was until I did this PythonBrasil in 2011. I’ m yet to see a conference with so kind people. People still remembered me and I was ashamed when I couldn’t remind their names… although they did remember mine (NOTE TO CONFERENCE: bigger names next year!) Some would even let me know they still use Eagle-Py, something that I already forgot about. And people I had closer contact before were willing to talk as if we had met last week. Amazing.
During these talks I’ve catch up with Rodrigo Senra, Luciano, Osvaldo, Erico, Marco André, Sidnei, Fernando and many more I couldn’t remember. However one of the talks was very special: talked to Gustavo Niemeyer about Go programming language. That’s right, people were so kind and open we had a keynote about Go, and we talked a lot afterwards without problems! Gustavo showed me some nice details about the language and my mind is now burning! I must do Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) + Go = EGO, a perfect GUI tool.
But I was of use… not just a leecher! I went there to present 3 talks (slides in Portuguese!):
- Tudo que você sempre quis saber sobre Bindings
- Python em sistemas embarcados: Sim ou Não?
- Canvas-2D extremamente rápido usando EFL
Last but not least, I’d like to thank everyone that did this amazing conference possible!
Lots of systems do not support multi-window on their own, consider standard Linux Frame Buffer (FB) or the PlayStation3. This makes it cumbersome as you’re restricted to a single window, likely you’ll have to rewrite your apps to behave well in this scenario.
While most projects praises portability with fancy things like “gchar” (Gtk), fancy names like “LightHouse” (Qt) or completely new abstraction concepts, The Enlightenment Project always choose a simple approach to use POSIX and fill the gaps as required. This requires much less work and yields the same or better results, as we could see in the past and now being the first toolkit to be ported to PlayStation3 (native, no Linux)!
As announced by the the developer, KaKaRoTo, in our official news the port was done on top of our existing SDL backend in a couple of days, then being migrated to native PlayStation3 using unofficial SDK PSL1GHT for jailbroken systems. There is still no hardware acceleration, yet it runs fine a physics game at Full HD.
Right now we have port to MacOS and Windows, including WinCE. Given our scarce resources we do not lag behind Qt or Gtk in portability front. Basically what we have is one brave developer called Vincent Torri that is a Math professor and do it on his spare time!
Vincent could do it by keeping our approach: use POSIX and fill the gaps. He created “Evil”, a library to provide missing functions to Windows. Kakaroto then created “Escape” to do the same for PSL1GHT. Seems this approach works fine
I had the pleasure to attend the DesktopSummit 2011, a great event that happened in Berlin from 5-12 of August 2011. As I’ve mentioned in an earlier blogpost my focus was to highlight Enlightenment’s opinion that performance matters and that we need broader standards in Of course I explained a bit about our history and the current status of E17. The presentation file can be downloaded here.