

Memphis in car entertainment preview

Over the last months ProFUSION worked hard on building Memphis, an in car entertainment system. Now we can finally publish the first preview of it, it is real and runs on couple of hardware we will demo later, including Nokia N810 (OMAP 2420) and Freescale iMX27, iMX31 and iMX35 with displays ranging from 4 to 7 inches, from 640×480 to 800×480.

Click to read 348 more words

Fremantle maemo-select-menu-location change

While working on the package interface, I noticed that quite a few package's developers didn't notice the changes in Fremantle regarding maemo-select-menu-location.

Click to read 260 more words

Why I love Nokia’s internet tablets

The wild bunch at maemo talk know well by now that I've been a hardcore advocate of Nokia's internet tablets ever since a fellow engineer quietly placed a preproduction 770 on my desk a few years ago. I have been on a rabid one-man mission to promote the touchscreen tablets ever since [...]

GCDS round-up 5: Mobile Day

Nearing the end of the series on the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.

Click to read 836 more words

Emulating multi-touch using two tablets

Kaj Grönholm's post about multi-touch motivated me to implement my previous idea of using two tablets to emulate multi-touch input (which should allow for 2 "real" multi-touch cursors). So, I quickly hacked together a modified version of the SimpleSimulator from TUIO_CPP and loaded it on a N800 and a N810. The result works quite well: (link to the video)

Again, the multitouch version of NumptyPhysics uses two cursors for dragging and three cursors for deleting, which works nicely on a multitouch table. Oh, and if you crank up the volume on that video, you will hear the sounds that we have added to NumptyPhysics recently in order to give some audible feedback about the user actions. Stay tuned for more in a few days.

Qt everywhere – Qt/s60 demos on Maemo

After run the cool Qt/s60 demos produced by Ariya on my phone, I decided to test if Qt is really cross-platform :P . Well, I’ve to say that I’m really impressed, the demos run smoothly on my desktop and as you can see below on my n810 :)

Click to read 450 more words

N810 Multitouch F-F-F-Fun

I'm back from vacation, summer went fast as always! Tried to stay away from computers, spending the time with family & friends and enjoying the weather while it lasts... But I did have little coding fun also, testing how well "multitouch" would work in N810 ;-)

Here comes video:

Update: Like all respected magicians, I'll show how this trick works for the ones who didn't already know the behavior of (resistive, single-touch) touchscreens under multiple touches. As thp first commented, it is "using the 'merged' blob position that you get with the single touch screen and interpreting it as the middle of two or more equal-pressure points".

Now here is a video showing the same demo in PC, with "cheat mode" turned on:

So it's mostly useless... but somewhat f-f-f-fun :)

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.30

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-07-20 through 2009-07-26

Click to read 2002 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.30

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-07-20 through 2009-07-26

Click to read 2072 more words



Memphis in car entertainment preview

Over the last months ProFUSION worked hard on building Memphis, an in car entertainment system. Now we can finally publish the first preview of it, it is real and runs on couple of hardware we will demo later, including Nokia N810 (OMAP 2420) and Freescale iMX27, iMX31 and iMX35 with displays ranging from 4 to 7 inches, from 640×480 to 800×480.

Click to read 348 more words

Fremantle maemo-select-menu-location change

While working on the package interface, I noticed that quite a few package's developers didn't notice the changes in Fremantle regarding maemo-select-menu-location.

Click to read 260 more words

Why I love Nokia’s internet tablets

The wild bunch at maemo talk know well by now that I've been a hardcore advocate of Nokia's internet tablets ever since a fellow engineer quietly placed a preproduction 770 on my desk a few years ago. I have been on a rabid one-man mission to promote the touchscreen tablets ever since [...]

GCDS round-up 5: Mobile Day

Nearing the end of the series on the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.

Click to read 836 more words

Emulating multi-touch using two tablets

Kaj Grönholm's post about multi-touch motivated me to implement my previous idea of using two tablets to emulate multi-touch input (which should allow for 2 "real" multi-touch cursors). So, I quickly hacked together a modified version of the SimpleSimulator from TUIO_CPP and loaded it on a N800 and a N810. The result works quite well: (link to the video)

Again, the multitouch version of NumptyPhysics uses two cursors for dragging and three cursors for deleting, which works nicely on a multitouch table. Oh, and if you crank up the volume on that video, you will hear the sounds that we have added to NumptyPhysics recently in order to give some audible feedback about the user actions. Stay tuned for more in a few days.

Qt everywhere – Qt/s60 demos on Maemo

After run the cool Qt/s60 demos produced by Ariya on my phone, I decided to test if Qt is really cross-platform :P . Well, I’ve to say that I’m really impressed, the demos run smoothly on my desktop and as you can see below on my n810 :)

Click to read 450 more words

N810 Multitouch F-F-F-Fun

I'm back from vacation, summer went fast as always! Tried to stay away from computers, spending the time with family & friends and enjoying the weather while it lasts... But I did have little coding fun also, testing how well "multitouch" would work in N810 ;-)

Here comes video:

Update: Like all respected magicians, I'll show how this trick works for the ones who didn't already know the behavior of (resistive, single-touch) touchscreens under multiple touches. As thp first commented, it is "using the 'merged' blob position that you get with the single touch screen and interpreting it as the middle of two or more equal-pressure points".

Now here is a video showing the same demo in PC, with "cheat mode" turned on:

So it's mostly useless... but somewhat f-f-f-fun :)

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.30

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-07-20 through 2009-07-26

Click to read 2002 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.30

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-07-20 through 2009-07-26

Click to read 2072 more words



Memphis in car entertainment preview

Over the last months ProFUSION worked hard on building Memphis, an in car entertainment system. Now we can finally publish the first preview of it, it is real and runs on couple of hardware we will demo later, including Nokia N810 (OMAP 2420) and Freescale iMX27, iMX31 and iMX35 with displays ranging from 4 to 7 inches, from 640×480 to 800×480.

Click to read 348 more words

Fremantle maemo-select-menu-location change

While working on the package interface, I noticed that quite a few package's developers didn't notice the changes in Fremantle regarding maemo-select-menu-location.

Click to read 260 more words

Why I love Nokia’s internet tablets

The wild bunch at maemo talk know well by now that I've been a hardcore advocate of Nokia's internet tablets ever since a fellow engineer quietly placed a preproduction 770 on my desk a few years ago. I have been on a rabid one-man mission to promote the touchscreen tablets ever since [...]

GCDS round-up 5: Mobile Day

Nearing the end of the series on the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.

Click to read 836 more words

Emulating multi-touch using two tablets

Kaj Grönholm's post about multi-touch motivated me to implement my previous idea of using two tablets to emulate multi-touch input (which should allow for 2 "real" multi-touch cursors). So, I quickly hacked together a modified version of the SimpleSimulator from TUIO_CPP and loaded it on a N800 and a N810. The result works quite well: (link to the video)

Again, the multitouch version of NumptyPhysics uses two cursors for dragging and three cursors for deleting, which works nicely on a multitouch table. Oh, and if you crank up the volume on that video, you will hear the sounds that we have added to NumptyPhysics recently in order to give some audible feedback about the user actions. Stay tuned for more in a few days.

Qt everywhere – Qt/s60 demos on Maemo

After run the cool Qt/s60 demos produced by Ariya on my phone, I decided to test if Qt is really cross-platform :P . Well, I’ve to say that I’m really impressed, the demos run smoothly on my desktop and as you can see below on my n810 :)

Click to read 450 more words

N810 Multitouch F-F-F-Fun

I'm back from vacation, summer went fast as always! Tried to stay away from computers, spending the time with family & friends and enjoying the weather while it lasts... But I did have little coding fun also, testing how well "multitouch" would work in N810 ;-)

Here comes video:

Update: Like all respected magicians, I'll show how this trick works for the ones who didn't already know the behavior of (resistive, single-touch) touchscreens under multiple touches. As thp first commented, it is "using the 'merged' blob position that you get with the single touch screen and interpreting it as the middle of two or more equal-pressure points".

Now here is a video showing the same demo in PC, with "cheat mode" turned on:

So it's mostly useless... but somewhat f-f-f-fun :)

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.30

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-07-20 through 2009-07-26

Click to read 2002 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.30

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-07-20 through 2009-07-26

Click to read 2072 more words



Community Spotlight: Randall Arnold (Texrat)

The former (now has had its share of discussions 'gone wild' with respect to new product launches, no product launches, rumours on next products, d-pad location/absence and the like. And usually at the centre of those discussions was our very own Texrat. Randall Arnold (Texrat) is a proud user and promoter of the Maemo based Internet Tablets. Formerly employed by Nokia, where he was involved with the successful launch of the N800 at CES 2007, Texrat brings a unique combination of persuasive discussion, technical insight and plain old humour to the discussions in the forums. Let's get to know the rat a bit better, shall we?!

Click to read 3964 more words

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (1) – Introduction

This summer I'm having the pleasure of working in Igalia (a spanish free software company) for a couple of months and they assigned me to an interesting project: developing Python bindings for MAFW library (a Maemo multimedia library that will be used in Fremantle release).

Click to read 826 more words

Memphis in car entertainment preview

Over the last months ProFUSION worked hard on building Memphis, an in car entertainment system. Now we can finally publish the first preview of it, it is real and runs on couple of hardware we will demo later, including Nokia N810 (OMAP 2420) and Freescale iMX27, iMX31 and iMX35 with displays ranging from 4 to 7 inches, from 640×480 to 800×480.

