Meet the new (Q4 2012) Maemo Community Council!

2012-11-06 19:22 UTC by Craig Woodward

Based on historic review, the following seems to be the only viable option for this process.

After confirming with the election rules, and historic precedent, the case for five Maemo Community Council candidates seems to be very clear.  The case for five is a "no election" scenario, granting the candidates full Council-ship.

This being said, it brings me great pleasure to announce the new, Q4 2012 Maemo Community Council:

As stated many times in the past month, these five contributors have put in timeless hours supporting our community. They are all people who our community has expressed much support for and who will do what it takes to see this community through the tumultuous months ahead of us.  In speaking for the entire previous Council, I'd like to offer a warm welcome (or welcome back) and wish them a happy and productive term!  The formal hand-off will occur at the Council meeting, Friday at 18:00 UTC on #maemo-meeting (on IRC/freenode).

Remember, the position of Community Council member is completely voluntary and unpaid. These fine people are serving you, the Maemo Community, in their free time, out of the goodness of their hearts and a passion for what Maemo is and means.

Once again, thank you all for the ongoing support. This Council only exists because of you.


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