"Super" testers required to clear up Extras backlog
Many developers feel they are suffering from the quality assurance process being used on maemo.org to ensure that high quality applications get into the Extras repository (which is enabled by default on all Maemo 5 devices).
Currently, a package must wait 10 days and get 10 votes before being promotable. This isn't too onerous for popular... [More]
posted on 2010-05-02 13:09 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 4 comments.
maemo.org sprint process: future discussion
maemo.org currently organises its paid contributors; and some volunteers; through an agile "sprint" process. This process has tasks picked up and run with for four weeks.
Dave Neary has kicked off a discussion, on the maemo-community mailing list and talk.maemo.org about the dissatisfication felt by many people operating in that process r... [More]
posted on 2010-05-06 13:44 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 0 comments.
maemo.org: this sprint and beyond meeting: Monday 13:00 UTC
The planned sprint meta-meeting will be held on #maemo-meeting on irc.freenode.net at 13:00 UTC on Monday, 17th May 2010.
The agenda is:
Review of progress over the past year of maemo.org team (open discussion)
Setting priorities for next 3 months for the community - not micro-tasks, but larger goals
Allocation of ownership & co-ordin... [More]
posted on 2010-05-14 21:28 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 0 comments.
Brainstorming maemo.org 2010
This week we held a maemo.org sprint meeting to review the past 6 months of progress, discuss ways we can improve moving forward, and figure out how the next 6 months are going to look (logs and minutes thanks to Niels and Dave, respectively). The sprint process has been undergoing revision and refocus over the past couple of months,... [More]
posted on 2010-05-20 14:35 UTC by Ryan Abel. 0 comments.