Click to read 348 more words

Fremantle maemo-select-menu-location change

While working on the package interface, I noticed that quite a few package's developers didn't notice the changes in Fremantle regarding maemo-select-menu-location.

Click to read 260 more words

Why I love Nokia’s internet tablets

The wild bunch at maemo talk know well by now that I've been a hardcore advocate of Nokia's internet tablets ever since a fellow engineer quietly placed a preproduction 770 on my desk a few years ago. I have been on a rabid one-man mission to promote the touchscreen tablets ever since [...]

GCDS round-up 5: Mobile Day

Nearing the end of the series on the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.

Click to read 836 more words

Emulating multi-touch using two tablets

Kaj Grönholm's post about multi-touch motivated me to implement my previous idea of using two tablets to emulate multi-touch input (which should allow for 2 "real" multi-touch cursors). So, I quickly hacked together a modified version of the SimpleSimulator from TUIO_CPP and loaded it on a N800 and a N810. The result works quite well: (link to the video)

Again, the multitouch version of NumptyPhysics uses two cursors for dragging and three cursors for deleting, which works nicely on a multitouch table. Oh, and if you crank up the volume on that video, you will hear the sounds that we have added to NumptyPhysics recently in order to give some audible feedback about the user actions. Stay tuned for more in a few days.

Qt everywhere – Qt/s60 demos on Maemo

After run the cool Qt/s60 demos produced by Ariya on my phone, I decided to test if Qt is really cross-platform :P . Well, I’ve to say that I’m really impressed, the demos run smoothly on my desktop and as you can see below on my n810 :)

Click to read 450 more words



libchamplain 0.3.6 released, now using Clutter 1.0

libchamplain’s development was not blocked by the never ending delays in Clutter 1.0’s release. But we were waiting for 1.0 with eager.  And now the results are in.  Clutter 1.0 introduces many changes that simplified libchamplain’s code and solved some of our long standing issues at the same time.

Click to read 274 more words

Community Spotlight: Randall Arnold (Texrat)

The former (now has had its share of discussions 'gone wild' with respect to new product launches, no product launches, rumours on next products, d-pad location/absence and the like. And usually at the centre of those discussions was our very own Texrat. Randall Arnold (Texrat) is a proud user and promoter of the Maemo based Internet Tablets. Formerly employed by Nokia, where he was involved with the successful launch of the N800 at CES 2007, Texrat brings a unique combination of persuasive discussion, technical insight and plain old humour to the discussions in the forums. Let's get to know the rat a bit better, shall we?!

Click to read 3964 more words

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (1) – Introduction

This summer I'm having the pleasure of working in Igalia (a spanish free software company) for a couple of months and they assigned me to an interesting project: developing Python bindings for MAFW library (a Maemo multimedia library that will be used in Fremantle release).

Click to read 826 more words

Cloudy days for data, Part 1

[...] What I discovered shocked me although I really should not have been surprised: the vast majority of our mission-critical business data was sequestered in spreadsheets and shared virally via emails [...]

DebConf thoughts

Recently, zenvoid and I recently participated in DebConf9 and presented an one hour BoF session on Mer - made possible by sponsorship by Nokia for our travel and accommodation.

Click to read 1746 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.31

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-07-27 through 2009-08-02

Click to read 2918 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.31

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-07-27 through 2009-08-02

Click to read 2556 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.31

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-07-27 through 2009-08-02

Click to read 2162 more words

Memphis in car entertainment preview

Over the last months ProFUSION worked hard on building Memphis, an in car entertainment system. Now we can finally publish the first preview of it, it is real and runs on couple of hardware we will demo later, including Nokia N810 (OMAP 2420) and Freescale iMX27, iMX31 and iMX35 with displays ranging from 4 to 7 inches, from 640×480 to 800×480.

Click to read 348 more words

Fremantle maemo-select-menu-location change

While working on the package interface, I noticed that quite a few package's developers didn't notice the changes in Fremantle regarding maemo-select-menu-location.

Click to read 260 more words


Feed August 2009 sprint: committed tasks

The monthly sprint meeting was held today (first Tuesday of the month). The committed tasks, and meeting actions, are now published in the usual location:

Click to read 310 more words

MAFW, what’s up?

Some weeks ago, Maemo 5 Beta 2 SDK was announced. Eleven weeks passed since the first version. During this time, we have been working hard in MAFW, the multimedia framework that comes in Maemo 5. Most of the work we did consisted of bugfixing and improving the framework, while keeping as much as possible the current API.

Click to read 1768 more words

Maemo Summit 2009: Help finalize merchandise!

Please have a look at this thread at Maemo Talk and help us finalize the design and items that will available at Maemo Summit 2009! We'd love to have your input and ideas -- and come up with some merchandise that all of us will really want.

Maemo Summit 2009 – Help promote the event!

The Maemo Summit is a showcase for the Maemo community, so it’s important to get the word out.

We are looking for help, specially from those who have designing skills, but everybody can help :)

You can help us promote the event in several ways:

* Create cool promotion banners, web badges or flyers.
* Write about the summit on your website, and add the url here.
* Help in the Summit merchandise design.
* Add banners/web badges in your website, put flyers in your work place/university/user group.
* Join the Maemo Summit groups in social networks.
* Spread the word about the summit, among your friends and colleagues.

Ideas, thoughts ? Come discuss with us

Styling the packages interface

If you know HTML, CSS or have a penchant for design; there's an opportunity to help finish off the packages interface for its intended audience of developers, maintainers and community testers before Fremantle's released.

To get involved, start posting your ideas in this thread.

Community Spotlight: Randall Arnold (Texrat)

The former (now has had its share of discussions 'gone wild' with respect to new product launches, no product launches, rumours on next products, d-pad location/absence and the like. And usually at the centre of those discussions was our very own Texrat. Randall Arnold (Texrat) is a proud user and promoter of the Maemo based Internet Tablets. Formerly employed by Nokia, where he was involved with the successful launch of the N800 at CES 2007, Texrat brings a unique combination of persuasive discussion, technical insight and plain old humour to the discussions in the forums. Let's get to know the rat a bit better, shall we?!

Click to read 3964 more words

libchamplain 0.3.6 released, now using Clutter 1.0

libchamplain’s development was not blocked by the never ending delays in Clutter 1.0’s release. But we were waiting for 1.0 with eager.  And now the results are in.  Clutter 1.0 introduces many changes that simplified libchamplain’s code and solved some of our long standing issues at the same time.

Click to read 274 more words

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (1) – Introduction

This summer I'm having the pleasure of working in Igalia (a spanish free software company) for a couple of months and they assigned me to an interesting project: developing Python bindings for MAFW library (a Maemo multimedia library that will be used in Fremantle release).

Click to read 826 more words

Cloudy days for data, Part 1

[...] What I discovered shocked me although I really should not have been surprised: the vast majority of our mission-critical business data was sequestered in spreadsheets and shared virally via emails [...]

DebConf thoughts

Recently, zenvoid and I recently participated in DebConf9 and presented an one hour BoF session on Mer - made possible by sponsorship by Nokia for our travel and accommodation.

Click to read 1746 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.31

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-07-27 through 2009-08-02

Click to read 2918 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.31

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-07-27 through 2009-08-02

Click to read 2556 more words


Feed August 2009 sprint: committed tasks

The monthly sprint meeting was held today (first Tuesday of the month). The committed tasks, and meeting actions, are now published in the usual location:

Click to read 310 more words

Maemo Summit 2009 – Help promote the event!

The Maemo Summit is a showcase for the Maemo community, so it’s important to get the word out.

We are looking for help, specially from those who have designing skills, but everybody can help :)

You can help us promote the event in several ways:

* Create cool promotion banners, web badges or flyers.
* Write about the summit on your website, and add the url here.
* Help in the Summit merchandise design.
* Add banners/web badges in your website, put flyers in your work place/university/user group.
* Join the Maemo Summit groups in social networks.
* Spread the word about the summit, among your friends and colleagues.

Ideas, thoughts ? Come discuss with us

MAFW, what’s up?

Some weeks ago, Maemo 5 Beta 2 SDK was announced. Eleven weeks passed since the first version. During this time, we have been working hard in MAFW, the multimedia framework that comes in Maemo 5. Most of the work we did consisted of bugfixing and improving the framework, while keeping as much as possible the current API.

Click to read 1768 more words

Maemo Summit 2009: Help finalize merchandise!

Please have a look at this thread at Maemo Talk and help us finalize the design and items that will available at Maemo Summit 2009! We'd love to have your input and ideas -- and come up with some merchandise that all of us will really want.

Styling the packages interface

If you know HTML, CSS or have a penchant for design; there's an opportunity to help finish off the packages interface for its intended audience of developers, maintainers and community testers before Fremantle's released.

To get involved, start posting your ideas in this thread.

Community Spotlight: Randall Arnold (Texrat)

The former (now has had its share of discussions 'gone wild' with respect to new product launches, no product launches, rumours on next products, d-pad location/absence and the like. And usually at the centre of those discussions was our very own Texrat. Randall Arnold (Texrat) is a proud user and promoter of the Maemo based Internet Tablets. Formerly employed by Nokia, where he was involved with the successful launch of the N800 at CES 2007, Texrat brings a unique combination of persuasive discussion, technical insight and plain old humour to the discussions in the forums. Let's get to know the rat a bit better, shall we?!

