Open letter of support for Python on the Maemo/MeeGo platform


After receiving feedback from the community, including developers who are trying to get their software into Ovi Store, it is the opinion of the Council that the unexplained restriction on dependencies between Ovi and Extras - and in particular the availability of Python as a platform for Ovi Store applications - represents a serious threat to the success of Maemo, MeeGo and Ovi Store.

  It will come as a surprise for many community members and users that Python is still not an officially supported language/runtime on the Maemo nor MeeGo platforms, despite the huge number of  Python applications currently in Extras, and even though they base on the work of Nokia's own PyMaemo team, plus two Qt bindings and a GTK+/Hild... [More]

posted on 2010-08-04 16:04 UTC by Attila Csipa. 4 comments.

Conference: November, Dublin - registration open and time running out for papers


With the merger of Moblin (Intel) and Maemo (Nokia) to form MeeGo, a single MeeGo conference is being held in Dublin, November 15th-17th (Monday-Wednesday, inclusive). This replaces the Maemo Summit which was held so successfully in 2008 (Berlin) and 2009 (Amsterdam). "I want to speak!" There is just one week left to submit your session ... [More]

posted on 2010-08-16 23:22 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 0 comments.

Community Council September election


It's been six months which have flown by, but the current Maemo Community Council's term is coming to an end and it's time for the election of five people to the council who represent the Maemo community's interests to Nokia and vice-versa. The next election's voting will run from Thursday, 16th September to Wednesday, 22nd September. Wha... [More]

posted on 2010-08-22 10:20 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 0 comments.

Maemo Community Council Elections Q3 2010 Nominations open


Dave Neary has continued in his role of handling the election of a new Maemo Community Council, and published the list of eligible candidates. There are over 500 eligibile candidates. To nominate yourself, or someone else, you need to send an email to the maemo-community mailing list: To nominate yourself or someone else for the council,... [More]

posted on 2010-08-27 10:30 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 0 comments.

Community Council member status/affiliation change


The Community elections are already underway, but in order to fully comply with stating affiliation as per the Community Council election rules and in agreement with the rest of the Community Council, I want to state to the wider community that starting with September 2010, I, Attila Csipa, will be joining Forum Nokia's support arm engaging in developer support with a pinch of technology advocacy. This change will hardly affect in any way - your resident Nokian contact is still Quim Gil (qgil) and I certainly will keep on working on my OSS/community projects and trying to make the Maemo/MeeGo ecosystem a better place for developers and users.

.... [More]

posted on 2010-08-27 22:22 UTC by Attila Csipa. 0 comments.
