2012-11-30 and 2012-12-07 Council Meeting Minutes


This post contains the meeting minutes for both the 2012-11-30 and the 2012-12-07 meetings. As the person responsible for preparing these minutes and posting them in a timely manner, I apologize to the community for falling behind on them these last two weeks. It is worth noting that since these meetings took place, there has been discuss... [More]

posted on 2012-12-13 07:15 UTC by Alexander Kozhevnikov. 0 comments.

2012-12-14 Meeting Minutes


Meeting held on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs) Attending: DocScrutinizer05, qwazix, ivgalvez, Mentalist Traceur.Absent: NielDK. Summary of topics (ordered by discussion): - CC Device Issue Almost At Dead End - Hildon Foundation Monthly Monetary Reports - Infrastructure Topic  (CC Device Issue Almost At Dead End): qwazix still h... [More]

posted on 2012-12-18 23:19 UTC by Alexander Kozhevnikov. 0 comments.