Click to read 3964 more words

libchamplain 0.3.6 released, now using Clutter 1.0

libchamplain’s development was not blocked by the never ending delays in Clutter 1.0’s release. But we were waiting for 1.0 with eager.  And now the results are in.  Clutter 1.0 introduces many changes that simplified libchamplain’s code and solved some of our long standing issues at the same time.

Click to read 274 more words

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (1) – Introduction

This summer I'm having the pleasure of working in Igalia (a spanish free software company) for a couple of months and they assigned me to an interesting project: developing Python bindings for MAFW library (a Maemo multimedia library that will be used in Fremantle release).

Click to read 826 more words

Cloudy days for data, Part 1

[...] What I discovered shocked me although I really should not have been surprised: the vast majority of our mission-critical business data was sequestered in spreadsheets and shared virally via emails [...]

DebConf thoughts

Recently, zenvoid and I recently participated in DebConf9 and presented an one hour BoF session on Mer - made possible by sponsorship by Nokia for our travel and accommodation.

Click to read 1746 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.31

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-07-27 through 2009-08-02

Click to read 2162 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.31

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-07-27 through 2009-08-02

Click to read 2556 more words



Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Memphis on real hardware: Nokia N810

This is a followup of my previous post, but now running on Nokia Internet Tablet N810 with Maemo. We interleaved it with parts of screen casts so you can note it’s very close to the desktop edition, even animated video thumbnails works fine:

We even managed to convince Mariana to do the initial talk!

Request for comment: Community Engagement

I'm going to take a break from my series on the data cloud and interrupt with a request from my readership. I'm putting together a presentation proposal for the Maemo Summit 2009, titled "From corporations to communities: responsible and effective engagement" and could use some opinions and experience. If you have anything to offer on the items below, feel free to comment! [...]

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Maemo Summit 2009 – Help promote the event!

The Maemo Summit is a showcase for the Maemo community, so it’s important to get the word out.

We are looking for help, specially from those who have designing skills, but everybody can help :)

You can help us promote the event in several ways:

* Create cool promotion banners, web badges or flyers.
* Write about the summit on your website, and add the url here.
* Help in the Summit merchandise design.
* Add banners/web badges in your website, put flyers in your work place/university/user group.
* Join the Maemo Summit groups in social networks.
* Spread the word about the summit, among your friends and colleagues.

Ideas, thoughts ? Come discuss with us August 2009 sprint: committed tasks

The monthly sprint meeting was held today (first Tuesday of the month). The committed tasks, and meeting actions, are now published in the usual location:

Click to read 310 more words

MAFW, what’s up?

Some weeks ago, Maemo 5 Beta 2 SDK was announced. Eleven weeks passed since the first version. During this time, we have been working hard in MAFW, the multimedia framework that comes in Maemo 5. Most of the work we did consisted of bugfixing and improving the framework, while keeping as much as possible the current API.

Click to read 1768 more words

Maemo Summit 2009: Help finalize merchandise!

Please have a look at this thread at Maemo Talk and help us finalize the design and items that will available at Maemo Summit 2009! We'd love to have your input and ideas -- and come up with some merchandise that all of us will really want.

Styling the packages interface

If you know HTML, CSS or have a penchant for design; there's an opportunity to help finish off the packages interface for its intended audience of developers, maintainers and community testers before Fremantle's released.

To get involved, start posting your ideas in this thread.

Community Spotlight: Randall Arnold (Texrat)

The former (now has had its share of discussions 'gone wild' with respect to new product launches, no product launches, rumours on next products, d-pad location/absence and the like. And usually at the centre of those discussions was our very own Texrat. Randall Arnold (Texrat) is a proud user and promoter of the Maemo based Internet Tablets. Formerly employed by Nokia, where he was involved with the successful launch of the N800 at CES 2007, Texrat brings a unique combination of persuasive discussion, technical insight and plain old humour to the discussions in the forums. Let's get to know the rat a bit better, shall we?!

Click to read 3964 more words

libchamplain 0.3.6 released, now using Clutter 1.0

libchamplain’s development was not blocked by the never ending delays in Clutter 1.0’s release. But we were waiting for 1.0 with eager.  And now the results are in.  Clutter 1.0 introduces many changes that simplified libchamplain’s code and solved some of our long standing issues at the same time.

Click to read 274 more words



RX-51 Revealed!!

Thanks to chilko, from for linking to pictures of the elusive RX-51 aka Rover. Looks like it is marketed still as a N Series device. Waiting for an announcement and release dates now! Stay tuned...

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Making Maemo email client usable with GMail

I must admit, I wasn't using Maemo email client, because I did find it was simply unusable, at least with my GMail account.

Click to read 292 more words

Memphis on real hardware: Nokia N810

This is a followup of my previous post, but now running on Nokia Internet Tablet N810 with Maemo. We interleaved it with parts of screen casts so you can note it’s very close to the desktop edition, even animated video thumbnails works fine:

We even managed to convince Mariana to do the initial talk!

Request for comment: Community Engagement

I'm going to take a break from my series on the data cloud and interrupt with a request from my readership. I'm putting together a presentation proposal for the Maemo Summit 2009, titled "From corporations to communities: responsible and effective engagement" and could use some opinions and experience. If you have anything to offer on the items below, feel free to comment! [...]

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Maemo Summit 2009 – Help promote the event!

The Maemo Summit is a showcase for the Maemo community, so it’s important to get the word out.

We are looking for help, specially from those who have designing skills, but everybody can help :)

You can help us promote the event in several ways:

* Create cool promotion banners, web badges or flyers.
* Write about the summit on your website, and add the url here.
* Help in the Summit merchandise design.
* Add banners/web badges in your website, put flyers in your work place/university/user group.
* Join the Maemo Summit groups in social networks.
* Spread the word about the summit, among your friends and colleagues.

Ideas, thoughts ? Come discuss with us August 2009 sprint: committed tasks

The monthly sprint meeting was held today (first Tuesday of the month). The committed tasks, and meeting actions, are now published in the usual location:

Click to read 310 more words

MAFW, what’s up?

Some weeks ago, Maemo 5 Beta 2 SDK was announced. Eleven weeks passed since the first version. During this time, we have been working hard in MAFW, the multimedia framework that comes in Maemo 5. Most of the work we did consisted of bugfixing and improving the framework, while keeping as much as possible the current API.

Click to read 1768 more words

Maemo Summit 2009: Help finalize merchandise!

Please have a look at this thread at Maemo Talk and help us finalize the design and items that will available at Maemo Summit 2009! We'd love to have your input and ideas -- and come up with some merchandise that all of us will really want.

Styling the packages interface

If you know HTML, CSS or have a penchant for design; there's an opportunity to help finish off the packages interface for its intended audience of developers, maintainers and community testers before Fremantle's released.

To get involved, start posting your ideas in this thread.



RX-51 Revealed!!

Thanks to chilko, from for linking to pictures of the elusive RX-51 aka Rover. Looks like it is marketed still as a N Series device. Waiting for an announcement and release dates now! Stay tuned...

Xournal meets Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that it's time to start doing the port of Xournal for Fremantle.As you can see from the screenshot I've almost started from scratch, but it shouldn't take long before I can release a working version of it.Stay tuned.

gPodder 0.17.0 for Maemo 4 and Fremantle progress

The podcast client gPodder has had its 0.17.0 release some days ago, and after some testing in Extras-Devel (thanks to Dan Ramos) we fixed some last bugs. Most notable changes are an improved feed update logic and UI wording fixes (thanks to timeless for reporting these). Now it's time to hit the street, so gPodder 0.17.0-2 should appear in Maemo Extras on your tablets running Chinook and Diablo today. Please report any problems you find. Still have not got gPodder? Go to the downloads page.

Click to read 308 more words

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Making Maemo email client usable with GMail

I must admit, I wasn't using Maemo email client, because I did find it was simply unusable, at least with my GMail account.

Click to read 292 more words

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Memphis on real hardware: Nokia N810

This is a followup of my previous post, but now running on Nokia Internet Tablet N810 with Maemo. We interleaved it with parts of screen casts so you can note it’s very close to the desktop edition, even animated video thumbnails works fine:

We even managed to convince Mariana to do the initial talk!

Request for comment: Community Engagement

I'm going to take a break from my series on the data cloud and interrupt with a request from my readership. I'm putting together a presentation proposal for the Maemo Summit 2009, titled "From corporations to communities: responsible and effective engagement" and could use some opinions and experience. If you have anything to offer on the items below, feel free to comment! [...]

Maemo Summit 2009 – Help promote the event!

The Maemo Summit is a showcase for the Maemo community, so it’s important to get the word out.

We are looking for help, specially from those who have designing skills, but everybody can help :)

You can help us promote the event in several ways:

* Create cool promotion banners, web badges or flyers.
* Write about the summit on your website, and add the url here.
* Help in the Summit merchandise design.
* Add banners/web badges in your website, put flyers in your work place/university/user group.
* Join the Maemo Summit groups in social networks.
* Spread the word about the summit, among your friends and colleagues.

Ideas, thoughts ? Come discuss with us August 2009 sprint: committed tasks

The monthly sprint meeting was held today (first Tuesday of the month). The committed tasks, and meeting actions, are now published in the usual location:

Click to read 310 more words

MAFW, what’s up?

