
The LibOSSO Rpc object.


Creates a new osso.Rpc based on the osso.Context object.

context The OSSO Context object related to the application.
Returns A RPC object to use in later calls to this library. None is returned if an error happened.

The following methods provide wrappers for D-BUS message passing.


This function calls an RPC function of an other application. This call is blocking. If the application providing the function is not already running, it will be started by the D-BUS auto-activation mechanism.

osso.Rpc.rpc_run(service, object_path, interface, method, rpc_args = (), wait_reply = False, system_bus = False)
service The service name of the remote service, e.g. "com.nokia.application".
object_path The object path of the remote object.
interface The interface that the RPC function belongs to.
method The RPC function to call.
rpc_args (optional) Tuple containing the RPC arguments, if it has any. No arguments are sent by default.
wait_reply (optional) Whether a reply (return value) is being expected or not. Default value is False.
system_bus (optional) Whether the RPC call should be sent on the system bus or not. Default value is False.


This method is a wrapper for osso.Rpc.rpc_run. It calls an RPC function of an other application. This call is blocking. The service name of the other application is "com.nokia.A", where A is the application parameter passed to this function. Similarly, the object path is "/com/nokia/A", and the interface "com.nokia.A". If the application providing the service is not already running, it will be started by the D-BUS auto-activation mechanism.

osso.Rpc.rpc_run_with_defaults(application, method, rpc_args = (), wait_reply = False)
application The name of the remote application.
method The RPC function to call.
rpc_args (optional) Tuple containing the RPC arguments, if it has any. No arguments are sent by default.
wait_reply (optional) Whether a reply (return value) is being expected or not. Default value is False.


This method calls an RPC function of an other application. This call is non-blocking; a callback function is registered for the return value of the called RPC function. If the application providing the service is not already running, it will be started by the D-BUS auto-activation mechanism.

osso.Rpc.rpc_async_run(service, object_path, interface, method, callback, user_data = None, rpc_args = ())
service The service name of the remote service, e.g. "com.nokia.application".
object_path The object path of the remote object.
interface The interface that the RPC function belongs to.
method The RPC function to call.
callback A a function to be called when the call returns. If the call times out, callback will be called with an error generated by the D-BUS library. If this is None, this method behaves just like osso.Rpc.rpc_run, with wait_reply set to False.
user_data (optional) Arbitrary application specific object that will be passed to the callback and ignored by LibOSSO.
rpc_args (optional) Tuple containing the RPC arguments, if it has any. No arguments are sent by default.


osso.Rpc.rpc_async_run_with_defaults(application, method, callback, user_data = None, rpc_args = ())
application The name of the remote application.
method The RPC function to call.
callback A a function to be called when the call returns. If the call times out, callback will be called with an error generated by the D-BUS library. If this is None, this method behaves just like osso.Rpc.rpc_run, with wait_reply set to False.
user_data (optional) Arbitrary application specific object that will be passed to the callback and ignored by LibOSSO.
rpc_args (optional) Tuple containing the RPC arguments, if it has any. No arguments are sent by default.


This method registers/unregisters a callback function for handling RPC calls to a given object of a service.

The callback function will receive the following parameters: interface, method, arguments and user_data (in that order).

osso.Rpc.set_rpc_callback(service, object_path, interface, callback, user_data = None)
service The service name to set up, e.g. "com.nokia.application".
object_path The object path that this object has.
interface The interface that this object implements.
callback The function to register. Use None to unregister.
user_data (optional) Arbitrary application specific object that will be passed to the callback and ignored by LibOSSO.


This method registers a callback function for handling RPC calls to the default service of the application. The default service is "com.nokia.A", where A is the application's name as given in the constructor.

The callback function will receive the following parameters: interface, method, arguments and user_data (in that order).

osso.Rpc.set_rpc_default_callback(callback, user_data = None)
callback The function to register. Use None to unregister.
user_data (optional) Arbitrary application specific object that will be passed to the callback and ignored by LibOSSO.


Return the timeout value used by RPC methods.

Returns Timeout value used by RPC methods.


Sets the timeout value used by RPC methods.

timeout Timeout value used by RPC methods.

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