2014-08-26 Meeting Minutes
Meeting held 2014-08-26 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)
Attending: Joerg Reisenweber (DocScrutinizer05), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Philippe Coval (RzR), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)
Partial: (lbt), (xes), Gido Griese (Win7Mac)
Absent: Niel Nielsen (nieldk)
Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
- handling of MoMs
- community input
- x-fade contact about IRC
Topic (handling of MoMs):
- There is no rule for the meeting minutes, but as good habit seems to post them on community council page (hereby a post on TMO is created) and send them to the community mailing list
Topic (community input):
- rZr set up a wiki page for community which can be edited by users. This way community may communicate to council about things to sort.
- Please see also RzR post on TMO.
Topic (x-fade contact about IRC):
- Until now we were not able to contact x-fade directly, but could have success by contacting via co-worker.
- Win7Mac joined in and sent mail from GeneralAntilles, that he was able to get in contact with x-fade.
- DocScrutinizer05 pointed out to not mix things (IRC resolving vs. Jolla board contact).
- A new e-mail was set up with some more technical details and sent back to GeneralAntilles (to be forwarded to x-fade).
Action Items:
- N/A
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