Some weeks ago, Maemo 5 Beta 2 SDK was announced. Eleven weeks passed since the first version. During this time, we have been working hard in MAFW, the multimedia framework that comes in Maemo 5. Most of the work we did consisted of bugfixing and improving the framework, while keeping as much as possible the current API.

Click to read 1768 more words



PyMaemo (Python for Maemo) second beta release for Fremantle

The PyMaemo team is pleased to announce the second beta release of PyMaemo for Fremantle!

Click to read 1370 more words

Xournal meets Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that it's time to start doing the port of Xournal for Fremantle.As you can see from the screenshot I've almost started from scratch, but it shouldn't take long before I can release a working version of it.Stay tuned.

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2324 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2362 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 3066 more words

gPodder 0.17.0 for Maemo 4 and Fremantle progress

The podcast client gPodder has had its 0.17.0 release some days ago, and after some testing in Extras-Devel (thanks to Dan Ramos) we fixed some last bugs. Most notable changes are an improved feed update logic and UI wording fixes (thanks to timeless for reporting these). Now it's time to hit the street, so gPodder 0.17.0-2 should appear in Maemo Extras on your tablets running Chinook and Diablo today. Please report any problems you find. Still have not got gPodder? Go to the downloads page.

Click to read 308 more words

RX-51 Revealed!!

Thanks to chilko, from for linking to pictures of the elusive RX-51 aka Rover. Looks like it is marketed still as a N Series device. Waiting for an announcement and release dates now! Stay tuned...

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Making Maemo email client usable with GMail

I must admit, I wasn't using Maemo email client, because I did find it was simply unusable, at least with my GMail account.

Click to read 292 more words

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Memphis on real hardware: Nokia N810

This is a followup of my previous post, but now running on Nokia Internet Tablet N810 with Maemo. We interleaved it with parts of screen casts so you can note it’s very close to the desktop edition, even animated video thumbnails works fine:

We even managed to convince Mariana to do the initial talk!

Request for comment: Community Engagement

I'm going to take a break from my series on the data cloud and interrupt with a request from my readership. I'm putting together a presentation proposal for the Maemo Summit 2009, titled "From corporations to communities: responsible and effective engagement" and could use some opinions and experience. If you have anything to offer on the items below, feel free to comment! [...]



Give us your oppinion!

IDE Integration 2nd edition is comming soon, including new PluThon Eclipse product. It comes with new and interesting features, such as ltrace integration. However, we know that Maemo community has a lot of valuable feedback and ideas that certainly improves PluThon and any other IDE Integration components (ESbox, PC Connectivity, etc.)

Please, visit PluThon 2nd edition web site, check how features you´d see implemented on PluThon and provide a feedback to eclipse-integration AT maemo DOT org. Your comments are welcomed!

PyMaemo (Python for Maemo) second beta release for Fremantle

The PyMaemo team is pleased to announce the second beta release of PyMaemo for Fremantle!

Click to read 1370 more words

Multiplayer Tennix coming to your tablets soon

Last Tuesday, I have started working on adding network-based multiplayer support to Tennix (a free 2D tennis game for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and Maemo). In addition to two players playing on one computer (which already worked a long time ago), we now support playing Tennix over the network on two tablets (obviously, playing a tablet-versus-PC game will also work).

Click to read 246 more words

Xournal meets Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that it's time to start doing the port of Xournal for Fremantle.As you can see from the screenshot I've almost started from scratch, but it shouldn't take long before I can release a working version of it.Stay tuned.

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2362 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 3066 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2324 more words

gPodder 0.17.0 for Maemo 4 and Fremantle progress

The podcast client gPodder has had its 0.17.0 release some days ago, and after some testing in Extras-Devel (thanks to Dan Ramos) we fixed some last bugs. Most notable changes are an improved feed update logic and UI wording fixes (thanks to timeless for reporting these). Now it's time to hit the street, so gPodder 0.17.0-2 should appear in Maemo Extras on your tablets running Chinook and Diablo today. Please report any problems you find. Still have not got gPodder? Go to the downloads page.

Click to read 308 more words

RX-51 Revealed!!

Thanks to chilko, from for linking to pictures of the elusive RX-51 aka Rover. Looks like it is marketed still as a N Series device. Waiting for an announcement and release dates now! Stay tuned...

Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

Click to read 396 more words

Making Maemo email client usable with GMail

I must admit, I wasn't using Maemo email client, because I did find it was simply unusable, at least with my GMail account.

Click to read 292 more words



Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude at:

Click to read 1012 more words

Give us your oppinion!

IDE Integration 2nd edition is comming soon, including new PluThon Eclipse product. It comes with new and interesting features, such as ltrace integration. However, we know that Maemo community has a lot of valuable feedback and ideas that certainly improves PluThon and any other IDE Integration components (ESbox, PC Connectivity, etc.)

Please, visit PluThon 2nd edition web site, check how features you´d see implemented on PluThon and provide a feedback to eclipse-integration AT maemo DOT org. Your comments are welcomed!

PyMaemo (Python for Maemo) second beta release for Fremantle

The PyMaemo team is pleased to announce the second beta release of PyMaemo for Fremantle!

Click to read 1370 more words

Multiplayer Tennix coming to your tablets soon

Last Tuesday, I have started working on adding network-based multiplayer support to Tennix (a free 2D tennis game for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and Maemo). In addition to two players playing on one computer (which already worked a long time ago), we now support playing Tennix over the network on two tablets (obviously, playing a tablet-versus-PC game will also work).

Click to read 246 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

Xournal meets Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that it's time to start doing the port of Xournal for Fremantle.As you can see from the screenshot I've almost started from scratch, but it shouldn't take long before I can release a working version of it.Stay tuned.

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 3066 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2362 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2324 more words



Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude at:

Click to read 1012 more words

What’s cooking for the Application Manager?

I am no longer closely involved with the venerable, aging, and often renamed Hildon Application Manager; Víctor has very successfully stepped into bigger shoes and is maintaining it now.  Nevertheless, I can’t stop myself from giving a brief rundown of its new Fremantle features. Development has moved to Gitorious, so you can check the detailed history there. The common theme of [...]

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (3) – Building and Installing with distutils

In the last post of this series, we saw how to write a simple binding and we finished to build and install it manually. This is of course not a good way to manage the building/installation procedure.

Click to read 360 more words

Give us your oppinion!

IDE Integration 2nd edition is comming soon, including new PluThon Eclipse product. It comes with new and interesting features, such as ltrace integration. However, we know that Maemo community has a lot of valuable feedback and ideas that certainly improves PluThon and any other IDE Integration components (ESbox, PC Connectivity, etc.)

Please, visit PluThon 2nd edition web site, check how features you´d see implemented on PluThon and provide a feedback to eclipse-integration AT maemo DOT org. Your comments are welcomed!

PyMaemo (Python for Maemo) second beta release for Fremantle

The PyMaemo team is pleased to announce the second beta release of PyMaemo for Fremantle!

Click to read 1370 more words

Multiplayer Tennix coming to your tablets soon

Last Tuesday, I have started working on adding network-based multiplayer support to Tennix (a free 2D tennis game for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and Maemo). In addition to two players playing on one computer (which already worked a long time ago), we now support playing Tennix over the network on two tablets (obviously, playing a tablet-versus-PC game will also work).

Click to read 246 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

Xournal meets Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that it's time to start doing the port of Xournal for Fremantle.As you can see from the screenshot I've almost started from scratch, but it shouldn't take long before I can release a working version of it.Stay tuned.

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 3066 more words



What’s cooking for the Application Manager?

I am no longer closely involved with the venerable, aging, and often renamed Hildon Application Manager; Víctor has very successfully stepped into bigger shoes and is maintaining it now.  Nevertheless, I can’t stop myself from giving a brief rundown of its new Fremantle features. Development has moved to Gitorious, so you can check the detailed history there. The common theme of [...]

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude at:

Click to read 1012 more words

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (3) – Building and Installing with distutils

In the last post of this series, we saw how to write a simple binding and we finished to build and install it manually. This is of course not a good way to manage the building/installation procedure.

Click to read 360 more words

Give us your oppinion!

IDE Integration 2nd edition is comming soon, including new PluThon Eclipse product. It comes with new and interesting features, such as ltrace integration. However, we know that Maemo community has a lot of valuable feedback and ideas that certainly improves PluThon and any other IDE Integration components (ESbox, PC Connectivity, etc.)

Please, visit PluThon 2nd edition web site, check how features you´d see implemented on PluThon and provide a feedback to eclipse-integration AT maemo DOT org. Your comments are welcomed!

PyMaemo (Python for Maemo) second beta release for Fremantle

The PyMaemo team is pleased to announce the second beta release of PyMaemo for Fremantle!

Click to read 1370 more words

Multiplayer Tennix coming to your tablets soon

Last Tuesday, I have started working on adding network-based multiplayer support to Tennix (a free 2D tennis game for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and Maemo). In addition to two players playing on one computer (which already worked a long time ago), we now support playing Tennix over the network on two tablets (obviously, playing a tablet-versus-PC game will also work).

Click to read 246 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

Xournal meets Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that it's time to start doing the port of Xournal for Fremantle.As you can see from the screenshot I've almost started from scratch, but it shouldn't take long before I can release a working version of it.Stay tuned.

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2324 more words



What’s cooking for the Application Manager?

