2015-11-24 Meeting Minutes


Meeting held 2015-11-24 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs) Attending: Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen), Bernardo Reino (reinob), Halit Bal (HtheB), Gido Griese (Win7Mac), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme) Partial: Rudiger Schiller (chem|st) Absent: Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):Council roles reorganization Spam mail through M... [More]

posted on 2015-12-01 09:20 UTC by Jussi Ohenoja. 0 comments.

Coding Competition 2016


As you may have already noticed in the recent Meeting Minutes, current Council is about to prepare a Coding Competition (CC) for 2016. In times like these, without Nokia or any other corporate entity sponsoring prizes/devices, there are of course limited resources for big giveaways. Nevertheless we believe the approach is worth it. :) We ... [More]

posted on 2015-12-18 20:55 UTC by Jussi Ohenoja. 0 comments.
