2014-05-13 Meeting Minutes
Meeting held on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)
Attending: Ruediger Schiller (chem|st), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme).
Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
- Discussion on arranging the next Maemo Council election
- Discussion on maemo.gitorious.org
Topic (Discussion on arranging the next Maemo Counco election):
- Juiceme has made the announcement of the election.
- Woody has been very helpful and provided juiceme assistance on running the voting machine.
- Juiceme has not yet had time to create a test election.
Topic (Discussion on maemo.gitorious.org):
- HiFo was contacted by Nokia/Microsoft about the use of maemo.gitorious.org to the Maemo community and if it needs to be kept alive in this way as they want to discontinue the contract with gitorious.org.
- Chem|st approached Gitorious' staff about possible solutions working out for us and Techstaff is looking into proper backups of these gits and hosting them our own.
Action Items:
- N/A
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