2014-09-23 Meeting Minutes

2014-09-27 11:30 UTC by Peter Leinchen

Meeting held 2014-09-23 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: Gido Griese (Win7Mac), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme)

Absent: Joerg Reisenweber (DocScrutinizer05), Niel Nielsen (nieldk), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Transition to Maemo e.V., referendum and membership registration

Topic (Transition to Maemo e.V., referendum and membership registration):

  • Juiceme posted a request-for-comments on TMO about the relationship of the Council <-> the e.V.
  • Short discussion about membership forms. And required minimum age.

Action Items:
  • -- old items:
  • Check if karma calculation/evaluation is fixed.
  • NielDK to prepare a draft for letter to Jolla.
  • Sixwheeledbeast to clarify the CSS issue on wiki.maemo.org with techstaff.
  • juiceme to create a wording draft for the referendum (to be counterchecked by council members).
  • Everybody to make up their own minds about referendum and give feedback.
  • -- new items:
  • N/A


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