logo competition is open!
As the Maemo brand is being redefined, becomes clearly the space of collaboration of the Maemo community, organized around open source tools and ways of working.
As part of the redefinition of, we're holding a contest to choose the new logo of the community. The competition is now open, and runs until the ... [More]
posted on 2008-06-18 11:52 UTC by Dave Neary. 1 comments.
OS2008 Feature Upgrade: reflash your tablet (for the last time?)
Nokia has published the OS2008 Feature Upgrade for the N810 and N800 Internet Tablets. This release is based on Maemo 4.1 (codename Diablo) and provides the Seamless Software Update feature.
Users still need to reflash the device in order to install this release. Further OS updates will be made available over-the-air, without needing ... [More]
posted on 2008-06-24 10:22 UTC by Quim Gil. 21 comments.
Maemo 4.1 comes with new tools, better documentation and a promoted extras repository
Maemo 4.1 is out as an evolutionary step from 4.0.1. Developers are encouraged to upgrade or install the Maemo 4.1 SDK in order to match the development environment with the latest OS2008, released today. The developer documentation has been updated and compiled in the Maemo Reference Guide, available also in PDF (536 pages, 7,4 Mb). The... [More]
posted on 2008-06-24 12:49 UTC by Quim Gil. 0 comments.
Diablo extras: why the issue and how to help
No applications in Diablo extras is not fun. Users are complaining about this, with a reason. For the very impatient, there is a not very clean workaround useful in most cases. For the average impatient, this evening there will be already some cool apps available to download. The rest, please keep reading.
Please don't blame the develo... [More]
posted on 2008-06-26 08:46 UTC by Quim Gil. 6 comments.
Announcing the New Maemo Wiki
A few weeks ago, a new MediaWiki instance was installed by Ferenc Szekely of the team, in response to numerous requests.
Many people were not fans of Midgard’s user interface for the wiki, and
missed a number of features available in other wiki software. And so we
have been undertaking the second major migration for the maemo... [More]
posted on 2008-06-30 22:10 UTC by Dave Neary. 3 comments.