Brainstorm on future Maemo devices

2009-08-07 17:17 UTC by Andrew Flegg

Nokia and Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based innovation shop, are going to be holding a series of "co-creation" events during the Maemo Summit and are looking for people to attend and help shape the long term future of Maemo-based devices.

The first will be held the day before the summit (Thursday, October 8th) with a small group of volunteers from within the Maemo community and beyond. The second will be held on the second day of the summit (Saturday, October 10th) in Jussi Makinen's Maemo Co-Creation workshop and is open to as many people who will fit in the room!

For more details, see this thread. You can get involved in a number of ways:

  • Volunteer, or nominate someone, to take part in the first session (by replying to the thread).
  • Attend the workshop on the second day of the summit.
  • Take part online, if you're not attending the summit.
  • Talk to people at the summit informally!

This is a really exciting shift in how Nokia are dealing with the community: not just software roadmaps, but device and use-case brainstorming. Hopefully everyone involved will take something positive away, and Nokia will continue to seek the community's input.

The Maemo Summit is a free get together of anyone interested in Maemo- and Mer-powered devices. It is being held in Amsterdam on October 8th-10th. Register now to reserve your place.


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