I am no longer closely involved with the venerable, aging, and often renamed Hildon Application Manager; Víctor has very successfully stepped into bigger shoes and is maintaining it now.  Nevertheless, I can’t stop myself from giving a brief rundown of its new Fremantle features. Development has moved to Gitorious, so you can check the detailed history there. The common theme of [...]

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (3) – Building and Installing with distutils

In the last post of this series, we saw how to write a simple binding and we finished to build and install it manually. This is of course not a good way to manage the building/installation procedure.

Click to read 360 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude at:

Click to read 1012 more words

Give us your oppinion!

IDE Integration 2nd edition is comming soon, including new PluThon Eclipse product. It comes with new and interesting features, such as ltrace integration. However, we know that Maemo community has a lot of valuable feedback and ideas that certainly improves PluThon and any other IDE Integration components (ESbox, PC Connectivity, etc.)

Please, visit PluThon 2nd edition web site, check how features you´d see implemented on PluThon and provide a feedback to eclipse-integration AT maemo DOT org. Your comments are welcomed!

PyMaemo (Python for Maemo) second beta release for Fremantle

The PyMaemo team is pleased to announce the second beta release of PyMaemo for Fremantle!

Click to read 1370 more words

Multiplayer Tennix coming to your tablets soon

Last Tuesday, I have started working on adding network-based multiplayer support to Tennix (a free 2D tennis game for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and Maemo). In addition to two players playing on one computer (which already worked a long time ago), we now support playing Tennix over the network on two tablets (obviously, playing a tablet-versus-PC game will also work).

Click to read 246 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

Xournal meets Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that it's time to start doing the port of Xournal for Fremantle.As you can see from the screenshot I've almost started from scratch, but it shouldn't take long before I can release a working version of it.Stay tuned.

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2362 more words



What’s cooking for the Application Manager?

I am no longer closely involved with the venerable, aging, and often renamed Hildon Application Manager; Víctor has very successfully stepped into bigger shoes and is maintaining it now.  Nevertheless, I can’t stop myself from giving a brief rundown of its new Fremantle features. Development has moved to Gitorious, so you can check the detailed history there. The common theme of [...]

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (3) – Building and Installing with distutils

In the last post of this series, we saw how to write a simple binding and we finished to build and install it manually. This is of course not a good way to manage the building/installation procedure.

Click to read 360 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude at:

Click to read 1012 more words

Give us your oppinion!

IDE Integration 2nd edition is comming soon, including new PluThon Eclipse product. It comes with new and interesting features, such as ltrace integration. However, we know that Maemo community has a lot of valuable feedback and ideas that certainly improves PluThon and any other IDE Integration components (ESbox, PC Connectivity, etc.)

Please, visit PluThon 2nd edition web site, check how features you´d see implemented on PluThon and provide a feedback to eclipse-integration AT maemo DOT org. Your comments are welcomed!

PyMaemo (Python for Maemo) second beta release for Fremantle

The PyMaemo team is pleased to announce the second beta release of PyMaemo for Fremantle!

Click to read 1370 more words

Multiplayer Tennix coming to your tablets soon

Last Tuesday, I have started working on adding network-based multiplayer support to Tennix (a free 2D tennis game for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and Maemo). In addition to two players playing on one computer (which already worked a long time ago), we now support playing Tennix over the network on two tablets (obviously, playing a tablet-versus-PC game will also work).

Click to read 246 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 2324 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.32

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-03 through 2009-08-09

Click to read 3066 more words



Macuco: Gmail Client for Maemo

Hi everybody, my name is Paulo Cesar, and I was invited to participate on the Maemo planet recently. Here I’ll post about my adventures with Maemo development. My first ‘test’ application is actually something that’s very useful for me: a Gmail client. Well, technically the client isn’t mine, it’s from Google, and for iPhones. My application [...]

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2674 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2062 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 3324 more words

What’s cooking for the Application Manager?

I am no longer closely involved with the venerable, aging, and often renamed Hildon Application Manager; Víctor has very successfully stepped into bigger shoes and is maintaining it now.  Nevertheless, I can’t stop myself from giving a brief rundown of its new Fremantle features. Development has moved to Gitorious, so you can check the detailed history there. The common theme of [...]

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (3) – Building and Installing with distutils

In the last post of this series, we saw how to write a simple binding and we finished to build and install it manually. This is of course not a good way to manage the building/installation procedure.

Click to read 360 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude at:

Click to read 1012 more words

Give us your oppinion!

IDE Integration 2nd edition is comming soon, including new PluThon Eclipse product. It comes with new and interesting features, such as ltrace integration. However, we know that Maemo community has a lot of valuable feedback and ideas that certainly improves PluThon and any other IDE Integration components (ESbox, PC Connectivity, etc.)

Please, visit PluThon 2nd edition web site, check how features you´d see implemented on PluThon and provide a feedback to eclipse-integration AT maemo DOT org. Your comments are welcomed!

Multiplayer Tennix coming to your tablets soon

Last Tuesday, I have started working on adding network-based multiplayer support to Tennix (a free 2D tennis game for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and Maemo). In addition to two players playing on one computer (which already worked a long time ago), we now support playing Tennix over the network on two tablets (obviously, playing a tablet-versus-PC game will also work).

Click to read 246 more words

Maemo Community Council: election announcement

As current chair of the Maemo Community Council, I'm announcing that the third council election will conclude on: Sunday, 27th September 2009 23:59 UTC. This will give the incoming council about two weeks to nominate a chair; prepare for the first sprint meeting of the new term (Tuesday, 6th October) and get ready for the kick-off of the community days at the Maemo Summit 2009.



LGPL Python bindings for Qt released

I am very happy to announce that our OpenBossa labs have just released LGPL licensed Python bindings for Qt, endorced by Nokia. It is our first product being released as part of our newly founded Qt Labs Americas, and we hope they will be well received by the Python and Qt communities.

Though, not being part of the Python team, I have long followed the project and tried to encourage the team and their work, and I think that they can all be very proud.

The product is not a binding alone, but also a Binding Generator and an API Extractor, which should make it easier to generate bindings for other languages as well as easily bind other Qt libraries, and make them accessibly through Python.

Please check out the brand new site:

Macuco: Gmail Client for Maemo

Hi everybody, my name is Paulo Cesar, and I was invited to participate on the Maemo planet recently. Here I’ll post about my adventures with Maemo development. My first ‘test’ application is actually something that’s very useful for me: a Gmail client. Well, technically the client isn’t mine, it’s from Google, and for iPhones. My application [...]

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 3324 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2674 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2062 more words

What’s cooking for the Application Manager?

I am no longer closely involved with the venerable, aging, and often renamed Hildon Application Manager; Víctor has very successfully stepped into bigger shoes and is maintaining it now.  Nevertheless, I can’t stop myself from giving a brief rundown of its new Fremantle features. Development has moved to Gitorious, so you can check the detailed history there. The common theme of [...]

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (3) – Building and Installing with distutils

In the last post of this series, we saw how to write a simple binding and we finished to build and install it manually. This is of course not a good way to manage the building/installation procedure.

Click to read 360 more words



LGPL Python bindings for Qt released

I am very happy to announce that our OpenBossa labs have just released LGPL licensed Python bindings for Qt, endorced by Nokia. It is our first product being released as part of our newly founded Qt Labs Americas, and we hope they will be well received by the Python and Qt communities.

Though, not being part of the Python team, I have long followed the project and tried to encourage the team and their work, and I think that they can all be very proud.

The product is not a binding alone, but also a Binding Generator and an API Extractor, which should make it easier to generate bindings for other languages as well as easily bind other Qt libraries, and make them accessibly through Python.

Please check out the brand new site:

Macuco: Gmail Client for Maemo

Hi everybody, my name is Paulo Cesar, and I was invited to participate on the Maemo planet recently. Here I’ll post about my adventures with Maemo development. My first ‘test’ application is actually something that’s very useful for me: a Gmail client. Well, technically the client isn’t mine, it’s from Google, and for iPhones. My application [...]

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 3324 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2674 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2062 more words

Writing Python bindings of existing C libraries – (3) – Building and Installing with distutils

In the last post of this series, we saw how to write a simple binding and we finished to build and install it manually. This is of course not a good way to manage the building/installation procedure.

Click to read 360 more words



DebConf thoughts, part two: On cross-compilation environments

This post is part two of my DebConf thoughts series, first post here. At DebConf we also attended three talks directly related to something we use quite often in Maemo and Mer: cross-compilation. The first was by Riku Voipio/suihkulokki about Scratchbox 2 (mirrored by me as I can't find the original URL) - which was also a talk like ours, as well as the round-table session on Multiarch and a talk by Wookey on Crossbuilding on Debian for a derived distro.

Click to read 1386 more words

Macuco: Gmail Client for Maemo

Hi everybody, my name is Paulo Cesar, and I was invited to participate on the Maemo planet recently. Here I’ll post about my adventures with Maemo development. My first ‘test’ application is actually something that’s very useful for me: a Gmail client. Well, technically the client isn’t mine, it’s from Google, and for iPhones. My application [...]

MAFW on Desktop

If you assisted the talk Iago did at GCDS’09 about MAFW, maybe you remember he showed a demo to explain some of the concepts managed in MAFW. And if you paid attention too ;-) you noticed the demo was running on a standard desktop, not in scratchbox. Yes, cool!

