Council logs for meeting on September 28th, 2012
This is a review of the weekly meeting of the Maemo Community Council.
Meeting held on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)
Attending: Woody14619, Ivgalvez, NielDK, SD69
Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
- CC status
- Elections
- Bylaws updates and NFP status
- Council Mailbag (QT5 competition related)
- Misc topics
Topic 1 (CC Status)
- Elections for CC are finished, organizers are working on finalizing results.
- See the official wiki page for links and eventual official results.
Topic 2 (Elections)
- We have enough candidates to move forward, nominations end the 28th.
Topic 3 (Bylaws and NFP status)
- Updates from Woody and TMO are posted in TMO.
- We now have a tax-ID number.
- Woody has had no time to work on getting bank account setup.
- We need to chat with Nokia/Nemien to do further setup for transition.
Topic 4 (Council Mailbag)
- Laszlo Papp requests Council attempt to recall/redistribute awards from QT5 competition from earlier in 2012, as he feels recipients have not promoted QT5 as the award required.
- After consideration, this was a Nokia-run competition which Council was not involved in. Council feels it would be inappropriate to interject itself into the QT community (which is much larger than Maemo, Harmattan, and/or MeeGo).
- It is decided we will encourage Laszlo to take this matter up with the Community via TMO. If there is a consensus there, the next Council may revisit this topic.
Topic 5 (Misc/reminders)
- We continue to have infrastructure problems, hopefully resolvable by Hildon Foundation when we/if they get the keys.
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