Notice to developers: the old libqt4-maemo5-prefixed packages have officially been deprecated


We'd like to inform all Maemo developers that with the public release of PR1.2 for Maemo 5, the libqt4-maemo5-* packages have been officially deprecated in the extras-devel repository, and will be completely removed by June 30th at the latest. If you still have packages that depend on these Qt packages, please alter them or resubmit to extras-devel with either libqt4-* dependencies (for Qt4.6), or libqt4-experimental-* dependencies (for Qt4.7). The libqt4-maemo5 package that is part of PR1.2 is NOT affected. Thank you for your understanding.

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posted on 2010-06-05 17:05 UTC by Attila Csipa. 2 comments.

"Chromium" removed from repositories


This is a joint statement from Nokia and the Maemo Community Council. A few weeks ago we received a letter requesting that cease distribution of Chromium, due to ongoing litigation involving the software. The Community Council, the package maintainer of Chromium on and Nokia legal were contacted. As you are aware, it i... [More]

posted on 2010-06-10 12:55 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 12 comments.

Nokia response to MyNokia subscription in PR1.2


The Maemo Community Council raised with Nokia the issue that upgrading to Maemo 5 PR1.2 forces the user to subscribe, via SMS, to the "MyNokia" service. The user has no ability to opt-out: it's either subscribe or don't use the device. Nokia have, to their credit, engaged in the bug report about this, #10366, and have also sent us an offi... [More]

posted on 2010-06-26 20:05 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 19 comments.