Click to read 1886 more words

LGPL Python bindings for Qt released

I am very happy to announce that our OpenBossa labs have just released LGPL licensed Python bindings for Qt, endorced by Nokia. It is our first product being released as part of our newly founded Qt Labs Americas, and we hope they will be well received by the Python and Qt communities.

Though, not being part of the Python team, I have long followed the project and tried to encourage the team and their work, and I think that they can all be very proud.

The product is not a binding alone, but also a Binding Generator and an API Extractor, which should make it easier to generate bindings for other languages as well as easily bind other Qt libraries, and make them accessibly through Python.

Please check out the brand new site:

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 3324 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2674 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2062 more words



OCRFeeder running in Fremantle

During my hackfest time in Igalia I thought it’d be interesting to see how much it’d take to make OCRFeeder run in Fremantle just like Stefan Kost did for Jokosher and Pitivi talked about during GCDS.

Click to read 464 more words

Xournal and Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that the community is amazing :)In order to port Xournal to Fremantle I needed my old code. Unfortunately that was on my old desktop in Italy lying in the lab there. And that box was shut down (ready to be wiped out!).I called my friends and told them to wait before wiping it out so that I could back up my stuff, but the machine is still off. I had to wait for people to

It’s a normal day, I am being bombarded by twitter, facebook, the intertubes, et. al. and I come across a tweet from @debian mentioning the new packages available from the last few weeks. I look at what has come into debian for something interesting and there is a lot, like an ofono package.

Click to read 230 more words

DebConf thoughts, part two: On cross-compilation environments

This post is part two of my DebConf thoughts series, first post here. At DebConf we also attended three talks directly related to something we use quite often in Maemo and Mer: cross-compilation. The first was by Riku Voipio/suihkulokki about Scratchbox 2 (mirrored by me as I can't find the original URL) - which was also a talk like ours, as well as the round-table session on Multiarch and a talk by Wookey on Crossbuilding on Debian for a derived distro.

Click to read 1386 more words

Macuco: Gmail Client for Maemo

Hi everybody, my name is Paulo Cesar, and I was invited to participate on the Maemo planet recently. Here I’ll post about my adventures with Maemo development. My first ‘test’ application is actually something that’s very useful for me: a Gmail client. Well, technically the client isn’t mine, it’s from Google, and for iPhones. My application [...]

MAFW on Desktop

If you assisted the talk Iago did at GCDS’09 about MAFW, maybe you remember he showed a demo to explain some of the concepts managed in MAFW. And if you paid attention too ;-) you noticed the demo was running on a standard desktop, not in scratchbox. Yes, cool!

Click to read 1886 more words

LGPL Python bindings for Qt released

I am very happy to announce that our OpenBossa labs have just released LGPL licensed Python bindings for Qt, endorced by Nokia. It is our first product being released as part of our newly founded Qt Labs Americas, and we hope they will be well received by the Python and Qt communities.

Though, not being part of the Python team, I have long followed the project and tried to encourage the team and their work, and I think that they can all be very proud.

The product is not a binding alone, but also a Binding Generator and an API Extractor, which should make it easier to generate bindings for other languages as well as easily bind other Qt libraries, and make them accessibly through Python.

Please check out the brand new site:

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 3324 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2674 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2062 more words



It’s a normal day, I am being bombarded by twitter, facebook, the intertubes, et. al. and I come across a tweet from @debian mentioning the new packages available from the last few weeks. I look at what has come into debian for something interesting and there is a lot, like an ofono package.

Click to read 230 more words

OCRFeeder running in Fremantle

During my hackfest time in Igalia I thought it’d be interesting to see how much it’d take to make OCRFeeder run in Fremantle just like Stefan Kost did for Jokosher and Pitivi talked about during GCDS.

Click to read 464 more words

DebConf thoughts, part two: On cross-compilation environments

This post is part two of my DebConf thoughts series, first post here. At DebConf we also attended three talks directly related to something we use quite often in Maemo and Mer: cross-compilation. The first was by Riku Voipio/suihkulokki about Scratchbox 2 (mirrored by me as I can't find the original URL) - which was also a talk like ours, as well as the round-table session on Multiarch and a talk by Wookey on Crossbuilding on Debian for a derived distro.

Click to read 1386 more words

Xournal and Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that the community is amazing :)In order to port Xournal to Fremantle I needed my old code. Unfortunately that was on my old desktop in Italy lying in the lab there. And that box was shut down (ready to be wiped out!).I called my friends and told them to wait before wiping it out so that I could back up my stuff, but the machine is still off. I had to wait for people to

Macuco: Gmail Client for Maemo

Hi everybody, my name is Paulo Cesar, and I was invited to participate on the Maemo planet recently. Here I’ll post about my adventures with Maemo development. My first ‘test’ application is actually something that’s very useful for me: a Gmail client. Well, technically the client isn’t mine, it’s from Google, and for iPhones. My application [...]

MAFW on Desktop

If you assisted the talk Iago did at GCDS’09 about MAFW, maybe you remember he showed a demo to explain some of the concepts managed in MAFW. And if you paid attention too ;-) you noticed the demo was running on a standard desktop, not in scratchbox. Yes, cool!

Click to read 1886 more words

LGPL Python bindings for Qt released

I am very happy to announce that our OpenBossa labs have just released LGPL licensed Python bindings for Qt, endorced by Nokia. It is our first product being released as part of our newly founded Qt Labs Americas, and we hope they will be well received by the Python and Qt communities.

Though, not being part of the Python team, I have long followed the project and tried to encourage the team and their work, and I think that they can all be very proud.

The product is not a binding alone, but also a Binding Generator and an API Extractor, which should make it easier to generate bindings for other languages as well as easily bind other Qt libraries, and make them accessibly through Python.

Please check out the brand new site:

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 3324 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2674 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2062 more words



Xournal alpha for Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that well it's better to play for Maemo than working :)So I went ahead and, after a whole day fighting with bugs andpackaging, I am proud to say that finally Xournal is available forFremantle!!It's only an alpha version (as you can see from the screenshot above) and probably it won't even start on your SDK, but it's the very first step on the right path.You can find it in

It’s a normal day, I am being bombarded by twitter, facebook, the intertubes, et. al. and I come across a tweet from @debian mentioning the new packages available from the last few weeks. I look at what has come into debian for something interesting and there is a lot, like an ofono package.

Click to read 230 more words

OCRFeeder running in Fremantle

During my hackfest time in Igalia I thought it’d be interesting to see how much it’d take to make OCRFeeder run in Fremantle just like Stefan Kost did for Jokosher and Pitivi talked about during GCDS.

Click to read 464 more words

Can Nokia manage a second shot at the US market?

[...] I've been very pessimistic on Nokia's future prospects in the United States but there's no distinction in that stance; so has just about every other pundit. It seems like every time Nokia had something novel to offer, whether it be new devices like the promising internet tablets or a potentially hot service like Ovi, the ball wound up fumbled... [...]

Xournal and Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that the community is amazing :)In order to port Xournal to Fremantle I needed my old code. Unfortunately that was on my old desktop in Italy lying in the lab there. And that box was shut down (ready to be wiped out!).I called my friends and told them to wait before wiping it out so that I could back up my stuff, but the machine is still off. I had to wait for people to

DebConf thoughts, part two: On cross-compilation environments

This post is part two of my DebConf thoughts series, first post here. At DebConf we also attended three talks directly related to something we use quite often in Maemo and Mer: cross-compilation. The first was by Riku Voipio/suihkulokki about Scratchbox 2 (mirrored by me as I can't find the original URL) - which was also a talk like ours, as well as the round-table session on Multiarch and a talk by Wookey on Crossbuilding on Debian for a derived distro.

Click to read 1386 more words

Macuco: Gmail Client for Maemo

Hi everybody, my name is Paulo Cesar, and I was invited to participate on the Maemo planet recently. Here I’ll post about my adventures with Maemo development. My first ‘test’ application is actually something that’s very useful for me: a Gmail client. Well, technically the client isn’t mine, it’s from Google, and for iPhones. My application [...]

MAFW on Desktop

If you assisted the talk Iago did at GCDS’09 about MAFW, maybe you remember he showed a demo to explain some of the concepts managed in MAFW. And if you paid attention too ;-) you noticed the demo was running on a standard desktop, not in scratchbox. Yes, cool!

Click to read 1886 more words

LGPL Python bindings for Qt released

I am very happy to announce that our OpenBossa labs have just released LGPL licensed Python bindings for Qt, endorced by Nokia. It is our first product being released as part of our newly founded Qt Labs Americas, and we hope they will be well received by the Python and Qt communities.

Though, not being part of the Python team, I have long followed the project and tried to encourage the team and their work, and I think that they can all be very proud.

The product is not a binding alone, but also a Binding Generator and an API Extractor, which should make it easier to generate bindings for other languages as well as easily bind other Qt libraries, and make them accessibly through Python.

Please check out the brand new site:

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 3324 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2674 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.33

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-10 through 2009-08-16

Click to read 2062 more words



Canola Status Update

This is going to be a long post, I’m going to go over a bunch of stuff, so feel free to go and fetch some coffee before reading it :)

Click to read 3552 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 2034 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 2214 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 3300 more words

Xournal alpha for Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that well it's better to play for Maemo than working :)So I went ahead and, after a whole day fighting with bugs andpackaging, I am proud to say that finally Xournal is available forFremantle!!It's only an alpha version (as you can see from the screenshot above) and probably it won't even start on your SDK, but it's the very first step on the right path.You can find it in

It’s a normal day, I am being bombarded by twitter, facebook, the intertubes, et. al. and I come across a tweet from @debian mentioning the new packages available from the last few weeks. I look at what has come into debian for something interesting and there is a lot, like an ofono package.

