Meet the new (Q4 2012) Maemo Community Council!
Based on historic review, the following seems to be the only viable option for this process.
After confirming with the election rules, and historic precedent, the case for five Maemo Community Council candidates seems to be very clear. The case for five is a "no election" scenario, granting the candidates full Council-ship.
This being said, it brings me great pleasure to announce the new, Q4 2012 Maemo Community Council:
Ale... [More]
posted on 2012-11-06 19:22 UTC by Craig Woodward. 0 comments.
Board minutes for meeting on November 3rd, 2012
Minutes for first Hildon Foundation Board meeting. VoIP meeting held on Google Hangout. Attending: - Randall Arnold / texrat - Tim Samoff / timsamoff - Ivan Galvez / ivgalvez - Robert Bauer/ SD69 - Craig Woodward (intermittent) / woody14619
Hildon Foundation, Meeting 1 - November 3, 2012
+ Note: - Technical Issues persisted via Google Hangout: only Randy, Ivan and Tim had voice capability. Others participated via chat.
+ Public Meeting Minutes? - Tim: Yes - Randy: Some private; some public - Ivan: Are they required? - Rob: n/a - Craig: Th... [More]
posted on 2012-11-07 16:54 UTC by Ivan Galvez Junquera. 0 comments.
Open Letter from the Hildon Foundation Board to the Maemo Community
By Tim Samoff, Hildon Foundation Board Member.
Dear Maemo Community, As long-time supporters and contributors -- and, in all humility, quite honored to be counted among all of you -- we, the inaugural Hildon Foundation Board felt it necessary that we put forth an open, public statement about how we feel the "Board" should be considered and engaged with. At this point, the first Board ... [More]
posted on 2012-11-08 22:01 UTC by Ivan Galvez Junquera. 2 comments.
New Council Introduction and 2012-11-16 Council Meeting Minutes
Hello all,
First, greetings to everyone from your new Council members. As you all already might know, on the council for this term are:
Alexander Kozhevnikov / Mentalist Traceur
Iván Gálvez Junquera / ivgalvez
Joerg Reisenweber / joerg_rw
Michael Demetriou / qwazix
Niel Nielsen / nieldk
We look forward to serving you for the duration o... [More]
posted on 2012-11-19 22:11 UTC by Alexander Kozhevnikov. 0 comments.
2012-11-23 Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting held on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)
Attending: DocScrutinizer05, qwazix, MentalistTraceur.Absent: NielDK, ivgalvezSummary of topics (ordered by discussion): - IRC Account for ivgalvez - Infrastructure - CC Devices Situation - Misc topicsNotes
Before the meeting, ivgalvez was able to give us an update from the Board, s... [More]
posted on 2012-11-26 20:11 UTC by Alexander Kozhevnikov. 0 comments.