Introducing the fourth Maemo Community Council


The election of the fourth Maemo Community Council has concluded, and the results announced. As chair of the new council, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves: Ryan Abel (GeneralAntilles) "I've been involved with Maemo in one way or another since the earliest days of the 770, I love this platform, I love this community... [More]

posted on 2010-04-03 15:32 UTC by Andrew Flegg. 0 comments.

Qt packaging changes in extras-devel


One of the big changes PR1.2 brought us is official Qt support in the form of Q4.6 in the Nokia SDK and repositories. This change affects all applications depending on Qt currently in extras-devel. We had some talks with Qt/Nokia folks about Qt-related repository changes in Maemo 5 (triggered by aforementioned PR1.2 and potentially again later on by updates to Qt or related components).

  Here is the short summary:   1. remove qt4-maemo5 (4.6) after PR1.2 2. upload Qt 4.7 snapshots as qt4-experimental to extras-devel afterwards 3. as soon as 4.6 QtMobility is released, get those packages to the nokia-apps repository 4. remove 4.6 QtMobility from extras-devel 5. maybe upload new QtMobility packages to extras-devel, but... [More]

posted on 2010-04-22 12:50 UTC by Attila Csipa. 7 comments.