Click to read 230 more words

OCRFeeder running in Fremantle

During my hackfest time in Igalia I thought it’d be interesting to see how much it’d take to make OCRFeeder run in Fremantle just like Stefan Kost did for Jokosher and Pitivi talked about during GCDS.

Click to read 464 more words

Can Nokia manage a second shot at the US market?

[...] I've been very pessimistic on Nokia's future prospects in the United States but there's no distinction in that stance; so has just about every other pundit. It seems like every time Nokia had something novel to offer, whether it be new devices like the promising internet tablets or a potentially hot service like Ovi, the ball wound up fumbled... [...]

Xournal and Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that the community is amazing :)In order to port Xournal to Fremantle I needed my old code. Unfortunately that was on my old desktop in Italy lying in the lab there. And that box was shut down (ready to be wiped out!).I called my friends and told them to wait before wiping it out so that I could back up my stuff, but the machine is still off. I had to wait for people to

DebConf thoughts, part two: On cross-compilation environments

This post is part two of my DebConf thoughts series, first post here. At DebConf we also attended three talks directly related to something we use quite often in Maemo and Mer: cross-compilation. The first was by Riku Voipio/suihkulokki about Scratchbox 2 (mirrored by me as I can't find the original URL) - which was also a talk like ours, as well as the round-table session on Multiarch and a talk by Wookey on Crossbuilding on Debian for a derived distro.

Click to read 1386 more words

MAFW on Desktop

If you assisted the talk Iago did at GCDS’09 about MAFW, maybe you remember he showed a demo to explain some of the concepts managed in MAFW. And if you paid attention too ;-) you noticed the demo was running on a standard desktop, not in scratchbox. Yes, cool!

Click to read 1886 more words

LGPL Python bindings for Qt released

I am very happy to announce that our OpenBossa labs have just released LGPL licensed Python bindings for Qt, endorced by Nokia. It is our first product being released as part of our newly founded Qt Labs Americas, and we hope they will be well received by the Python and Qt communities.

Though, not being part of the Python team, I have long followed the project and tried to encourage the team and their work, and I think that they can all be very proud.

The product is not a binding alone, but also a Binding Generator and an API Extractor, which should make it easier to generate bindings for other languages as well as easily bind other Qt libraries, and make them accessibly through Python.

Please check out the brand new site:



Maemo Community @ GSoC 09 – Results & thanks

GSoC is already over, and the Maemo Community had a very successful participation this year, all students successfully completed the program, some with more difficulties than others, but in general, I’m very happy with the final results.

Click to read 542 more words

Canola Status Update

This is going to be a long post, I’m going to go over a bunch of stuff, so feel free to go and fetch some coffee before reading it :)

Click to read 3552 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 3300 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 2214 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 2034 more words

Xournal alpha for Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that well it's better to play for Maemo than working :)So I went ahead and, after a whole day fighting with bugs andpackaging, I am proud to say that finally Xournal is available forFremantle!!It's only an alpha version (as you can see from the screenshot above) and probably it won't even start on your SDK, but it's the very first step on the right path.You can find it in

It’s a normal day, I am being bombarded by twitter, facebook, the intertubes, et. al. and I come across a tweet from @debian mentioning the new packages available from the last few weeks. I look at what has come into debian for something interesting and there is a lot, like an ofono package.

Click to read 230 more words

OCRFeeder running in Fremantle

During my hackfest time in Igalia I thought it’d be interesting to see how much it’d take to make OCRFeeder run in Fremantle just like Stefan Kost did for Jokosher and Pitivi talked about during GCDS.

Click to read 464 more words

Can Nokia manage a second shot at the US market?

[...] I've been very pessimistic on Nokia's future prospects in the United States but there's no distinction in that stance; so has just about every other pundit. It seems like every time Nokia had something novel to offer, whether it be new devices like the promising internet tablets or a potentially hot service like Ovi, the ball wound up fumbled... [...]

Xournal and Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that the community is amazing :)In order to port Xournal to Fremantle I needed my old code. Unfortunately that was on my old desktop in Italy lying in the lab there. And that box was shut down (ready to be wiped out!).I called my friends and told them to wait before wiping it out so that I could back up my stuff, but the machine is still off. I had to wait for people to

DebConf thoughts, part two: On cross-compilation environments

This post is part two of my DebConf thoughts series, first post here. At DebConf we also attended three talks directly related to something we use quite often in Maemo and Mer: cross-compilation. The first was by Riku Voipio/suihkulokki about Scratchbox 2 (mirrored by me as I can't find the original URL) - which was also a talk like ours, as well as the round-table session on Multiarch and a talk by Wookey on Crossbuilding on Debian for a derived distro.

Click to read 1386 more words

MAFW on Desktop

If you assisted the talk Iago did at GCDS’09 about MAFW, maybe you remember he showed a demo to explain some of the concepts managed in MAFW. And if you paid attention too ;-) you noticed the demo was running on a standard desktop, not in scratchbox. Yes, cool!

Click to read 1886 more words



Maemo Community @ GSoC 09 – Results & thanks

GSoC is already over, and the Maemo Community had a very successful participation this year, all students successfully completed the program, some with more difficulties than others, but in general, I’m very happy with the final results.

Click to read 542 more words

Cloudy days for data, Part 3 (conclusion)

After a bit of a delay I'm going to wrap up this series tonight. In the last segment, I finished up describing the struggle between file independence and data management, ending with the usefulness of metadata and touching on Cory Doctorow's dissension on that topic. [...]

Canola Status Update

This is going to be a long post, I’m going to go over a bunch of stuff, so feel free to go and fetch some coffee before reading it :)

Click to read 3552 more words

Maemo Official Applications Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 2214 more words

Maemo Extras Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Extras in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 3300 more words

Maemo Official Platform Bug Jar 2009.34

A Quick Look at Maemo Official Platform in Bugzilla
2009-08-17 through 2009-08-23

Click to read 2034 more words

Xournal alpha for Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that well it's better to play for Maemo than working :)So I went ahead and, after a whole day fighting with bugs andpackaging, I am proud to say that finally Xournal is available forFremantle!!It's only an alpha version (as you can see from the screenshot above) and probably it won't even start on your SDK, but it's the very first step on the right path.You can find it in

It’s a normal day, I am being bombarded by twitter, facebook, the intertubes, et. al. and I come across a tweet from @debian mentioning the new packages available from the last few weeks. I look at what has come into debian for something interesting and there is a lot, like an ofono package.

Click to read 230 more words

OCRFeeder running in Fremantle

During my hackfest time in Igalia I thought it’d be interesting to see how much it’d take to make OCRFeeder run in Fremantle just like Stefan Kost did for Jokosher and Pitivi talked about during GCDS.

Click to read 464 more words

Can Nokia manage a second shot at the US market?

[...] I've been very pessimistic on Nokia's future prospects in the United States but there's no distinction in that stance; so has just about every other pundit. It seems like every time Nokia had something novel to offer, whether it be new devices like the promising internet tablets or a potentially hot service like Ovi, the ball wound up fumbled... [...]

Xournal and Fremantle

Today I was thinking...that the community is amazing :)In order to port Xournal to Fremantle I needed my old code. Unfortunately that was on my old desktop in Italy lying in the lab there. And that box was shut down (ready to be wiped out!).I called my friends and told them to wait before wiping it out so that I could back up my stuff, but the machine is still off. I had to wait for people to

DebConf thoughts, part two: On cross-compilation environments

This post is part two of my DebConf thoughts series, first post here. At DebConf we also attended three talks directly related to something we use quite often in Maemo and Mer: cross-compilation. The first was by Riku Voipio/suihkulokki about Scratchbox 2 (mirrored by me as I can't find the original URL) - which was also a talk like ours, as well as the round-table session on Multiarch and a talk by Wookey on Crossbuilding on Debian for a derived distro.

Click to read 1386 more words



Software freedom lovers: here comes Maemo 5

There are few days in your life where you feel part of something historic. Today is one of these days for me, and I believe also for any software freedom lover out there. Maemo 5 has been launched together with its damn cool hardware body, the N900. It contains everything you knew about the Internet [...]

Maemo based Nokia N900 phone

So the Maemo-based Nokia N900 is finally announced. We are finally free to tell everyone the cool stuff we have been cooking all this time. My work on this device was mostly with UPnP/DLNA and MAFW, not counting my work from n800 that was re-used. GUPnP will soon be in your pocket, so those out there who doubt the greatness of this library, time to face the facts. :)

So now is the time to ask all the questions you have on our soon-in-the-shelves mobile phone. :)

N900 announced.

The N900 has been announced, it is based on Maemo 5.
Here is the N900 official press release about it:
And here is the maemo site about it:
Check it out.

N900 announced

Ifeel good. It is now publicly announced. See
More to follow.

See you at Nokia World, Maemo Summit and OSIM.

Maemo 5 is out

It's out!

I'm so proud of what we have achieved in maemo team.

The N900 & Maemo 5

It's announced. And I'm proud to be part of it. See it in action.

