The Maemo Community Council candidates (and possibly the newly elected) are in!

2011-03-15 20:56 UTC by Tim Samoff

As of 23:59 UTC last night, we had a total of five people either nominate themselves, or accept nominations for themselves, as candidates for election for the next term of the Maemo Community Council.

This is an unprecedented event and a conversation about what to do is currently under-way on the Maemo Community Development mailing list. So far, the consensus is that we should not hold an election and just appoint these five candidates (all whom are excellent, long-standing community members) as the next Council. But, before making a final decision, it is clear that the rest of the community should have a say as well.

Here is the list of the five candidates:


You should recognize some of these names because they were former Council members. Moreover, these are the names of people who have been pillars of and of the Maemo Community in general.

To clarify the rules for electing the Community Councils, please refer to the documented Election Process. Since we don't have fewer than five candidates, we are faced with a decision of what to do next. Each of these five people have proven their worth to our community. It is because of this that the current Council (as well as many community members) endorses their election without a vote. If there is good reason to continue to hold the election, please speak up on the mailing list, or comment below.


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Jade S
Karma: 24


2011-03-19 00:11 UTC
Fred Pacquier
Karma: 527

Given the current situation with Maemo, I guess we should count ourselves lucky to have any candidates at all, let alone enough of 'em and of such value !

I say, scrap the ballot, crown the heroes, and let's all give 'em a big cheer because they're going to need it :-)


2011-03-15 22:09 UTC
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