2016-05-24 Meeting Minutes


Meeting held 2016-05-24 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs) Attending: eekkelund, pichlo, Win7Mac, juiceme, reinob Partial: Absent: Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):Topic https and tor support for maemo.org Topic Missing priviligies for some councillors (Topic https and tor support for maemo.org): Feasibility check w... [More]

posted on 2016-06-07 17:48 UTC by Eetu Kahelin. 0 comments.

2016-05-31 Meeting Minutes


Meeting held 2016-05-31 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs) Attending: eekkelund, reinob, Win7Mac, juiceme Partial: pichlo Absent: Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):Topic Coding competition (Topic Coding competition): There is thread in TMO Community feedback was quite low when poll was created in last december At leas... [More]

posted on 2016-06-07 17:50 UTC by Eetu Kahelin. 0 comments.

2016-06-07 Meeting Minutes


Meeting held 2016-06-07 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs) Attending:reinob, eekkelund, Win7Mac, juiceme, pichlo Partial: Absent: Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):Topic Tax-exempt Topic More Coding Competetion discussion (Topic Tax-exempt): juiceme has application form for Maemo community tax-exempt status Finanical... [More]

posted on 2016-06-22 19:26 UTC by Eetu Kahelin. 0 comments.

2016-06-14 Meeting Minutes


Meeting held 2016-06-14 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs) Attending:reinob, Win7Mac, M4rtinK, eekkelund, pichlo Partial: chem|st Absent: juiceme Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):Topic Coding Competetion Topic Bitcoins, HTTPS (Topic Coding Competetion): Council is thinking to reduce categories due to low amount of pa... [More]

posted on 2016-06-22 19:27 UTC by Eetu Kahelin. 0 comments.