N900: a great milestone for the free software community

With all the fuss that’s going on around the announcement of the Nokia N900, I honestly didn’t want to write yet another post about it.

Click to read 316 more words

Nokia N900 released

The new Nokia N900 has been announced. How it sounds? Taking in account that comes with Maemo 5 and therefore MAFW, it should sound very fine :-)

Maemo5 and Nokia N900

Oh finally we announced this thing. Still can't talk about it that much :(The video looks great though :)

Maemo Community @ GSoC 09 – Results & thanks

GSoC is already over, and the Maemo Community had a very successful participation this year, all students successfully completed the program, some with more difficulties than others, but in general, I’m very happy with the final results.

Click to read 542 more words

Mussorgsky 0.2

There should be a new version of Mussorgsky available in Extras-devel.

Changes mainly in the album-art part of the program:

  • Allowed to choose manually the album art for a specific album
  • Moved “Automatic retrieval” of album art to a menu option
  • Better information in the automatic download dialog
  • Changed the first screen layout/buttons and added a window for the album art.

On the technical side, more things are asynchronous and i discovered how elegant is the code using the “yield” statement. As usual, feedback is welcome.

Cloudy days for data, Part 3 (conclusion)

After a bit of a delay I'm going to wrap up this series tonight. In the last segment, I finished up describing the struggle between file independence and data management, ending with the usefulness of metadata and touching on Cory Doctorow's dissension on that topic. [...]



Software freedom lovers: here comes Maemo 5

There are few days in your life where you feel part of something historic. Today is one of these days for me, and I believe also for any software freedom lover out there. Maemo 5 has been launched together with its damn cool hardware body, the N900. It contains everything you knew about the Internet [...]

Maemo based Nokia N900 phone

So the Maemo-based Nokia N900 is finally announced. We are finally free to tell everyone the cool stuff we have been cooking all this time. My work on this device was mostly with UPnP/DLNA and MAFW, not counting my work from n800 that was re-used. GUPnP will soon be in your pocket, so those out there who doubt the greatness of this library, time to face the facts. :)

So now is the time to ask all the questions you have on our soon-in-the-shelves mobile phone. :)

A reason to get up in the morning

Ever since Nokia contacted me about improving Tinymail to make it suitable for their Modest E-mail client have they given me a reason to get up in the morning, to work on something of which I knew would someday kick ass.

Click to read 704 more words

N900 announced

Ifeel good. It is now publicly announced. See
More to follow.

See you at Nokia World, Maemo Summit and OSIM.

N900 announced.

The N900 has been announced, it is based on Maemo 5.
Here is the N900 official press release about it:
And here is the maemo site about it:
Check it out.

The first Maemo powered phone

The wait is over, today, N900 was announced. It is the first Maemo powered cellphone and represents a long way since the first version of Maemo came out.

Now I don’t wanna be bugging you around with another post explaining how much I like what was announced but I’d leave a lacuna in my blog if I didn’t write anything at all.

So, I’d just like to say I’m proud and happy to be part of such a great team that, along with others, contributed to bring in this great piece of technology that represents another step in the history of GNU/Linux in mobile phones.

Viva o Maemo!

Maemo 5 is out

It's out!

I'm so proud of what we have achieved in maemo team.

The N900 & Maemo 5

It's announced. And I'm proud to be part of it. See it in action.

Proposal: XSBC-Bugtracker in debian package

While implementing the packages interface, I wanted to add a link to the bugtracker for a package or project. Eventually integrating bug reporting/searching, but more on that later. As all information is gathered from the debian packages themselves, it would make sense to have the bugtracker URL available in the control file.

Click to read 290 more words

N900: a great milestone for the free software community

With all the fuss that’s going on around the announcement of the Nokia N900, I honestly didn’t want to write yet another post about it.

Click to read 316 more words

Nokia N900 released

The new Nokia N900 has been announced. How it sounds? Taking in account that comes with Maemo 5 and therefore MAFW, it should sound very fine :-)

Maemo5 and Nokia N900

Oh finally we announced this thing. Still can't talk about it that much :(The video looks great though :)



Software freedom lovers: here comes Maemo 5

There are few days in your life where you feel part of something historic. Today is one of these days for me, and I believe also for any software freedom lover out there. Maemo 5 has been launched together with its damn cool hardware body, the N900. It contains everything you knew about the Internet [...]

N900 announced

Ifeel good. It is now publicly announced. See
More to follow.

See you at Nokia World, Maemo Summit and OSIM.

Maemo based Nokia N900 phone

So the Maemo-based Nokia N900 is finally announced. We are finally free to tell everyone the cool stuff we have been cooking all this time. My work on this device was mostly with UPnP/DLNA and MAFW, not counting my work from n800 that was re-used. GUPnP will soon be in your pocket, so those out there who doubt the greatness of this library, time to face the facts. :)

So now is the time to ask all the questions you have on our soon-in-the-shelves mobile phone. :)

Theme Maker for N900

N900 is now out and we all want to make it even cooler. Even more My device than it already is. To the majority of the world that probably moot point as you don't yet have one, but you will. Soon. And then you want to make it more You. Enter Theme Maker N900.

Click to read 738 more words

Proposal: XSBC-Bugtracker in debian package

While implementing the packages interface, I wanted to add a link to the bugtracker for a package or project. Eventually integrating bug reporting/searching, but more on that later. As all information is gathered from the debian packages themselves, it would make sense to have the bugtracker URL available in the control file.

Click to read 290 more words

N900 announced.

The N900 has been announced, it is based on Maemo 5.
Here is the N900 official press release about it:
And here is the maemo site about it:
Check it out.

Corporates are evil.

After the N900 has been announced. I was saying this to a friend of mine:

[Me] so
[Me] remember our discussion about a Linux powered phone ? ;)
[Me] sorry I convinced you that Linux on phones is a no while I knew we were doing it :)

read more

The first Maemo powered phone

The wait is over, today, N900 was announced. It is the first Maemo powered cellphone and represents a long way since the first version of Maemo came out.

Now I don’t wanna be bugging you around with another post explaining how much I like what was announced but I’d leave a lacuna in my blog if I didn’t write anything at all.

So, I’d just like to say I’m proud and happy to be part of such a great team that, along with others, contributed to bring in this great piece of technology that represents another step in the history of GNU/Linux in mobile phones.

Viva o Maemo!

Maemo 5 is out

It's out!

I'm so proud of what we have achieved in maemo team.

A reason to get up in the morning

Ever since Nokia contacted me about improving Tinymail to make it suitable for their Modest E-mail client have they given me a reason to get up in the morning, to work on something of which I knew would someday kick ass.

Click to read 704 more words

N900: a great milestone for the free software community

With all the fuss that’s going on around the announcement of the Nokia N900, I honestly didn’t want to write yet another post about it.

Click to read 316 more words



Software freedom lovers: here comes Maemo 5

There are few days in your life where you feel part of something historic. Today is one of these days for me, and I believe also for any software freedom lover out there. Maemo 5 has been launched together with its damn cool hardware body, the N900. It contains everything you knew about the Internet [...]

How do we build Maemo devices?

Nice buzz ;-)

Click to read 882 more words

Theme Maker for N900

N900 is now out and we all want to make it even cooler. Even more My device than it already is. To the majority of the world that probably moot point as you don't yet have one, but you will. Soon. And then you want to make it more You. Enter Theme Maker N900.

Click to read 738 more words

Images from n810 to the Web

New debs allowing you to copy to flickr, 23hq, vimeo, youtube etc from the n810 are available. The next step is closer integration, tapping into the "send to" menu to let you send any image file to these places. Hey, its just a filesystem now ;)

Click to read 470 more words

Maemo based Nokia N900 phone

So the Maemo-based Nokia N900 is finally announced. We are finally free to tell everyone the cool stuff we have been cooking all this time. My work on this device was mostly with UPnP/DLNA and MAFW, not counting my work from n800 that was re-used. GUPnP will soon be in your pocket, so those out there who doubt the greatness of this library, time to face the facts. :)

So now is the time to ask all the questions you have on our soon-in-the-shelves mobile phone. :)

N900 announced

Ifeel good. It is now publicly announced. See
More to follow.

See you at Nokia World, Maemo Summit and OSIM.

Proposal: XSBC-Bugtracker in debian package

While implementing the packages interface, I wanted to add a link to the bugtracker for a package or project. Eventually integrating bug reporting/searching, but more on that later. As all information is gathered from the debian packages themselves, it would make sense to have the bugtracker URL available in the control file.

Click to read 290 more words

N900 announced.

The N900 has been announced, it is based on Maemo 5.
Here is the N900 official press release about it:
And here is the maemo site about it:
Check it out.

A reason to get up in the morning

Ever since Nokia contacted me about improving Tinymail to make it suitable for their Modest E-mail client have they given me a reason to get up in the morning, to work on something of which I knew would someday kick ass.

Click to read 704 more words

The first Maemo powered phone

The wait is over, today, N900 was announced. It is the first Maemo powered cellphone and represents a long way since the first version of Maemo came out.

Now I don’t wanna be bugging you around with another post explaining how much I like what was announced but I’d leave a lacuna in my blog if I didn’t write anything at all.

So, I’d just like to say I’m proud and happy to be part of such a great team that, along with others, contributed to bring in this great piece of technology that represents another step in the history of GNU/Linux in mobile phones.

Viva o Maemo!
